
  • 网络The English Bourgeois Revolution;revolution
  1. 本文通过对法国大革命、英国资产阶级革命和太平天国运动的案例分析,从几个方面证明了本文的理论模型对于现实具有较强的解释力。

    Analyses of French Revolution , English Bourgeois Revolution and Taiping Revolution demonstrate explanation strengths of the model .

  2. 沉默权制度是欧洲“人文主义思潮”的产物,是英国资产阶级革命的结果。

    The system of the right of silence was a product of European Humanism Movements , and a fruit of English Bourgeois Revolution .

  3. 论英国资产阶级革命初期的地主政治

    On the Landlord Politics in the Early Days of British Bourgeois Revolution

  4. 英国资产阶级革命保守性的几点质疑

    Query about the Conservative Characteristic of the British Bourgeois Revolution

  5. 17世纪英国资产阶级革命拉开了世界近代史的序幕,具有近代意义的自由主义思想由此产生。

    17th century England bourgeois revolution has begun the world modern history prologue , the liberalism which has recent meaning show its way .

  6. 随着英国资产阶级革命的进行,代表先进生产力的清教主义思想得到了迅速的扩张。

    With the bourgeois revolution in the conduct of the United Kingdom , on behalf of the advanced productive forces , Puritan ideology has been the rapid expansion .

  7. 本文认为,近代市场秩序思想发端于文艺复兴运动,历经宗教改革运动和英国资产阶级革命,到亚当?斯密那里基本形成。

    It holds that , such paradigm thought of market order originated from Renaissance , proceeded with the Reformation and the British Bourgeois Revolution , and was formed by Adam Smith .

  8. 近代意义的陪审制度萌芽于英国,资产阶级革命后陪审制度在普通法系国家走向成熟。

    After the bourgeois revolution , jury system in common law countries approached maturity .

  9. 洛克所处的17世纪的英国正当处于资产阶级革命时期,这是一个政权处于不稳定状态的时期。

    British was at the time of bourgeois revolution in the 17th century where John Locke lived in and at this time political power was in a state of instability .

  10. 英国中世纪是从诺曼征服到英国资产阶级革命的爆发这段时期,在一时期英国经历了巨大变化,奠定了现代国家的基础。

    Medieval England is from Norman Conquest to the Outbreak of Capitalism Revolution of England . During the time , England had experienced great changes , also founded a modern England .

  11. 十七世纪的英国社会经历着新旧社会的更替,在英国资产阶级革命的大背景下,代表着新兴资产阶级利益的清教主义思想兴起并走向繁荣。

    The seventeenth century British society was undergoing the replacement of old and new society . Under bourgeois the great background of revolution in the United Kingdom , representing the interests of the emerging bourgeois ideology , Puritanism raised and moved towards prosperity .