
  1. 最后提出了基于教育银行的个人终身教育帐户制度的设想。

    Last , it has proposed the idea of individual life-long education accounts system based on the educational bank .

  2. 高校党风廉政建设视域中的廉洁教育银行高级职员薪金高。

    Incorruptness education in the building of the probity party and honest government in higher education institutes Bank officers are well-paid .

  3. 第二部分论述了继续教育学分银行制度的类型与功能。

    The second part of this paper is to discourse the types and functions of the credit bank system of continuing education .

  4. 同时健全政府、高校、银行、学生四位一体的管理体制,完善我国新建立的个人信用征信体系,建议成立教育发展银行和开展生源地贷款。

    Meanwhile perfects four integrated management system such as government , colleges and universities , banks , and students , and improve our newly established personal credit rating system .

  5. 而继续教育学分银行制度正是一种在终身教育体系框架下,能够满足社会成员个性化学习与终身学习的学分管理制度。

    And the credit bank system of continuing education is a credit management system which is to meet the purpose of personalized learning and lifelong learning of people under the framework of lifelong education system .

  6. 远程教育实施学分银行管理模式的思考

    A Reflection on the Realization of Distance Education Credit Bank Management Mode

  7. 特别是,这些成员要求提供关于专业服务、教育服务和银行结算、清算和转移服务收费的信息。

    In particular , those members requested information on professional services , educational services , and charges for settlement clearing and transmission services of banks .

  8. 在教育部世界银行教育发展项目的支持下,北京大学基础医学院建立了生物医学实验教学中心(简称实验中心)。

    Teaching Laboratory Center of Biology and Medicine ( TLCBM ) has been designed and established in School of Basic Medical Science , Peking University under the support of Program of Education Development from the World Bank .

  9. 两国已先后签署了关于贸易、保护投资、旅游、陆地运输、避免双重征税、引渡罪犯、教育合作、银行等协议,这些协议的签署为两国发展平等互利的友好合作打下了坚实的基础。

    Agreements about trade , Investment , tour , land transportation , avoidance of double taxation , extradition , education , bank have been reached by the two country . These agreements have laid a solid foundation for their friendly corporate relation .

  10. 本文提出网上教学设计的关键在于加强互动的观点,并结合电大开放教育试点货币银行学课程的具体实践,从一个中心、两个结合、三个原则等方面进行了具体阐述。

    This article argues that the key of teaching design on internet lies in interaction , then it discusses the teaching practice of " Economics of Money and Banking " with the guidance principles of " one center , two integrations , three principles " .

  11. 尽管自1994年互联网引入中国以来,网民数量一直增长,但调查显示,大多数网民对网上聊天和娱乐较感兴趣,而不是网上求职、网络教育和网上银行。

    Although the number of China 's Internet users has been on the rise since 1994 , when first introduced to the country , the research showed most users were interested in chat rooms and entertainment , and not job searches , education , and e-banking .

  12. 面对巨大的教育贷款需求,银行有充足的资金作后盾,为我国助学贷款提供了现实可能。

    Banks can provide ample funds to ensure the realization of grant loans .

  13. 联合会主席张丽丽说:教育、卫生、银行和创意产业为女性的职业发展开辟了领域。

    Education , health , banking and creative industries have opened up field for women 's career development , said Zhang Lili , president of the federation .

  14. 推进高职教育的“学分银行”工作,既要看到共性,更要注重其特殊性。

    Advancing the work of the credit bank in higher vocational education we must not only realizes its common property but also pay attention to its special property .

  15. 想想看,我竟然天真地做过梦,以为身居高位的、住高楼大厦的、受过教育的、有银行存款的人全鄙高贵呢!

    And to think of it , I dreamed in my innocence that the persons who sat in the high places , who lived in fine houses and had educations and bank accounts , were worth while !