
kěn gú tou
  • gnaw a bone;pick out the residual meat on the bones with teeth;pick a bone;a job that was difficult and not very profitable
啃骨头 [kěn gú tou]
  • (1) [gnaw a bone;pick a bone]∶用牙剥食骨头上的肉

  • 那只狗在啃骨头

  • (2) [a job that was difficult and not very profitable]∶比喻难做的而又没有什么油水的工作,常和吃肉对举

  • 吃肉和啃骨头的事都得干

啃骨头[kěn gú tou]
  1. 我们的狗喜欢啃骨头。

    Our dog likes to gnaw a bone .

  2. 看着她的小狗在啃骨头。

    Watching her puppy gnaw a bone .

  3. 那狗在啃骨头。

    The dog was gnawing a bone .

  4. 狗在啃骨头。

    The dog is gnawing on a bone .

  5. 狗啃骨头,不需同伴。

    While the dog gnaws the bones , companions would be none .

  6. 一条狗在桌子底下啃骨头。

    A dog lay under the table , gnawing on a bone .

  7. 他看来活像啃骨头的老狗。

    He looked just like an old dog gnawing on a bone .

  8. 我是那只恨透了啃骨头的狼。

    I only hate the bite of the wolf bones .

  9. 一只狗和两只小狗正在啃骨头。

    One dog and two puppies are eating bones .

  10. 谈到尼安德塔人,也许你会描绘出这样的画面:一位穴居人在篝火前啃骨头。

    You might picture Neanderthals as cavemen gnawing on bones around a campfire .

  11. 那只狗在一个劲地啃骨头。

    The dog was chewing on a bone .

  12. 狗一股劲地啃骨头。

    The dog gnawed away on the bone .

  13. 狗啃骨头无同伴。

    A dog worrying a bone .

  14. 狗一股劲地啃骨头。哈里斯又来了一股劲,继续谈下去。

    The dog gnawed away on the bone . Harris went on with a small spurt of energy .

  15. 假牙基本上象真牙一样好使,只是不能啃骨头。

    This false one can almost work as real teeth , but just do not bite bones with them .

  16. 他们会找到一个话题,像啃骨头一样把这件事翻来覆去地炒作,直到另一根骨头出现,然后就去啃那根新的骨头。

    They will take an issue and they will gnaw on that bone , and gnaw on it over and over and over for days and days , until the next bone comes along , and then they chew the new bone .

  17. 在五分钟内,就会把他啃成骨头。

    And within five minutes , strip it to the bone .

  18. 把她的脸咬下来,啃她的骨头。

    Tear her face off , strip her to the bones .

  19. 曼联队是块难啃的骨头。

    Manchester United will be a tough nut to crack .

  20. 狗在拼命地挖洞,好藏它啃的骨头。

    The dog was furiously digging a hole to hide its bone in .

  21. 一只狗在咯吱咯吱地啃着骨头。

    A dog was crunching on a bone .

  22. 好狗应该啃好骨头,有功者受赏。

    A good dog deserves a good bone .

  23. 最难啃的骨头就是换能器,这个问题花了我们整整14个星期的时间。

    It took us a total of 14 months working on that one particular problem .

  24. 那只狗啃着骨头。

    The dog gnawed at the bone .

  25. 发笑鬣狗的双颌特别有劲,使它能够啃大骨头。

    The laughing hyena has tremendous power in its jaws , enabling it to crack large bones .

  26. 他们将是一个很难啃的骨头,即使大脑中最博学的人。

    They will be a hard nut to crack for even the brains of the most erudite people .

  27. 目前,横在我们和欧冠联赛之间的硬骨头叫做曼城,当然还有块不好啃的骨头叫热刺。

    At the present time there is an obstacle between us and CL football called Manchester City , with a hurdle in between called Tottenham Hotspurs .

  28. 吉米所得到的仅仅是一块狗啃的骨头,一个坑还有一大堆土,而不是财宝。

    Instead of treasure , all Jimmy had was a dog bone , a hole , and a big pile of dirt to fill it in with .

  29. 因为对您的敬爱,所以给您关怀,晚上被子要盖,别把手脚冻坏,没事啃啃骨头,那样可以补钙,每天自由自在,祝您天天愉快!

    Because of your love , so give you care , evening blankets to cover , don 't put hands perforated , fine chew bones that he can chew daily calcium , and freedom , wish your happy day !

  30. 笼子里的老虎在没精打采地啃一根骨头。

    The tiger in the cage gnawed listlessly at a bone .
