
jìn chū kǒu yín hánɡ
  • export-import bank;Ex-Im Bank
  1. 这四个机构将使中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)和中国进出口银行(Export-ImportBankofChina)本已相当可观的财务火力如虎添翼。

    These four institutions will add to the considerable financial firepower of the China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China .

  2. 在巴哈马群岛的赌场建设项目中,中国进出口银行(Export-ImportBankofChina)提供了25亿美元贷款,约占项目融资总额的三分之二。

    For the Bahamas casino , about two-thirds of the project financing is coming from a $ 2.5bn loan by Export-Import Bank of China .

  3. 本文结合中国进出口银行国际结算系统的特点,对网上国际结算系统进行了分析和改进,并结合WebServices技术对国际结算系统核心模块进行详细设计和实现。

    Combining with the Web Services Technology , this thesis makes detailed design and implementation for the core module of the International Settlement System .

  4. 中国进出口银行(chinaeximbank)的贷款帮助中石化获得了安哥拉一个大型项目的部分股权。

    Loans from China Exim Bank helped Sinopec acquire a stake in a large project in Angola .

  5. 然而,如今韩国人和资金雄厚的中国人也加入了进来,特别是中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)和中国进出口银行(exportimportbankofchina)。

    But now they have been joined by the Koreans and by the vastly deeper pockets of the Chinese , particularly China Development Bank and Export Import Bank of China .

  6. 如今,美国却面临因关闭其进出口银行(Export-ImportBank)而进一步损及自身的危险。

    Now the US is in danger of inflicting more damage on itself by shutting down its Export-Import Bank .

  7. 而希拉里可能的对手杰布布什(JebBush)则表示,他会关闭美国进出口银行。

    Jeb Bush , her likely opponent , said he would close Exim .

  8. 中国两家政策银行——国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)和中国进出口银行(Export-ImportBankofChina)充足的放贷能力,可能改善了中国建筑设备制造商今后数年签署合同的前景。

    The lending firepower of China 's two policy banks - the China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China - is likely to enhance the prospect of contracts for Chinese construction equipment makers in coming years .

  9. 迄今为止,这一目标还算无害,因为这只不过意味着一种官僚重组,以及来自进出口银行(export-importbank)的贷款略有增加。

    So far this has been fairly harmless , since it amounts to little more than bureaucratic reshuffling and a bit more lending from the Export-Import Bank .

  10. 我们将发展公私伙伴关系,利用我们的进出口银行、石油输出国组织(OPEC)和非洲企业理事会(CorporateCouncilonAfrica)等组织的努力,后者所从事的一项工作是发现有创新想法的年轻企业家并对他们投资。

    We will pursue public-private partnerships , leveraging the efforts of our export-import bank and OPEC and organizations like the Corporate Council on Africa that identify and invest in young entrepreneurs with innovative ideas .

  11. 这些分包商的融资又来自中国进出口银行(ChinaEx-ImBank)等中资政策银行提供的出口信贷和优惠贷款,从而很容易受到中国融资冻结的影响。

    These sub-contractors are in turn financed by export credits and concessional loans from Chinese policy lenders such as the China Ex-Im Bank – thus creating the vulnerability to a freeze in Chinese finance .

  12. 然而,中国一些财大气粗的政策性银行,比如中国国家开发银行(CDB)和中国进出口银行(ChinaExport-ImportBank),为在越南新建发电站提供了巨额优惠贷款。

    However , with deep pockets , Chinese policy banks such as China Development Bank and China Export - Import Bank have offered billions of dollars of concessional loans for new power stations in Vietnam .

  13. 中国进出口银行在短短两年里发放了大约6700亿美元信贷——超过美国进出口银行(USExImBank)在之前80年期间提供的贷款、担保和保险。

    The latter has in the space of two years doled out about $ 670bn in credit - eclipsing all of the loans , guarantees and insurance extended by the US ExIm Bank in the previous eight decades .

  14. 齐安兹一直支持创建一个“大部”,职责是促进贸易和商业,并管理进出口银行(export-importbank),这个提议此前因国会阻扰而被搁置。

    Mr Zients has been a proponent of creating a superministry , to take in trade and business promotion as well as the Export-Import Bank , an initiative that was initially sidelined by opposition in Congress .

