- 名grownups who are unwilling to work but live off their parents

NEET is an acronym for the government classification for people currently " Not in Employment , Education or Training . "
Are you gonna mooch offyour family all the time ?
Some become boomerang kids , only enjoy the life .
Hence NEET in Jq > an are entirely financed by their parents .
The boomerang kid phenomenon has become a social problem on a nationwide scale .
Receiving financial support from parents is the most common practice among the NEET group .
The boomerang child returned home to live with his parents after graduating from the university .
Perhaps it would be wise to take a closer look at the plight of mooching Millennials .
The Government has a target to reduce the proportion of young Neets to7.6 per cent by next year .
The latest annual data from the Department for Children , Schools and Families put the figure at10.3 per cent by the end of2008 .
And while I 'm a little younger than the age group stated in the report ( I fall into a slightly larger pool of " losers " ) , I share their pain .
Perhaps less well-known are the ken lao zu , the bite-the-old tribe , those between 25 and 35 who are underemployed or out of work , still at home and sponging off mum and dad .
NEETs , hikikomori or freeters may belong to a proportion of the younger generation who are unwilling to or incapable of putting up with the values imposed upon them by older generations and totalitarian society .
In Japan , NEETs are those who have rejected the accepted social model of adulthood in seeking full-time employment after graduation or further training through the governmental Hello Work schemes to obtain marketable job skills .
In addition , the university campus violence increased , rely on their parents and other phenomenon show that the contemporary college students for life and the value of life is not impressive enough , and even biased .
The number of 16 - to 18-year-olds branded as " Neet " - not in education , employment or training - has risen amid growing fears that school-leavers are bearing the brunt of job shortages in the recession 。
Tan suggested parents help their children lower expectations for their first job rather than compare them to their peers or help them become a NEET , defined as a young person not in education , employment , or training .
Tan suggested parents help their children lower expectations for their first job rather than compare them to their peers or help them become a NEET , defined as a young person " not in education , employment , or training . "
The online survey was conducted last month on 189 local residents to look into the phenomenon of the NEET group -- people Not in Education , Employment and Training -- from the perspectives of family income , way of life , and filial obligation .
The family structure develops from extended family to nuclear family , and return to extended family gradually , it also contains " humble abode family ", " the boomerang kids ", the appearing of these new phenomenon is an inevitable product of the social development .
The development of freeters and NEETs in Japan shows that the system of lifetime employment has disintegrated in the face of economic pressures together with globalization , where individuals are expected to innovate and communicate across cultures , and where a defined employee role may not exist .
The growth in the NEET population ( whose estimated size rose from 480000 in September 2002 to 520000 in September 2003 , according to the Japanese Ministry of Health , Labor and Welfare ) , has been met with concern by Japanese politicians , due to the potential impact it would have on the Japanese economy .