
  • 网络Marschino
  1. 伊丽莎白的下午茶则比较温和,通常是一杯香草酒以及诸如巧克力饼干蛋糕一类的甜点。

    Her Majesty 's afternoon tea has a tamer vibe ; she usually selects a simple herbal drink and a dessert , such as pie or chocolate biscuit cake .

  2. 目前,这种酒在都柏林市中心的威斯汀酒店内的薄荷酒吧里出售。这种酒的成分包括加入了香草的伏特加酒、有200年历史的干邑白兰地以及纯度为23K的黄金薄片等。

    The " Minted " cocktail a vanilla and chocolate Martini on sale at the Mint Bar in central Dublin 's Westin Hotel includes vanilla-infused vodka , 200-year-old cognac and flakes of23-carat gold .

  3. 深郁的宝石红色,迷人的红浆果类香气附着香草气息,酒体柔和且有鲜果般的平滑及轻柔的单宁。

    Deep ruby red , with lovely aromas of red berries and hints of herbs . A soft wine with forward fruit , and smooth , velvety tannins .

  4. 深红宝石色,散发出多种成熟葡萄以及香草的香气,酒体丰满柔和,体现拜牙谷的典雅风采。

    Coloured with a nice red ruby note , this wine releases multiple aromas of maturated grapes and vanilla , very harmonious in taste , his structure and his tannins give him a very good balance .