
  • 网络Vanilla Air
  1. 去年,全日空买下了亚航持有的亚航日本股份,并将其改名为香草航空(VanillaAir)。

    ANA bought AirAsia 's stake in the business and rebranded AirAsia Japan as Vanilla Air last year .

  2. 在一名坐轮椅的乘客被迫“爬梯上机”事件发生之后,日本香草航空已就此作出道歉。

    Japan 's Vanilla Air has apologised after a wheelchair user was forced to crawl up a set of stairs to the plane .

  3. 全日空旗下低成本航空公司香草航空已为此事进行道歉,并宣布新措施来帮助机场的轮椅使用者。

    Vanilla Air , a budget airline subsidiary of All Nippon Airways , has apologised for the incident and announced new measures to aid wheelchair users at the airport .