
  • 网络educational administration system
  1. 柬埔寨教育行政体制改革研究

    Research on the Reform of the Educational Administration System in Cambodia

  2. 新时期我国教育行政体制的改革与思考

    Thoughts on Educational Administration System Reform in the New Era of China

  3. WTO与我国高等教育行政体制的应对

    WTO and the Response of the Administrative System in Chinese Higher Education

  4. 文化演进与教育行政体制变迁

    Cultural Evolvement and the Variance of Educational Administration System

  5. 教育行政体制中的基本结构关系分析

    Analysis of the Basic Structure in Educational Administration System

  6. 试论高等教育行政体制改革的趋势

    The Trend of the Reform of Our Country ′ s Higher Education Administration System

  7. 基层教育行政体制层级增加,行政人员增多,教育成本增加。

    With the increase of grass-rooted education administrative systems , the staffs and education cost increased .

  8. 在政府行政体制改革的框架内,教育行政体制改革有其自身的特点。

    Within the framework of the reform of the government administration system , the reform of educational administration system has its own characteristics .

  9. 制度变迁是累积性的因果关系,教育行政体制变迁必然蕴涵文化演进。

    System variance is the accumulative relationship between cause and effect , and the variance of educational administration system include cultural evolvement necessarily .

  10. 研究的内容主要包括制度创新的理论渊源、中国传统高等教育行政体制存在的弊端、创新的可能性及实现途径、目标模式展望等。

    The contents of the research include the theoretical origins of system innovation , the drawbacks in the traditional administrative system of higher education in China .

  11. 如何构建政府与公立学校的行政法律关系,是教育行政体制改革的核心问题之一。

    How to establish the administrative legal relation between government and public schools is one of critical questions in reforming the educational administrative system in China .

  12. 根据我国教育行政体制,制定了校园集体舞的推广策略,包括行政干预策略、教学推广策略和竞赛表演策略。

    According to the administrative system of education , school group dance developed promotional strategies , including administrative intervention strategies , teaching strategies to promote strategies and competitive performance .

  13. 笔者主要从美国历史、美国教育行政体制、美国文化和现代管理学理论等方面对美国的教育督导制度进行了解读,从而对美国教育督导制度的形成和发展有了一个较为清晰的认知。

    The author knew about it from American history , political & economic system , American culture and management theory , so got a very clear knowledge in the engendering and developing of the system .

  14. 但由于我国长期实施中央集权的教育行政体制,高等教育领域计划经济色彩浓重,大学基本上依附于和听命于政府机关特别是教育行政部门。

    But because for a long time , the administrative system of education in our country is centralized , higher education tends to be planned economy . University basically depends on and is answerable to government , especially the Department of Education Administration .

  15. 所以,研究教育行政体制改革的问题对于指导我国教育行政体制改革具有十分重要的意义。

    According to the above spirit , the research on the Reform of Educational Administration System is a major matter to provide the guidance not only for Administrative Reform in our country , but also for Ministry of Education , Youth and Sports .

  16. 浅谈我国的教育行政管理体制改革

    With the superficial discuss of our country 's the reform of

  17. 第二是高等航海教育行政管理体制隶属关系比较。

    The second is the comparison of the higher education administration system subordinate relations sailing .

  18. 法、美、日三国教育行政管理体制的特点及其启示

    Features of the System of Educational Executive Management in France , America and Japan & Its Enlightenment

  19. 本文从四个角度对中美高等航海教育行政管理体制进行比较。

    This article selects four Angle of higher maritime education administrative system of China and the United States .

  20. 从中观层次的教育行政管理体制模式、办学体制模式与教学管理制度模式改革;

    The medium-level reform of administrative system patterns of education , patterns of running schools and patterns of educational management ;

  21. 目前新型的高等教育行政管理体制运行模式已初步形成,并有待进一步完善。

    The current administrative system of higher education in the new operation mode shape , but to be further deepened .

  22. 我国高等教育行政管理体制创新的思考高等教育行政管理体制分析&论政府与高校行政管理关系

    An Analysis of the Administrative System of Higher Education & The Relation between the Government and the Administration of Higher Education

  23. 再次,研究法国、英国以及美国的高等教育行政管理体制,从中学习其先进经验。

    Thirdly , we should study French , British and American higher education administrative management system , to learn its advanced experience .

  24. 第二部分:教育行政管理体制是国家私学观最重要的表现形式之一。

    Part two : system of the education administration management is one of the most important show of national views on private school .

  25. 因此,重新审视我国现行的教育行政管理体制成为基础教育改革的关键。

    Therefore , the rethinking of the system of educational administration and management has become the key to the elementary and secondary educational reform .

  26. 通过定性分析、定量分析和对比分析等研究方法,分析了国外高等教育行政管理体制运行模式及经验借鉴。

    Through qualitative and quantitative analysis , comparative analysis , research methods , analysis of foreign higher education administrative system operating mode and Experience .

  27. 学前教育行政管理体制是学前教育健康、可持续发展的关键因素,对学前教育的发展起着引导、组织、监督、保障等重要作用。

    Preschool education administrative system , guiding , organizing , supervising and guarding the development of pre-school education , is a key factor for the healthy , sustainable development of preschool education .

  28. 高等教育行政管理体制,是有关国家各级高等教育行政机构的设置、隶属关系、职责权限划分诸方面制度的总称,它涉及到中央与地方、中央各行政部门之间、政府与高等学校之间的关系。

    The Higher Educational Administration System is a general concept . It relates to the relation of the central and the local , the different central departments of the government and the Higher School .

  29. 绝大多数高等教育机构在行政体制上由国家教育与宗教事务部管理,少数由其他部委监管;

    The majority of higher education institutions are governed by the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs and the rest are overseen by other ministries ;

  30. 第一是中美高等航海教育行政管理权力分配体制比较。

    The first is the higher comparing nautical education administrative power distribution system .