
  • 网络levels;Hierarchy;Hierarchical;gradation;stratification
  1. 转换过程充分考虑XML数据的层次性、顺序性,尽可能多地保持XML模式信息以方便文档重构。

    Conversion process must take into account hierarchy and ordering of XML data , and keep the XML schema information as much as possible to facilitate document reconstruction .

  2. 实验结果表明,与传统的经典模型相比,本文模型在满足幂率分布的前提下,充分体现了Internet路由级拓扑的层次性。

    The experiments show that compared with the previous classical models , the model in the paper can fully reflects the hierarchy characteristics of Internet topology while preserving the power-law distribution of node degree .

  3. 基于Web的层次性网络配置管理系统

    Web-based Hierarchic Network Configuration Management System

  4. XML作为一种新兴的标识语言,由于其可扩展性、层次性表示数据以及内容与结构相分离等特点,已成为网络数据存储和交换的主要工具。

    XML is a new markup language and it has become the main tool of network data storage and exchange for its extendibility , tree data structure , separation of content and structure .

  5. 本文结合MEMS的层次性特点,提出了增强关联图的组装模型,并在组装关系纵横分类基础上,提出增强关联图的简化算法,最终采用拆卸法完成组装顺序的规划。

    This paper combines the characteristics of MEMS , put forward an enhanced liaison diagram as assembly model , and solve sequence planning with disassembly method .

  6. 在设计具有强层次性结构的网络时,Cayley图往往是首选。

    When designing a strongly hierarchical network , the Cayley graph will be the first topological model .

  7. 为此,提出了一个利用令牌机制与最小节点标识相结合,适用于层次性管理结构的基于图的MANET簇生成算法,以及对MIB(ManagementInformationBase)的建议性改进。

    Hence , a clustering algorithm based on graph with the token mechanism and node minimum identifier applied to hierarchical network management on MANET is proposed , as well as the amelioration to MIB ( management information base ) suggested .

  8. 借助于根移动锚节点,保持了移动IP层次性管理域内切换的优势;通过低层移动锚节点功能实体的增加,有效地避免了由于集中式网络中心节点失效给网络带来的影响。

    The using of root mobility anchor point ( MAP ) keeps the advantages of MIP handover in hierarchical field , moreover , the adding of lower MAP avoids the influence by the failure of center node in centralized network .

  9. 论文提出了一种称之为HierarchicalPeer-to-peerSearch(层次性点对点搜索)的体系来解决集中式搜索的中心节点瓶颈问题以及纯粹peer-to-peer搜索中的查询消息风暴和网络扩展性问题。

    An infrastructure , Hierarchical Peer-to-peer Search so called , is proposed to handle the central node bottle-neck problem in the centralized searching and the query message broadcast storm problem in the pure peer-to-peer searching .

  10. 目前,第4级层次性结构化IETM技术的发展已较为成熟,并在武器装备维修和训练领域中获得了广泛应用。

    Now , the 4th step hierarchy IETM has been developed maturely , which has been widely used in the fields of weapon maintenance and training .

  11. 建立了简单的MPLSDiff-Serv及移动性IPv6测试平台,测试验证了MPLS的区分业务和多绑定层次性移动的切换效果。全IP网络中的分层移动管理结构

    On the basis of that , a simple MPLS diff-serv and mobile IPv6 testbed was set up with the result of MPLS diff-serv and handoff of multi-binding hierarchical mobility . The Hierarchical Mobility Management in All IP Networks

  12. 在词汇语义研究方面,作者运用自己的分类思想并结合HNC理论,获得了层次性、条理性、有序性、参照性较好的词汇系统。

    In the respect of semantic classification , by using his own ideal and HNC ( Hierarchical Network of Concepts ) theory , the author constructs a hierarchical , clear , methodical and well-referenced vocabulary system .

  13. 全球网格是由形成地球表面剖分的一系列区域所组成,八面体四分三角网(QTM)是其中一种具有层次性的网格。

    A global grid consists of a set of regions that form a partition of the earth 's surface , octahedral quaternary triangular mesh ( QTM ), is one of hierarchical triangular tessellations .

  14. 通过构造特殊的数字序列,分析了小波系数过零点分层数与MPSK信号的电平数M的对应关系,详细讨论了MPSK信号不同的相位跳变模式与过零点层次性的内在联系。

    By constructing special digital signal sequences , the relation of the number of levels of zero-crossing points and the M value of MPSK signal was analyzed , and the phenomenon that different phase difference modes correspond to different levels of zero-crossing points was discussed in detail .

  15. 由IME构成的记忆结构是一个开放性的存储结构,可以实现记忆的层次性、语义性、时效性和灰度性,并提供在此记忆结构进行联想记忆的必要信息。

    The memory structure constructed by IME is an open storage structure , which can implement some properties of memory such as hierarchy , semantics , dynamics , and fuzziness , and provides the necessary information for associative memory mechanism based on this memory structure .

  16. 港口布局层次性的形成机理及经济分析

    Economic Analysis and Formation Mechanism on the Hierarchy of Port Layout

  17. 生态问题的相关性、层次性及其调控机制&以常德地区乡村生态系统为例

    Interrelations and Levels of Ecological Components and Their Regulating and Controlling

  18. 存储系统的层次性与进程数据存储模型

    The hierarchy of storage system and the process data storage model

  19. 歌唱训练过程中的层次性心理意境

    On the Serpentine Music Mind-world in the Process of Singing Training

  20. 论大学校园交往空间的层次性

    General Survey of the Levels of Contact Space in a University

  21. 政企分开改革的层次性

    The Reforming on the Two Level Separation of Government and Enterprise

  22. 海南省经济系统中经济增长存在层次性。

    Gradation is distinct of economic growth about Hainan province economic system .

  23. 第二,分析了复杂系统的层次性,给出了复杂系统多层次结构的数学描述;

    Secondly , complex system layers-structure is analyzed and described with mathematics .

  24. 旅游规划中资源调查与评价的层次性

    Gradations of Tourism Resources Investigation and Evaluation under Tourism Planning

  25. 论武术本质的层次性

    Discussing on the Hierarchy of Wushu Essence Discussion the Essence of Wushu

  26. 本论文立足于英语学科,就当前初中英语作业设计进行了调查,从中发现了一些问题,如作业量偏大、作业内容缺乏针对性、作业没有层次性。

    The thesis finds some problems in the design of English homework .

  27. 层次性:系统思想与方法的精髓

    Hierarchy : The Quintessence of System Theory and Method

  28. 党的指导思想是有层次性的。

    The Party 's guiding thoughts have ranking orders .

  29. 论理解的层次性与接受学习的取向&以乘法交换律的教学为例

    On Levels of Understanding and Adoption of Reception Learning

  30. 学习动机的多层次性;

    The multi - layer of the learning motivation ;