
  • 网络surveyed unemployment rate;investigation unemployment rate
  1. 为了搞好失业调控和促进就业工作,应当完善失业统计体系,逐步引入调查失业率统计指标。

    In order to control unemployment and promote employment , the unemployment statistic system needs to be perfected , and the statistic index of investigation unemployment rate should be gradually introduced .

  2. 1-9月,城镇新增就业超过1000万人、与去年同期相比多增了十几万人,31个大城市调查失业率保持在5%左右。

    From January to September , more than 10 million urban jobs were created , over 100,000 more than that of the same period of last year . Surveyed unemployment rate has stayed at around 5 % in 31 big cities .

  3. 全年全国固定资产投资比上年增长2.9%。12月份,全国城镇调查失业率为5.2%,2020年年均城镇调查失业率为5.6%。

    The country registered a 2.9-percent growth in fixed-asset investment in 2020 . The surveyed urban unemployment rate nationwide was 5.2 percent in December and 5.6 percent on average in the whole year .

  4. 今年以来,中国经济运行稳中有进,上半年GDP同比增长7.6%;5%的调查失业率和2.4%的通胀率,均处于合理、可控范围。

    This year there has also been steady economic progress . In the first half of this year , GDP grew by 7.6 per cent year-on-year . Surveyed unemployment at around 5 per cent and inflation at 2.4 per cent are both within the reasonable and manageable range .

  5. 目前来看,31个大城市官方的调查失业率稳定在5%左右。

    The official " surveyed " unemployment rate was 5 percent .

  6. 中国11月城镇调查失业率为5.2%,较10月下降0.1%。

    China 's surveyed urban unemployment rate stood at 5.2 percent in November , down by 0.1 percent from October .

  7. 鉴于中国目前仍然缺乏一个可用于国际比较的调查失业率,文章在最后分析了这一普查失业率数字是否高估或低估了中国城镇真实的失业水平。

    The paper analyses to what extent the urban unemployment rate from the census can reflect the reality of unemployment in urban China .

  8. 中国3月份城镇调查失业率为5.3%,比去年同期低0.6个百分点。

    China 's surveyed urban unemployment rate stood at 5.3 percent in March , 0.6 points lower than the same period last year .

  9. 中国的目标是,2020年城镇新增就业900万人以上,城镇调查失业率控制在6%左右。

    China aims to add over 9 million new urban jobs in 2020 , and keep the surveyed urban unemployment rate at around 6 percent .

  10. 失业率方面,2018年末,全国城镇调查失业率为4.9%,远低于政府5.5%的年度目标。

    unemployment , China 's surveyed urban unemployment rate stood at 4.9 percent last year , well below the government 's annual target of 5.5 percent .

  11. 在批评人士质疑登记失业率准确性之后,在2014年,作为补充,调查失业率被引入进来。

    This rate is based on research in 31 major cities and was introduced in 2014 to serve as a supplement to the " registered " urban jobless rate after critics questioned its accuracy .

  12. 这次公布的失业率名叫“调查失业率”,这代表了在特定城市中生活,并且半年没有工作的所有有能力工作的居民,包括那些户口在农村的外来务工人员。

    Called the " survey unemployment rate , " it represents the percentage of people without jobs among all those who have lived in a given city for at least six months and are capable of work , including migrant workers whose households are registered in rural areas .

  13. 3月份非官方调查的失业率为5.17%,处于可以接受范围。与官方数据不同的是,非官方数据囊括了在劳动力中占一大部分的农民工的就业情况。

    The unofficial ' survey ' unemployment rate - which unlike the official figure also covers joblessness among migrant workers who comprise the bulk of the labor force - was a still tolerable 5.17 % in March .

  14. 但是,我现在所考虑的是,在下周家庭劳动力调查数据和失业率数据结果公布之后,就业市场的信心是否会遭受巨大打击?

    However I wonder if this confidence in the employment market is going to take a big hit next week with the release of the Household Labour Force Survey and unemployment rate .

  15. 不过,针对家庭的波动较大的另一项调查更加令人鼓舞。该调查显示失业率降至6.6%,而主要驱动因素是人们找到工作,而非退出劳动力市场。

    The separate and more volatile survey of households was more encouraging , however , showing a decline in the unemployment rate to 6.6 per cent that was driven more by people finding employment than dropping out of the work force .