
  • 网络Imported distributors;import merchant
  1. 现代中国经销商WangRongzhen7月20日向路透社指出,现代汽车已经缩减提供给中国进口经销商的产品阵容,仅提供一款车型供销售,而在中国国产的车型不断增加。

    The group 's leader , Wang Rongzhen , told Reuters on Wednesday that the automaker has scaled back the range of models it supplies to dealers in Hyundai imports in China , only consistently supplying one model , while steadily increasing car manufacturing in China .

  2. 目前,现代汽车在中国有近40家进口经销商,其中30家经销商要求退网赔偿。

    The group seeking compensation represents 30 of the roughly 40 remaining imported Hyundai dealers in the country .

  3. 在网上流传的一份信件中,代表大众进口车经销商的一个协会抱怨称,尽管经济增长放缓和竞争激烈,但大众仍坚持过高的销售目标。

    In a letter circulating online , an association representing dealers that sell imported VWs have complained of persistently high sales targets , despite slowing economic growth and intense competition .

  4. 专业直投到各地进口类食品经销商。

    We can post the journal to the imported food distributors in the country directly .

  5. 全国工商联汽车经销商会数据显示,自2014年进口现代中国经销商网络已经缩减了一半。

    According to the China Auto Dealers Chamber of Commerce , which is helping to organise the dealers , Hyundai 's import-only dealer network has already halved in size since 2014 .