
  • 网络Oil bubble;confit
  1. 但由于受流型、油泡直径及吸收系数等因素的非线性影响,使得测量模型难于建立。

    Because of the nonlinear effect caused by flow pattern , oil diameter and absorption coefficient etc , it is difficult to establish the measurement model .

  2. 他们用干树皮和薄荷油泡了一壶茶,我们望着一场冷雨,我打开了这话题。

    They brewed a pot of tea from dried bark and peppermint , and as we watched a cold rain fall , I pressed my case .

  3. 轻质油消泡剂的评选及配制

    Choice and Compounding on Foam Elimination Agent of Light Oil

  4. 润滑油抗泡机理的研究Ⅰ.泡沫的流变行为及表面粘弹性能

    Antifoaming Mechanism of Lubricating Oil ⅰ . Rheology and Surface Viscoelastic Properties of Bubbles

  5. 新型润滑油消泡剂的开发及应用

    Synthesis and Application of a New Anti-Foaming Agent

  6. 这些橄榄在辣椒油里泡过,其中一些还塞着小辣椒。

    They have been marinated in chilli oil , and some have been stuffed with tiny hot peppers .

  7. 润滑油抗泡机理的研究Ⅱ.助泡剂对泡沫倾向的影响及抗泡剂配伍性能

    Antifoaming Mechanism of Lubricating Oil ⅱ . Effects of Additives on Bubble Properties STUDY ON THE ANTI INFLAMMATORY MECHANISM OF BAICALIN

  8. 高效纤维油剂消泡剂的研制

    Preparation of High-performance Antifoaming Agent for Fiber Finishes

  9. 金属清净剂在不同的基础油中抗泡性能各不相同。

    The foaming properties of metallic detergents in different internal-combustion engine oils were mainly studies .

  10. 采用含硅聚醚作消泡主剂,配以适宜的石油烃溶剂和醚类乳化分散剂制备纤维油剂消泡剂。

    Antifoaming agent for fiber finishes was prepared from silicon polyether with petroleum hydrocarbon and ether emulsion dispersing agent .

  11. 本文论述了研究润滑油硅油抗泡剂加入方法的意义和必要性。

    The significance and necessity of studyition the adding methods of lube oil silicon-type anti-foaming agent were described in this paper .

  12. 按作用在油气微泡上势力的性质和特点提出了油气藏微渗漏的垂向分区结构,即划分为渗漏区、阻隔区、聚集区和迁移区。

    According to nature and characteristics of potential force , exerting on microbubble , a four zone vertical structure of microseepage is determined , i.e. zones of seeping , partition , accumulation and transportation .

  13. 水平管内油气水三相泡状流-弹状流转换的研究

    An Investigation on the Bubble-to-Slug Transition of Oil-Gas-Water Three-Phase Flow in Horizontal Tubes

  14. 将鸡蛋和糖混合打发,加入胡萝卜丝和油,面粉和泡打粉混合过筛,再加入盐和肉桂粉。(每加入一样都要稍微拌匀一下再加下一样,但也切忌过度搅拌)。

    Preparation : Beat the eggs with the sugar until the mixture is foamy , add the carrot and the oil , followed by the flour with the yeast , the salt and the cinnamon .

  15. 该新闻网址上写道实际上麦当劳薯条是使用19种材料做成,包括防止食用油飞溅的消泡化学物质、使薯条颜色一致的葡萄糖(一种糖)以及为人熟知会引起身体炎症的酸式焦磷酸钠。

    The news website says that there are actually 19 ingredients , including an anti-foaming chemical to stop oil from splattering , dextrose ( a type of sugar ) which gives fries a uniform color , and sodium acid pyrophosphate which is known to cause inflammation in the body .

  16. 以有机烃油作溶剂、有机硅油作消泡成分、SP60和脂肪酸聚氧乙烯醚为乳化剂及低分子醇类作防凝剂制备一种硅醚乳液消泡剂。

    The silicone ether emulsion used as anti-foaming agent was prepared using hydrocarbon oil as solvent , organosilicon oil as anti-foaming component , SP-60 and fatty acid polyoxyethylene ether as emulsifier and lower alcohol as anticoagulant .

  17. 在研究油气微渗漏特点的基础上,根据油气微泡迁移模型和流体力势概念,建立了油气微渗漏动力学参数与地层孔隙结构的函数关系。

    Based on concepts of microbubble transport model and fluid potential , a function of dynamical parameters of hydrocarbon microseepage and stratum porosity is established .

  18. 丁香油和糖精本来就已够令人恶心的,更盖不过杜松子酒的油味儿。泡法丰富细腻、有效清除油污和多余油脂,令肌肤清爽洁净。

    The cloves and saccharine , themselves disgusting enough in their sickly way , could not disguise the flat oily smell ; Have abundance foam , clean out the dirt and over oil , let skin clean and refresh .