
  • 网络Hong kong housing society;HKHS
  1. 继续与香港房屋协会及市区重建局紧密合作,协助旧楼业主妥善管理及维修楼宇。

    Continuing to closely work with the Hong Kong Housing Society and the urban renewal authority to assist owners of older buildings to properly manage and maintain their buildings .

  2. 目前由房屋委员会或香港房屋协会所管辖的屋内,有否单位被用作存放物品用途;

    Whether there are any units in the housing estates under the management of the housing authority or the Hong Kong Housing Society that are currently being used for storage purposes ;

  3. 最多人投诉的机构是房屋署、惩教署、土地发展公司、地政总署、香港房屋协会、市政总署、入境事务处、医院管理局、政府总部和民政事务总署。

    The organisations receiving the most complaints were : housing department , correctional services department , land development corporation , lands department , Hong Kong Housing society , urban services department , immigration department , hospital authority , Government Secretariat and home affairs department .

  4. 香港房屋署结构工程师协会

    Hong Kong Housing Department Structural Engineers Association