
shí zhì xìnɡ
  • materiality;substantiality
  1. 随着我国加入WTO和实施强制性产品认证制度,电子产品的电磁兼容已经进入到实质性实施阶段。

    With joining the WTO and practice compulsory product attestation system , the electromagnetism compatibility of the electronics product have entered the materiality stage .

  2. 《京都议定书》即将开始生效,其中规定的三机制之一的清洁发展机制(CDM)也即将进入实质性实施阶段。

    Kyoto Protocol will soon start produce effect , as one of the key mechanism of Kyoto Protocol , the clean development mechanism ( CDM ) also will soon enter the materiality implement stage .

  3. 会议没有取得任何实质性成果。

    Nothing of any substance was achieved in the meeting .

  4. 他们坚持认为该公司并未透露实质性的信息。

    They contend that the company failed to disclose material information .

  5. 实质性证据的性质和可用性毋庸讨论。

    The nature and availability of material evidence was not to be discussed

  6. 是否已经取得了任何实质性进展还是个问题。

    It 's questionable whether anything of substance has been achieved

  7. 到目前为止,两位首相还没有取得实质性成果。

    Thus far , the two prime ministers have achieved no concrete results .

  8. 他们计划不久在罗马再次会晤以开始实质性的谈判。

    They plan to meet again in Rome very soon to begin substantive negotiations .

  9. 稍许自私的行为不会对我们身边的人造成实质性伤害。

    A little selfish behaviour is unlikely to cause real damage to those around us

  10. 他必须令环境游说团体相信在减排方面将取得实质性进展。

    He has to satisfy the environmental lobby that real progress will be made to cut emissions

  11. 如果有什么东西能够破坏这种关系的话,那可能就是他们世界观方面存在的实质性差异。

    If anything sours the relationship , it is likely to be real differences in their world-views

  12. 上了年纪的人在他们这个人生阶段不会再有什么实质性的改变。

    Elderly people are not in a position to make drastic changes at this stage of their life

  13. 有35%的多数民众认为,经济改革不会带来实质性的变革。

    35 % of the population , a plurality , believed that the economic reforms would result in only insignificant change .

  14. 不过他们会导致稀缺资源的错误利用,因此带来一些实质性的影响。

    However , they have real impacts , as they result in misguided use of scarce resources .

  15. 研究人员还发现,智商、家庭社会和经济阶层对男孩们的表现没有实质性的影响。

    The researchers also found that IQ and family social and economic class made no real difference in how the boys turned out .

  16. IE浏览器于1995年伴随着Windows95电脑推出,推出后曾轰动一时,成功干掉了网景导航者浏览器,并在21世纪初达到了实质性的垄断地位。

    Internet Explorer debuted in 1995 as part of Windows 95 and became an instant hit . It successfully killed off Netscape Navigator , and it achieved a virtual monopoly in the early 2000s .

  17. 要想对环境做出实质性改变,狗主人需要和他们的狗一起少吃肉。

    To really make an environmental difference , owners would need to join their dogs in cutting down on the meat .

  18. 此外,通知还要求规范放贷机构及其外包合作机构营销行为。小额贷款公司要加强贷款客户身份的实质性核验,不得将大学生设定为互联网消费贷款的目标客户群体,不得针对大学生群体精准营销。

    Micro lenders should strengthen identity verification of clients and not make college students their target clients for online consumer loans or carry out targeted marketing aimed at them .

  19. 到2035年,中部地区现代化经济体系基本建成,基本实现社会主义现代化,共同富裕取得更为明显的实质性进展。

    By 2035 , the region should put in place a modern economic system , basically accomplish socialist and make substantial headway in common prosperity , according to the document .

  20. 而所提出的径基宽度取值方法和GAs则为网络性能和结构的实质性改善与优化提供了保障。

    Furthermore the proposed determination method for radial basis width and GAs guarantee the substantial improvement and optimization on the networks performance and structure .

  21. WTO反倾销协议允许成员国在倾销造成国内产业实质性损害或产生实质性损害威胁时采取反倾销措施。

    WTO Anti-dumping Agreement allows members to resort to anti-dumping measures when their domestic industries face material injuries from dumping imports .

  22. B超与CT平扫6例为囊实性肿块,2例为低回声或低密度的实质性肿块。

    Lesions were cystic solid masses , while other 2 were solid masses with hypo echo on US and hypo density on plain CT .

  23. 下一步就是做一些实质性的决定,以便确定照片共享动作如何映射到HTTP请求。

    The next step is to make some concrete decisions on how photo sharing actions map to HTTP requests .

  24. 实质性病灶在NP显著增强,而囊性病灶的CT值在各个扫描期没有差别。

    The parenchymatous focus was significantly enhanced in NP , the cystic focus did not have any difference in each phase .

  25. 我国加入WTO后,上市公司只有在制度建设方面取得实质性进展才是其生存的根本因素。

    After our country joins WTO , it is its basic factor of surviving that the listed company only makes substantive progress in institutional improvement .

  26. 2001年以来,ST公司的资产重组逐步由报表性资产重组转变为实质性资产重组。

    Since 2001 , ST listed companies ' surface reorganization has been gradually replaced by reorganization in the real sense .

  27. 以电压串联负反馈放大电路为例,证明用戴维宁定理(Thevenin'STHEOREM)对负反馈放大器作单向化变换,不是等效的变换,而且没能起到实质性单向化作用,即受控关系没有消除。

    It is proved that one-way conversion of negative-feedback amplifier by Thevenin 's theorem is not to be equivalent conversion . I is presented .

  28. 本文通过对目前方兴未艾的地理信息系统(GIS)技术进行探讨性开发研究,创新性地提出了把地理信息系统(GIS)组件COM技术应用在水运气体化学品泄漏事故中,取得了实质性的进展。

    We the developed and studied technology of GIS , used it on the spilling accidents of bulk gas chemicals , and made a great progress .

  29. 根据EVA思想设计经营者激励机制,对解决国有资产委托&代理问题更有实质性意义。

    Constructing the manager motivation mechanism based on EVA should have substantial meaning to solve the principal-agency problem of state-owned asset .

  30. 反对垄断、维护竞争,是市场经济的内在需求,是WTO规则的实质性要求,也是当今世界经济发展的主旋律。

    Fighting against monopoly to protect competition is the instinct demand of market economy , the reflection of WTO regulations , also the melody of the times in the world .