
  • 网络hydraulic system
  1. 辊压机油压系统的改进设计及计算

    The Improvement Design on the Hydraulic System of the Roller Press and a Calculated Example

  2. 快速调整型油压系统&爪子及指头等压力调整方便,发挥机器最佳性能。

    Quick-adjustment Hydraulic System : Quick regulations on pincers & fingers , maximizing machine performance .

  3. MBC&2.7型复极式离子膜电解槽国产化油压系统

    Domestic oil-pressure system for bipolar type ion-exchange membrane electrolyzer MBC-2.7

  4. 全油压系统,压力大,工作性能稳定可靠。

    All hydraulic systems , greater pressure , stable and reliable performance .

  5. 详细介绍了目前造气油压系统存在的问题及解决措施。

    This article describes the existing problems and countermeasures for gas-making oil pressure system .

  6. 浅议造气油压系统

    Study on Gas-making Oil Pressure System

  7. 煤气炉油压系统存在问题时,应仔细查找原因,对症处理,不要盲目照搬其他厂家经验。

    When oil pressure system of gas furnace has problems , you should carefully find the causes .

  8. 压底使用油压系统,压力足、效果好、不脱底。

    The hydraulic system can provide sufficient pressure , produce a good attaching effect and cause no slackness .

  9. 煤气炉油压系统大阀门变向慢的原因及改进设想

    Causes for Slow Change in Direction of Major Valves Controlled by Hydraulic System of Coal Gasifiers and Tentative Improvement Ideas

  10. 具有整机装配的手电两用油压系统,使整机结构紧凑,操作方便。

    Machine torch assembly with dual-use a hydraulic system , so that whole structure is compact , easy to operate .

  11. 海水液压系统仅使用海水或普通水作为工作介质,它较之普通油压系统优点甚多。

    This paper makes a comprehensive survey of the hydraulic system which uses only sea-water or water as working fluid .

  12. 用于挖掘机、振动式压路机、汽车起重机、钻井机等工程机械油压系统的油冷却器。

    Oil cooler for hydraulic circuit of engineering machinery , such as excavator , vibratile roller , car-lifter & drill rig .

  13. 介绍了离子膜电解槽国产化油压系统的原理、组成及液压油的选用和使用中应注意的事项。

    The principle , composition , selection of hydraulic fluid , matters needing attention in use of domestic oil-pressure system for ion-exchange membrane electrolyzer are introduced .

  14. 汽油发动机动通过三角传送带和齿轮箱体连接,齿轮箱主动轴连接油压系统。

    The petrol engine is connected with the gearbox body through a triangular conveying belt , and the driving wheel of the gearbox is connected with the oil hydraulic system .

  15. 从炉底滑道改造、封闭机架、油压系统、给煤系统的改造几方面,阐述了造气系统设备改造的重要性。

    Expound the importance of the gas device reconstruction from the skid road reconstruction , blocking the frame , the reconstruction of the oil pressure system and coal supply system .

  16. 包括固定于机架上的汽油发动机与齿轮箱体、油压系统、插植机构和行走轮驱机构。

    The utility model comprises a petrol engine fixed on a machine frame , a gearbox body , an oil hydraulic system , a planting device and a walking wheel driving device .

  17. 本机主要用于将已经粉碎的海绵与胶水混合,然后装入模具后,经油压系统压成相应要求密度的再生海绵。

    The machine is mainly used to crushing foam has been mixed with glue , then through the mould , pressed by the hydraulic system , the corresponding density of the regeneration of sponges required .

  18. 该蝶阀的油压系统,利用二段节流来控制蝶阀的关闭速度,开始时关闭速度较快,以减少飞车时间的持续和速率上升;

    The butterfly valve of the hydraulic system , the use of bis cutting butterfly valve to control the closing speed , turn off the start of faster time to reduce the speed and rate of the sustained rise ;

  19. 介绍了计算机集散控制系统和集成油压系统在水煤气生产应用中的功能特点以及在安装中的注意事项,并同自动机水压控制系统进行了经济效益比较。

    This paper mainly describes the function and installation notes of the DCS of computer and the integrated oil control system applied to the water gas production control , the economical benefit of it compared with the hydraulic automatic operator .

  20. 横田(YOKOTA)株式会社,以开发油压伺服系统为核心;

    YOKOTA Inc. , take developping the hydraulic-pneumatic servo system as the core ;

  21. 内燃式油压动力系统方案研究

    Study on Scheme of Internal Combustion Oil Hydraulic Power System

  22. 磁悬浮列车油压制动系统的开发

    Development of the Hydraulic Brake System on Magnetic Levitation Trains

  23. 智能油压监测系统的研制

    Development of Intelligence Oil Pressure Monitor System

  24. 改造抽真空设备的电源系统、抽气嘴系统、保温盒系统和油压剪系统。

    Reform of vacuum equipment , reform suction system , insulation box and oil pressure system of vacuum equipment . 5 .

  25. 介绍了四川青城山磁悬浮列车油压制动系统的开发及制动计算。

    Described are the development and braking calculation of the hydraulic brake system on magnetic levitation trains in Qingchengshan of Sichuang Province .

  26. 在这种情况下,就很有必要使用一种全新的模式来设计一种新型油压测控系统。

    In this case , it is necessary to use a new model to design a new hydraulic measurement and control system .

  27. 刹车总泵是汽车油压刹车系统中重要部件,它直接影响着汽车刹车性能。

    Brake master cylinder is an important vehicle components on a hydraulic brake system , which affects the performance of automotive brake directly .

  28. 提出了一种新型内燃式油压动力系统,该系统集成了内燃机与柱塞式液压泵技术。

    One new type of internal combustion oil hydraulic power system was put forward , which integrated the technologies of internal combustion engine and oil plunger pump .

  29. 某厂油压机系统的两台油冷却器,在投入使用后不到一年的时间里(实际使用8个月),发现换热管有泄漏现象。

    Only after one year ( actuary service period : 8 months ) of use , the leakage occurred in the exchange tube of two coolers which were in a plant oil-compress system .

  30. 刹车泵的主缸体是汽车油压刹车系统中重要零件,它的加工质量将直接影响着整个汽车的刹车性能,关系着行车安全,因此提高其质量就显得十分重要。

    The main cylinder of brake pump is an important part in automobile oil hydraulic brake system . Its processing quality directly affects the performance of the entire automobile and traffic safety ; so improving its quality is very important .