
shí jiàn
  • practice;experiment;carry out;put into practice;praxis;reduce to practice;make good;live out
实践 [shí jiàn]
  • (1) [practice;practise]∶指改造社会和自然的有意识的活动

  • 理论与实践相结合

  • (2) [make good]∶实际去做;履行

  • 实践诺言

  • 白求恩同志是实践了这一条列宁主义路线的。--《纪念白求恩》

实践[shí jiàn]
  1. 这一对比表明理论和实践之间有相当大的出入。

    The comparison shows considerable disagreement between theory and practice .

  2. 这一想法能否付诸实践还有待于观察。

    It remains to be seen whether or not this idea can be put into practice .

  3. 这门课程也包括实践经验。

    Practical experience is integral to the course .

  4. 这门课教的是理论,但没有任何东西能代替实践经验。

    The course teaches you the theory but there 's no substitute for practical experience .

  5. 会有笔试作为实践考试的补充。

    There will be a written examination to complement the practical test

  6. 天才通常都被认为行为古怪而且毫无实践能力。

    Geniuses are supposed to be eccentric and hopelessly impractical .

  7. 该课程比硕士学位课程更注重实践。

    The course is more practically based than the Masters degree

  8. 下一步是要将理论付诸实践。

    The next step is to put the theory into practice

  9. 不用说,理论和实践有时候并不相符。

    Needless to say , theory and practice sometimes diverged .

  10. 教学实践中经常会出现突然的变化与改革。

    Educational practice is liable to sudden swings and changes

  11. 我渴望参与其中,把我的理论付诸实践。

    I was itching to get involved and to bring my own theories into practice

  12. 在就医学研究专题讨论一天后,会议接下来的主题集中在教学实践上。

    Following a day of medical research , the conference focused on educational practices .

  13. 实践经验是无法替代的。

    There is no substitute for practical experience .

  14. 佛教伦理很简单,但其实践修行对西方人来说却很复杂。

    Buddhist ethics are simple but its practices are very complex to a western mind .

  15. 我大体上同意这一点,但是怀疑它是否能够付诸实践。

    I agree with it in principle but I doubt if it will happen in practice .

  16. 我采用传统授课与实践和指导相结合的方式教授心理学。

    I teach psychology by way of a range of traditional lectures , practicals and tutorials .

  17. 在法学院的最后一年,他开始着手实践自己的摇滚梦想。

    He began living out his rock ' n ' roll fantasy during his last year in law school

  18. 这几乎是一条普遍的真理:我们在某一工作中越往上晋升,实际运用那些当初在工作中经常实践的技能的机会就越少。

    It is an almost universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job , the less we actually exercise the skills we initially used to perform it .

  19. 将从书本上学来的知识付诸实践的机会很多。

    Opportunities to practice what has been learned from books are plentiful .

  20. 这一概念性理论源于实践经验。

    This conceptual theory comes from practical experience .

  21. 这样他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。

    In this way they can better apply theory to practice .

  22. 勇于实践,大胆创新。

    Be bold in putting things into practice and blazing new trails .

  23. 真理的标准只能是社会的实践。

    Only social practice can be the criterion of truth .

  24. 实践是检验真理的唯一标准。

    Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth .

  25. 先有实践,然后有认识。

    First we do practical work and , through it , we gain knowledge .

  26. 理论与实践不能脱节。

    Theory must not be divorced from practice .

  27. 实践是检验真理的惟一标准。

    Practice is the sole criterion of truth .

  28. 正确的思想来自社会实践。

    Correct ideas come from social practice .

  29. 实践出真知。

    Genuine knowledge comes from practice .

  30. 你要有知识,你就得参加变革现实的实践。

    If you want knowledge , you must take part in the practice of changing reality .