  15. 拉斯金还提到了中国多家开发银行为中国出口商提供廉价信贷的问题。美国担心,中国这么做,会将美国自身的进出口银行(Export-ImportBank)及其支持的美国出口商挤出市场。

    Ms Raskin also discussed the issue of China 's development banks providing cheap credit to Chinese exporters , which the US fears will crowd out its own Export-Import Bank and the US exporters it supports .

  16. 但他表示,他还感到担心的是,共和党人正推动不为美国进出口银行(USExport-ImportBank)提供新的资金。美国进出口银行的行长是弗雷德•霍赫贝格(FredHochberg),该行将于今年6月耗尽资金。

    But he said he was also concerned about the current push by Republicans not to renew funding for the US Export-Import Bank , led by president Fred Hochberg , which is due to run out of money in June .

  17. 不过,北京方面提供这些资金和相关政策建议的三大渠道——中国国家开发银行(CDB)、中国进出口银行(ChinaExport-ImportBank)以及中国驻各国使馆——在他们针对的国家似乎都遭遇棘手的可信度问题。

    However , Beijing 's three main conduits for that money and related policy advice - the China Development Bank , the China Export-Import Bank and its local embassies - appear to struggle with credibility issues in the countries they target .

  18. 今年1月,菲律宾国家水务机构mwss放弃亚行,转而向中国进出口银行(chinaexport-importbank)贷款,理由是中方银行提供的贷款利率更低,审批过程也更快。

    In January , mwss , a state water agency in the Philippines , switched its borrowing to the China Export-Import Bank from the ADB on the grounds that the Chinese were offering cheaper rates and faster approval .

  19. 进出口银行贷款帮助女企业主MonicaGaimo为其在阿鲁沙的建筑企业购买了机械设备,这使得企业有能力承接更多高端项目。

    The Exim bank loan helped entrepreneur Monica Gaimo buy machinery for her construction business in Arusha , allowing it to take on more high-end projects .

  20. 这使得支持美国进出口银行(Eximbank)愈发重要,如果不想让美国企业处于劣势的话。

    That makes it all the more important to sustain Eximbank , if US companies are not to be put at a disadvantage .

  21. 进出口银行也面向崭露头角的女企业主提供创新型储蓄账户服务。该账户名为Tumaini(斯瓦西里语,意为“希望”)账户。

    Exim also offers an innovative savings account for budding women entrepreneurs called the Tumaini Account ( Swahili for " hope ") .

  22. 进出口银行提供的企业和金融知识培训旨在培养妇的女创业技能,而Gaimo正是通过该培训发现女企业主融资项目的。

    Gaimo discovered the WEF program through business and financial literacy training provided by Exim Bank that aimed to build entrepreneurship skills among women .

  23. 她说,目前,进出口银行通过其21个分支机构面向全国大部分地区实施女企业主融资项目,提供Tumaini账户服务。

    The WEF program and the Tumaini account are now offered at Exim ' s21 branches in most regions of the country , she says .

  24. 去年,中国进出口银行(Eximbank)承诺将在未来3年向非洲基础设施及贸易项目提供200亿美元发展资金,金额超过了所有西方捐赠承诺的总和。

    Last year , the Chinese Eximbank pledged $ 20bn in development funds for African infrastructure and trade financing over the next three years , funds that outstripped all western donor pledges combined .

  25. 助力中部崛起&访中国进出口银行董事长、行长李若谷

    China Eximbank to Help the Rise in Middle Part of China

  26. 进出口银行希望进一步拓展到农村市场。

    The bank would like to expand further into rural markets .

  27. 除美国主权担保以外,美国进出口银行不提供任何补贴。

    Barring the US sovereign guarantee , exim provides no subsidies .

  28. 中国进出口银行将加大对中国出口商的信贷规模。

    China Exim Bank to expand credit loans to Chinese exporters .

  29. 李若谷:进出口银行业务的新突破

    Li Ruogu : the breakthrough and development of China EXIM

  30. 中国进出口银行因势而变

    The Export-Import Bank of China Is Changing to Meet the New Situation