
shí dì kǎo chá
  • on-the-spot investigation;field work
  1. 利用洞庭湖水文观测站、环境监测站和实地考察资料,分析了洞庭湖湿地对氮(N)、磷(P)污染的净化功能。

    Useing of Dongting Lake hydrological observation stations , environmental monitoring data and on-the-spot investigation , Analysising of the Dongting Lake wetland on the N , P pollution-purification .

  2. 通过实地考察确定系统详细需求分析,并用UML的方法对去需求分析进行了描述,给出了各个操作的用例图。

    Through on-the-spot investigation to determine system requirements analysis in detail , using the UML method on demand analysis is described , various operational use case diagram is given .

  3. 实地考察时要穿过一条水流湍急的河。

    The field trip involved crossing a raging torrent .

  4. 实地考察为我们提供了另一个了解社区的机会。

    Field trips provide another opportunity to know the community .

  5. 一个学区应该有选择和实施实地考察的指导方针。

    A school district should have guidelines for selecting and conducting field trips .

  6. 每个家庭应该对实地考察有一定认识且允许孩子参加。

    Families must be made awareo of field trips and give permission for their children to participate .

  7. 很多学生除了通过实地考察,没有机会参加音乐会或是参观博物馆和历史景点。

    Many students don 't have the opportunity to attend concerts or visit museums or historical sites except through field trips .

  8. 杰西卡:是的,我们班上星期在学校做了一次实地考察。

    Jessica : Yes , My class were on a school field trip last week .

  9. 学生、老师和家长有很多特别的方法为实地考察筹集资金。

    Students , teachers and parents have many special ways to raise money for field trips .

  10. 一天,我们的老师西姆斯先生宣布我们要去实地考察。

    One day , our teacher , Mr. Sims , announced that we would have a field trip .

  11. 本文重在通过大量的实地考察和实践调研工作,总结了目前DM公司销售管理中存在的结构性和流程性问题。

    This article through a lot of field study and practical investigation summarizes the current DM company sales management in the presence of structural and procedural questions .

  12. 1982年6月中旬至7月中旬,作者参加了北京西南部百花山区(39°15′N、115°20′E)的植物生态学实地考察。

    From June 20 to July 20,1982 , a plant ecology field excursion to Bai Hua Shan ( 39 ° 15'N , 115 ° 20'E ) in Southwestern part of Beijing , was taken place .

  13. 该部分首先通过实地考察、问卷调查和访谈调查的方式,了解J县农村公共文化服务设施建设情况和需求状况。

    Firstly , this part learns the rural public cultural service facilities construction situation and demand conditions in county J by means of on-the-spot investigation , interview and questionnaire survey .

  14. 在深入实地考察的基础上,对造成郑东新区CFG桩施工主要问题的原因进行了探讨,得出触变、抽吸、振动剪切液化、渗流作用是引起施工问题的主要原因。

    The causes for the problems are discussed through the field investigation . The thixotropy , pumping , dynamic shear liquefaction and seepage are the main reasons .

  15. 本文以著名的大型国有企业C公司为研究对象,对其近几年内已建或者在建的项目进行实地考察、访谈调查,获得第一手的真实数据资料。

    This article take famous large-scale state-owned business C Corporation as the object of study , in the recent several years has constructed or the project which to it constructs is carrying in-the-spot investigation , the interview investigation , obtains the first real data information .

  16. 其次采用实地考察法,重点对场地现状特色资源进行研究,并通过SWOT分析法发现场地存在的问题。

    Secondly , through on-site review , the status of the venue and the related unique resources are explored , and also the existing problems with the venue is discovered through SWOT analysis .

  17. Faurie和Raymond通过实地考察和研究人种学文献,研究了几个凶杀率不同的、尚未工业化的社区。

    Faurie and Raymond studied several unindustrialised societies with varying rates of homicide , using their own fieldwork and ethnographic literature .

  18. 本文作者通过实地考察、调查研究、数据统计等方法,掌握了CRD新材料公司的大量资料。

    The author of this thesis got a lot of information about CRD New Material Company by investigation and collect the first hand data on the spot .

  19. 本文根据野外实地考察和14C年龄数据以及部分化学分析数据,探讨了海拉尔盆地盐湖的形成时期及环境。

    According to field survey and data of Radio Carbon Dating and chemical analysis , thls paper discusses the formation period and environments of Salt Lakes in the Hailar Basin .

  20. 作者在对德国FH实地考察的基础上,对其办学理念、办学体制、教育教学模式与方法进行了述评,并就我国高职教育的发展提出了一些对策和建议。

    With the impression and information collected from the field visit to the FH , the author provides the following personal statements on the concepts , system , modules and methodologies for running the education in FH .

  21. 但中国钢都唐山最近的形势连资深钢铁市场分析师都感到吃惊。麦格理银行(MacquarieBank)的刘博雅(BonnieLiu)表示:统计数字听上去令人沮丧,但实地考察的情况更是触目惊心。

    But the situation in Tangshan , China 's steel capital , shocked even a seasoned steel market analyst recently : The statistical data sound depressing , but what we observe on the ground is more devastating , says Bonnie Liu of Macquarie Bank .

  22. 干细胞科学家史蒂芬?明格(StephenMinger)去年曾率领一个英国的实地考察团去中国访问,他说,中国的医学研究和实验室如此先进成熟,令他大吃一惊。

    Stephen Minger , a stem-cell scientist who led a UK fact-finding mission to China last year , says he was stunned by the sophistication of its medical research and laboratories .

  23. 方法采用大学生健康调查表(UPI)对四川省部分高职高专院校2004、2005级学生进行调查;实地考察和访谈,了解四川省部分高职高专院校学生自杀预防与干预机制的建设与运行现状。

    Methods By using University Personality Inventory , on-the-spot investigations and interviews had been conducted among the students , Grades 2004 and 2005 in part of Sichuan 's vocational colleges , gaining first-hand information on the building and current running of the suicide-preventive and intervening mechanism in those colleges .

  24. 通过实地考察和理论计算分析,研究MBC-260磨煤机内原煤在磨盘上的运动状态,同时与MBC-225磨煤机进行对比,判断MBC-260磨煤机振动产生原因;

    The movement condition of raw coal on the refiner disc is studied by site investigation and theoretical calculation analysis . At the same time , it compares it with MBC-225 pulverizer to identify the vibration cause of MBC-260 pulverizer .

  25. 我明天要带学生做实地考察

    I 'm taking some students on a field trip tomorrow .

  26. 参会代表对工程建设区域实地考察。

    Representatives participating in the conference review the construction area .

  27. 费城的实地考察:和苏兹伯格学生合作。

    Field trip to Philadelphia . Work with Sulzberger students .

  28. 本文在分析论述过程中主要采用了实地考察调研,比较分析和归纳总结等方法。

    The analysing methods include field research , comparison , concluding and etc.

  29. 方法实地考察、结合沉积物粒度分析及历史文献资料考证。

    Methods Field research and aggradation lab analysis , historical data textual research .

  30. 实地考察,现场考察,出差实地考察一家财务管理公司

    Field trip On-site Visit to a Financial Management Firm