
  • 网络Import Factor
  1. 具体来说是指信用额度到底是由进口保理商确定还是由出口保理商确定。

    Specifically referring to lines of credit in the end whether by the import factor or by the export factor is determined .

  2. 第三章阐述了保理业务中进口商、出口商和进口保理商存在的违约风险。

    Chapter III deals with factoring importers , exporters and import factor there is the risk of default .

  3. 首先,从供应商与出口保理商、债务人与进口保理商、出口保理商与进口保理商、俱应商与债务人等四个角度分析了国际保理当事人之间的权利义务关系;

    Firstly , the dissertation analyzes the rights and obligations between the parties of international factoring .

  4. 第二部分简要介绍了国际保理中涉及到的各方当事人,包括出口商与出口保理商之间、出口保理商与进口保理商之间、进口商与进口保理商之间、出口商与进口商之间的法律关系。

    Part B. Introduce the basic parties of factoring , which include the supplier , the debtor , the export factor and the import factor , and legal relationships between them . Part C.