
  • 网络adjustment assistance;adjustment aid
  1. 第三,通过扩大贸易调整援助计划(tradeadjustmentassistance),加大对失业者的帮助。

    Third , expand help for the unemployed by enlarging the trade adjustment assistance programme .

  2. 因此,奥巴马总统正在谋求国会尽快批准《韩国与美国自由贸易协定》,以及必要的“贸易调整援助”计划(TradeAdjustmentAssistance)。

    So , for all these reasons , President Obama is pursuing congressional approval of KORUS , together with necessary Trade Adjustment Assistance , as soon as possible .

  3. 论我国制定产业调整援助政策的几个问题

    Some Issues about Formulating the Aid Policies of Industry Adjustment

  4. 我国实施产业调整援助的原因及政策建议

    The Reasons Aiding the Implementation of Industrial Adjustment and Suggestions

  5. 10.通过资源停用计划提供的结构调整援助

    10 . Structural adjustment assistance provided through resource retirement programmes

  6. 贸易调整援助已显著扩大。

    Trade adjustment assistance has already been expanded dramatically .

  7. 11.通过投资援助提供的结构调整援助

    11 . Structural adjustment assistance provided through investment aids

  8. 通过生产者退休计划提供的结构调整援助

    Structural adjustment assistance provided through producer retirement programmes

  9. 论美国外贸法中的调整援助

    On the Adjustment Assistance in American Trade Act

  10. 就内容而言,该制度应包括对工人、企业及产业的贸易调整援助。

    As for contents , they should include those for workers , firms and industries .

  11. 与其他贸易救济措施相比较,贸易调整援助具有国家福利性、公平性和温和性等特征。

    Compared with other relief measures , the TAA is featured in national welfare , fairness and gentleness .

  12. 我国贸易调整援助制度的创设应遵守经济效率原则、国家利益原则和合法性原则。

    The establishing of the TAA legal system should follow the principles of economical efficiency , national interests and legality .

  13. 如果将贸易促进权与贸易调整援助计划捆绑在一起,他们会鼓动大家反对,他们反对该援助计划,称这是在浪费纳税人的钱。

    Now they are encouraging opposition if trade promotion authority is linked to trade adjustment assistance , which they oppose as a waste of federal tax dollars .

  14. 欧盟贸易调整援助制度目前面临挑战主要体现在干预标准的门槛设定、大小成员国的地位差异和基金运行监管等困难。

    Nowadays the challenges faced by European TAA are reflected in setting the threshold for intervention criteria , the role disparities among member states and monitoring the running of fund .

  15. 其次要降低退出壁垒,健全和进一步发展资本市场,同时要实行产业调整援助政策,为企业从过度竞争产业顺利退出创造条件。

    Government needs to optimise the entrance barriers , minify the retreat barriers , develop the asset market further , and offer aids to the plants in the excessive competition industry ;

  16. 在当前国际贸易形势下,我国贸易调整援助制度的立法目标应主要定位在促进自由化,提升传统产业和新兴产业的国际竞争力层面上。

    In current international trade situation , the legislative aims of the TAA legal system in our country should be anchored in enhancing the international competitiveness of traditional industry and new industry .

  17. 贸易调整援助是政府提供的针对由于贸易自由化政策的不利影响而遭受利益损害的企业或工人提供的一系列旨在帮助其通过自身调整,提升国际竞争力的援助计划或措施的总称。

    The TAA refers to a series of aid planning and measures aimed at helping enterprises and workers , who suffer from loss because of the trade liberalization , enhance their international competitiveness through self-adjustment .

  18. 为了这些劳动者、他们的家人以及他们所生活的社区的利益,我敦促那些对《贸易调整援助法案》投反对票的国会的议员们重新考虑考虑,站在美国劳动者的位置上慎重决定。

    leaving as many as 100000 American workers on their own.For the sake of those workers , their families , and their communities , I urge those Members of Congress who voted against Trade Adjustment Assistance to reconsider , and stand up for American workers .

  19. 美国首个调整性援助计划可追溯到1962年。

    The first adjustment assistance programme in the US goes back to 1962 .

  20. 然而,几乎没有严肃的贸易经济学家反对提供调整性援助。

    However , there is hardly any serious trade economist who has objected to providing adjustment assistance .

  21. 之后,世行和其它援助机构根据该国自身战略调整其援助工作&这是一个经证明可以提高援助效果的方法。

    The Bank and other aid agencies then align their assistance efforts with the country 's own strategy & a proven way of improving development effectiveness .

  22. 贸易援助可以帮助有关国家应对这些供方的限制性因素,也可以用来帮助那些需要对其贸易自由化转型期调整费用给予援助的国家。

    Aid for trade can help countries address these supply-side constraints and help countries who need assistance with the transitional adjustment costs associated with trade liberalization .