
  • 网络Hierarchical;hierarchy
  1. 企业组织结构演变趋势:层级制还是网络制

    Evolutionary Trend in Enterprise Organization Structure : hierarchy or Network

  2. 但是,由于它的层级制、专业化和形式合理性,往往并不能真正实现效率目标。

    The aim of efficiency , however , often fails to come true owing to its hierarchy , specialization and formal rationality .

  3. 在60年代和70年代的层级制公司中,信息流通缓慢,沟通渠道十分有限。

    In the hierarchical companies of the1960s and1970s , information moved slowly and channels of communication were limited .

  4. 在交易费用理论视野中,企业网络和市场、层级制企业一样,也是一种交易治理的制度安排。

    In the view of transaction cost theories , networks were treated as one kind of governance arrangement , like markets and hierarchies .

  5. 随着企业横向兼并、纵向合并和多元化投资的发展,中国若干规模较大的企业曾经进行过经理人层级制管理的尝试,但多以失败告终。

    With the help of mergence and acquisition and multi-investment , some large Chinese enterprises have already experimented corporate governance but ended up with failures .

  6. 产业区的治理模式由原先基于信任的自组织治理模式向基于股权、长期契约的准层级制治理模式转型。

    The governance of the industrial district has transformed from " self-organizing " mode based on trust to " quasi-hierarchical " mode based on ownership linkages and long-term contracts .

  7. 检验管理层的报酬、任期与选派方式对会计选择行为的影响。从管理层级制的视角探讨提高会计选择行为效率的途径。

    Based on tests of the impact of management compensation , term and designation , this paper discusses the methods to improve the efficiency of accounting choice behavior by management level .

  8. 层级制护理小组为单位排班模式在急诊科的实践虽然部分小学仍然采用上下午班制,但政府现正逐步推行小学全日制。

    Practice of Shift Arrangement Based on the Graded Nurse Team in the Emergency Department Some primary schools still operate on a bi-sessional mode but the Government is implementing whole-day primary schooling progressively .

  9. 理性官僚制是在自由资本主义时期产生,是和传统工业化相适应的一种行政管理模式。它具有专业化、层级制、法治化、非人格化、职业化、效果的可预见性等特征。

    The rational Bureaucracy management mode is the product of non-monopoly capitalism , which is suitable for traditional industrialization period . On the one hand , capitalism transited from liberal capitalism to monopoly capitalism .

  10. 不同阶段的资源配置中介对应不同的融资惯例,融资惯例经历了这样一个演进过程:从准水平层级制+限额交易到关系型融资再到关系型融资+市场导向型融资。

    Resource allocation intermediary in different stages is corresponding to different financial practices that undergo such a process : from quasi-horizontal administrative level system quoted transaction to relation style finance , and to market oriented finance .

  11. 该体系实质上为政府主导下解决农村药品供应体系购药渠道混乱、药品品种短缺等问题的层级制,其采用的主要方法是分解原体系存在的问题为不同利益相关者的功能。

    This system was hierarchical organization led by government in order to solve the problems such as purchasing channel confusion and pharmaceutical shortage . The institutional design planed to decompose the existing problems into different function of different stakeholders .

  12. 优化高校内部组织体系必须遵循以学生为中心的原则,对组织进行纵向的革新,使原来的层级制组织进行扁平化重组;

    To optimize the internal organization structure of the higher institutions , we must follow the " student 's-centered " principles for the " vertical " innovation of the organization , and do away with hierarchical system to recombine it .

  13. 而大型灌区和大型水利枢纽工程由国家进行投资,政府的投入能够克服农户或者其他主体搭便车的行为,最佳治理结构为层级制。

    And large-scale irrigated area and large-scale water control project are made the investment by the country , the input of the government can overcome the behavior that peasant households or other main bodies hitchhike , the best control mode is made for the level .

  14. 知识经济时代的来临催生了组织结构和经营模式的变革,要适应未来竞争的需要,必须打破原有严格层级制组织结构模式并重建组织概念、边界和运行机制。

    The age of knowledge-based economy urges the innovation of organizational structure and its managing mode , In order to adapt to the future competition , the original strict-layer organizational model needs to be changed for rebuilding the concept of organization and the boundary and operational mechanism .

  15. 在此超稳定结构中,资源配置通过政府中介(准水平层级制+限额交易+精神激励)完成,银行部门从属于政府,带标签的外在货币成为实现政府中介的重要工具。

    In this structure , the allocation of resources is implemented by government intermediary ( quasi horizontal administrative level system , quoted transaction & spirit encouragement ) . The banking system is a part of the government while labeled outside money is an important tool to realize government intermediary .

  16. 在组织理论中,学习型组织是针对理性官僚制组织由于职能分工、层级科制所形成的学习智障而提出的新型组织管理模式。

    In organizational theory , a learning organization is a new type of management mode .

  17. 长期以来,工业经济时代形成的层级官僚制政府管理模式,在知识经济的大潮中,弊端日益显现。

    For a long time , the management model of hierarchical bureaucracy formed at the age of industrial economy has revealed its serious drawbacks in the tide of intellectual economy .

  18. 包含着多个层级的股份合作制体制,是山区效益农业蓬勃发展的生命之源。

    The joint stock system is the key to the prosperous development of beneficial agriculture in mountainous district .

  19. 从民营企业的文化现状来看,民营企业文化层级偏低,家族制传统以及单纯的利益导向,妨碍了企业的持续发展。

    According to the actualities of privately operated enterprise culture , there are many questions to hinder the continual development of privately operated enterprise , including lower culture layer , familial tradition and driving by benefit .

  20. 作为母语国,应该编写出针对不同国别、不同区域、不同层级、不同学制学时、不同学习需求的各种旅游汉语教材以满足各类学习者的需要。

    As a mother tongue , should be prepared for different countries , different regions , different levels and different academic units , the diverse learning needs of a variety of tourism Chinese teaching materials to meet the needs of all types of learners .