
yóu chǐ
  • dipstick
油尺[yóu chǐ]
  1. 量油尺是用来探查引擎中的剩余油量的。

    A dipstick is used to measure how much oil is left in an engine .

  2. 液位必须位于油尺的两个标记之间。

    The fluid level must be between the markings on the dipstick .

  3. 此输出类似于汽车油尺。

    This output is analogous to the oil dipstick in a car .

  4. 现在可在油尺上读到正确的液位。

    Now the correct fluid level can be read on the dipstick .

  5. 将油尺从导管上拆下以便于安装。

    Remove the oil dipstick from the guide tube to facilitate installation .

  6. 从导管上拆下装配时使用的油尺。

    Remove the oil dipstick from the guide tube for the assembly work .

  7. 不能用油尺进行此项检查。

    This cannot be checked with the oil dipstick .

  8. 油尺或组合仪表的读数不正确。

    Incorrect reading of oil dipstick or instrument cluster .

  9. 读取油尺上的标记即可检查液位。

    The fluid level can be checked by reading the marking on the dipstick .

  10. 变速箱油:将车停于平地,启动发动机,查看量油尺。

    TRANSMISSION FLUID : With car on level ground , start the engine and check the dipstick .

  11. 他刚把散热器里灌满了水这位女士又找他要根新量油尺。

    As soon as he had filled the radiator the lady asked him for a new dipstick .

  12. 量油尺,万向接头,呆接头,汽车排吸油复合管。

    Oil feet of universal joints , stay , joint , car row oil absorption multiple tube .

  13. 因为更换机油量已经减少,所以要使用新的油尺。

    Because the oil change quantity has been reduced , a new oil dip stick will be used .

  14. 可用组合仪表中的显示屏或油尺检查发动机油位。

    The engine oil level can be checked using the display in the instrument cluster or the oil dip stick .

  15. 让引擎关闭,等大约10分钟,让机油沉积在曲轴箱的底部,然后卸去引擎机油尺。

    With engine OFF , allow approximately ten minutes for oil to settle to bottom of crankcase , remove engine oil dipstick .

  16. 在一个寒冷刺骨的冬夜,他必须爬到铁路油罐车的顶上用量油尺检查油面位置。

    On a bitterly cold night , he had to clamber to the top of a dozen rail tankers to check oil levels with a dipstick .

  17. 针对量油尺容易弯曲和不能测量低液位的问题,提出改进量油尺结构的两项措施。

    Aiming at the problems that dip sticks are easy to bend and low oil level can 't be mea-sured , the writer puts forward two measures improving the structure of dip sticks .