
  • 网络education savings;education deposit
  1. 教育储蓄今后如何发展?这是一个值得思考的问题。

    How will the education savings develop in the future ?

  2. 关于兼含教育储蓄功能的新型住房补贴模式的构建

    Constructing a new housing allowance mode containing the function of education savings

  3. 加拿大注册教育储蓄计划(RESP)简介&大学教育的资金准备

    Canada RESP Briefing & Fund Preparation for College Education

  4. 为小孩读大学存钱的家长中只有三分之一的使用纳税优惠的储蓄存款帐户,比如529计划或Coverdell教育储蓄帐户。

    Only a third of the college savers used a tax-advantaged savings account like a529 plan or Coverdell account .

  5. 我为了他的教育储蓄了一些钱。

    I saved something toward his education .

  6. 教育储蓄刍议

    The comment on the educational savings

  7. 或者,他们可心为自己的退休或子女们的大学教育储蓄一部分的家庭收入。

    Or they can save some of the family income for retirement or the children 's college education .

  8. 鉴于教育储蓄是一个好的开始,越早储蓄钱备用越好。

    When education savings account is a good start , you 're never too young to put money aside .

  9. 《1997年纳税人救助法》主要包括了“希望奖学金”课税扣除、“终身学习”课税扣除、教育储蓄计划、贷学金利息扣除等内容;

    The act contains " hope scholarship tax credits "," lifetime learning tax credit ", education savings plans , loans interest deduction and so on .

  10. 教育储蓄政策实行八年以来,取得了一定的成绩,但也面临着一系列问题。

    During the eight years that the Chinese education savings has been carrying out , it acquires definite achievement , at the same time , it also faces a series of problems .

  11. 中国教育储蓄是国家在科教兴国理念下,为促进教育事业的发展做出的战略决策,它以政策性的优惠措施激励家庭储蓄。

    Chinese education savings is the strategic decision that China made to promote the development of education according to the concept of rejuvenating the country through science , its policy of preferential measures to encourage household savings .

  12. 从为他准备一份保险计划,您更可以教育他储蓄的重要性。

    By getting an insurance policy for your son , you can educate him about the importance of savings .

  13. 你应该为你的大学教育经费而储蓄。

    You should save up for your college education .

  14. 如果农村收入没有提高,农民被迫为医疗和教育开支而储蓄,那么国内消费就无法增长。

    Domestic consumption will not grow if rural incomes do not improve and if rural residents are forced to save for their medical and educational expenses .

  15. 本论文旨在对教育贷款、教育储蓄、教育保险中存在的法律实施、制定与完善的突出问题进行探讨,以合理发挥金融手段在促进教育发展中的功能。

    The paper focuses on the research of important law implementation , enforcement and improvement involved in education debiting , education saving and education insurance to exert the available functions of financing solutions in promoting the development of education .

  16. 学校开设理财教育课、培养正确的理财消费观念,倡导教育储蓄,参与家庭管理,提倡艰苦奋斗,是正确引导的关键。

    And to this , offering the course of managing money matters education in schools , developing their correct concepts of consumption , encouraging education saving and advocating arduous struggle are of great importance .