
kěn lǎo zú
  • grownups who are unwilling to work but live off their parents
  1. NEET(啃老族)是目前政府划分的“未就业、未受教育或未受培训”的人群的缩写。

    NEET is an acronym for the government classification for people currently " Not in Employment , Education or Training . "

  2. 你准备当一辈子啃老族?

    Are you gonna mooch offyour family all the time ?

  3. 有的干脆做起“啃老族”,只享受生活。

    Some become boomerang kids , only enjoy the life .

  4. 因此日本啃老族的经济完全靠父母资助。

    Hence NEET in Jq > an are entirely financed by their parents .

  5. 啃老族现象已成为全国性的社会问题。

    The boomerang kid phenomenon has become a social problem on a nationwide scale .

  6. 接受父母的经济支持在啃老族中是最常见的做法。

    Receiving financial support from parents is the most common practice among the NEET group .

  7. 这个啃老族在大学毕业之后,回到家中与父母住在一起。

    The boomerang child returned home to live with his parents after graduating from the university .

  8. 或许,我们应该更深入地探究一下这些啃老族的困境。

    Perhaps it would be wise to take a closer look at the plight of mooching Millennials .

  9. 英国政府计划到明年将年轻的啃老族比例减至7.6%。

    The Government has a target to reduce the proportion of young Neets to7.6 per cent by next year .

  10. 英国儿童、学校和家庭部的最新年度统计数据显示,截至2008年年底,英国的啃老族比例达10.3%。

    The latest annual data from the Department for Children , Schools and Families put the figure at10.3 per cent by the end of2008 .

  11. 在我比报道中提到的年龄段的人稍微年轻一点的时候(我是一个更大群啃老族中的一员),我也经历了他们的痛苦阶段。

    And while I 'm a little younger than the age group stated in the report ( I fall into a slightly larger pool of " losers " ) , I share their pain .

  12. 相比于蚁族,啃老族或许不那么有名:处于25到35岁之间,失业或无业,呆在家里,靠父母过活。

    Perhaps less well-known are the ken lao zu , the bite-the-old tribe , those between 25 and 35 who are underemployed or out of work , still at home and sponging off mum and dad .

  13. 啃老族、孤立者或飞特族可能属于那些不应或无法接受老一辈和极权社会将其价值观强加在他们身上的年轻人,

    NEETs , hikikomori or freeters may belong to a proportion of the younger generation who are unwilling to or incapable of putting up with the values imposed upon them by older generations and totalitarian society .

  14. 在日本,啃老族拒绝接受在毕业后寻找成人社会的全职工作或通过政府“你好,工作”计划接受符合市场需求的工作技能培训。

    In Japan , NEETs are those who have rejected the accepted social model of adulthood in seeking full-time employment after graduation or further training through the governmental Hello Work schemes to obtain marketable job skills .

  15. 此外,大学校园暴力增多,啃老族等现象凸显当代大学生对生命、生命价值的认识还不够深刻,甚至有失偏颇。

    In addition , the university campus violence increased , rely on their parents and other phenomenon show that the contemporary college students for life and the value of life is not impressive enough , and even biased .

  16. 这些既没读书、也没工作或接受任何培训的16岁至18岁的青少年被称为“啃老族”。随着“啃老族”群体的日趋壮大,人们越来越担心这些辍学者在经济衰退时期会首当其冲受到就业岗位减少的影响。

    The number of 16 - to 18-year-olds branded as " Neet " - not in education , employment or training - has risen amid growing fears that school-leavers are bearing the brunt of job shortages in the recession 。

  17. 谭主任建议父母帮助孩子降低他们第一份工作的期望值,而不是将他们与同龄人比较,或帮助他们成为啃老族,定义不是在教育、就业或培训的年轻人。

    Tan suggested parents help their children lower expectations for their first job rather than compare them to their peers or help them become a NEET , defined as a young person not in education , employment , or training .

  18. 谭主任建议父母帮助孩子降低他们第一份工作的期望值,而不是将他们与同龄人比较,或帮助他们成为“啃老族”,定义“不是在教育、就业或培训”的年轻人。

    Tan suggested parents help their children lower expectations for their first job rather than compare them to their peers or help them become a NEET , defined as a young person " not in education , employment , or training . "

  19. 上个月对189户当地居民进行了在线调查,从家庭收入、生活方式以及孝顺义务的角度以透视“啃老族”现象(不是处在教育、就业和培训阶段的人)。

    The online survey was conducted last month on 189 local residents to look into the phenomenon of the NEET group -- people Not in Education , Employment and Training -- from the perspectives of family income , way of life , and filial obligation .

  20. 家庭结构从以扩展家庭为主逐步发展到核心家庭,又慢慢开始回归到扩展家庭,包括现在又出现了蜗居族啃老族,这些新现象的产生,是社会发展到一定程度的必然产物。

    The family structure develops from extended family to nuclear family , and return to extended family gradually , it also contains " humble abode family ", " the boomerang kids ", the appearing of these new phenomenon is an inevitable product of the social development .

  21. 飞特族和啃老族的发展表明,日本的终身雇用制度已经在经济压力和全球化面前瓦解了。在这种形势下,个人必须具备创造性和跨文化交际能力,死板地工作是无法生存的。

    The development of freeters and NEETs in Japan shows that the system of lifetime employment has disintegrated in the face of economic pressures together with globalization , where individuals are expected to innovate and communicate across cultures , and where a defined employee role may not exist .

  22. 据日本卫生、劳动和福利部门的统计,啃老族的规棋已经由2002年9月的48万增长到了2003年9月的52万。啃老族的增长已经引起了日本政界的关注,因为他们对日本经济有潜在的影响。

    The growth in the NEET population ( whose estimated size rose from 480000 in September 2002 to 520000 in September 2003 , according to the Japanese Ministry of Health , Labor and Welfare ) , has been met with concern by Japanese politicians , due to the potential impact it would have on the Japanese economy .
