
  • 网络Import Bill Advance;Inward Bill
  1. 但无论法学理论界、金融机构,还是司法实践中对进口押汇涉及法律适用、法律关系、各方权责等的诸多问题存在较大争议。

    However there are disputes over import bill advance and its application , legal relations , and rights and obligations of parties involved among researchers , financial institutions and legal practioners .

  2. 第三,银行应当注意对进口押汇中有关合同条款进行完善;

    Third , the band should improve the clauses of its contract .

  3. 进口押汇业务中的担保法律问题研究&兼对《物权法(草案)》担保物权编的修改建议

    On the Legal Problem of Guarantee in Import Mortgage

  4. 进口押汇是否形成一种新的法律关系。押汇负责书,押汇保证书

    If negotiation under guarantee for import forms a new relation . Letter of hypothecation

  5. 试述进口押汇有关法律问题与风险防范

    The Legal Issues and the Risk Prevention of the Import Documentary Bill On the Bill Counterargument

  6. 进口押汇是国际贸易中经常使用的短期融资方式。

    Import bill discount is a type of short term financing frequently used in international trade .

  7. 最后,银行还应通过规范业务流程等多种方式对进口押汇中的信用风险加以控制。

    Last , the bank should control its risks by regulating it business procedure and other means .

  8. 作为短期贸易融资的一种重要业务品种,进口押汇在各银行类金融机构中广泛开展。

    The inward documentary bill purchase , an important tool of short-term trade financing , are widely conducted in various banking institutions .

  9. 第二章主要分析银行在进口押汇中所面临的风险,第三章在提出了一点防范分析的建议。

    The second chapter explains the main risks which the banks must face to in the process of the Import bill purchase .

  10. 有的学者认为进口押汇中风险产生的原因是进口押汇的担保机制不完善,希望能通过担保方式的完善来避免进口押汇中的风险。

    Some scholars think the reasons lies in the imperfect guarantee system and wish to perfect the way of guarantee to avoid risks .

  11. 本文拟以法律移植理论为工具分析信托收据的本土化问题,以利于我国银行业进口押汇业务的进一步发展。

    In this article the author analyzes the localization of Trust Receipt with the theory of naturalization in order to develop the operation further .

  12. 目前我国的国有商业银行主要的国际贸易融资业务包括进口押汇、打包放款、出口押汇、授信开证等。

    The international trade financing service that the bank provides to the importer and the exporter allows the convenience between import and export business .

  13. 同时阐明了进口押汇中的押是与信用证法律关系中银行在单据上的质押权不同的。试述进口押汇有关法律问题与风险防范

    Legal relations differs from the secured interest from Inward documentary bills . The Legal Issues and the Risk Prevention of the Import Documentary Bill

  14. 随着我国进出口业务的迅猛发展,采取进口押汇的形式进行贸易融资是商业银行为拓展金融业务开发的新型产品。

    With the rapid development of import and export business , trade finance by means of import bill advance has been rendered as one of the financial services by commercial banks .

  15. 不难看出,信托收据是整个进口押汇业务的关键环节,既是整个押汇业务法律关系的基础,也是最容易产生风险的环节。

    Obviously , trust receipt is a key in the inward documentary bill purchase because it not only acts the basis for the legal relationship of the documentary bill business , but also bears most risks in the entire transaction .

  16. 另外,进口押汇业务中,押汇银行面临的客户资信风险、市场风险和信托收据带来的风险,都使得押汇行的利益得不到保障。

    In addition , the Inward Documentary Bills business , faced by the negotiating bank customer credit risk , market risk and the risks of trust receipt , makes the bill advance the interests of the line can not be guaranteed .

  17. 第二章介绍了进口押汇中的一个重要概念&信托收据,说明通过信托收据放单是进口押汇中的关键环节。

    The second chapter explains the concept of trust receipt , one of the most important concepts in the important bill system , and concludes that trust receipt is key instrument when releasing all sets of the documents to the importer against the trust receipt .

  18. 反映在我们进口押汇的实践上,就是在以大陆法为参考制定出来的我国法律体系中,没有配套的法律制度给信托收据以足够的法律支持。

    When it comes to the practices of inward documentary bill purchase according to the Chinese law system , which refers to the civil law systems , there turns out to be no corresponding institutions of law to provide the trust receipts with enough legal supports .

  19. 第五章作为全文的总结篇,在对上述问题分析研究的基础上,对国内银行叙做进口押汇业务存在的问题进行反思,并对我国进口押汇的法律构建提出粗浅的见解。

    The fifth chapter as the summary of the full text , in response to the question mentioned above in the basic analysis , puts forward some solution on the problems encountered by domestic commercial banks and an immature conception of legal construction of inward documentary bills of China .

  20. 进口贸易融资业务涉及了进口开证额度、信托收据、进口押汇、提货担保、进口代收押汇等;

    For import trade finance , it includes limit for letter of credit , trust receipt , inward bills receivables , delivery against banking guarantee , inward documentary collection advance and etc.