
  • 【物】experimental physics
  1. 实验物理和工业控制系统在Linux平台上的实现

    Implementation of Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System on Linux Platform

  2. 根据教材的编写原则和CAI研制的原则提出多媒体实验物理教材的编制原则。

    Based on the principles of compiling textbooks and developing CAI , we have concluded the compiling principles of multimedia textbooks of physics experiment .

  3. 从惯性约束聚变实验物理诊断需求出发,提出并分析了利用聚碳硅烷空心微球作为DT燃料容器实现扩散法充氩的可行性。

    The possibility of the use of polycarbosilane capsules as fuel container in inertial confinement fusion experiments was analyzed in the paper .

  4. 结合现有的实验物理基础和神光&Ⅲ原型系统规划,本文对ICF控制系统进行了详细完整的分析,包括外部环境、系统交互、用户需求以及基本流程,建立了系统交互模型和应用模型。

    Based on present ICF experiments and plan of the " Shen Guang III " prototype facility , we analyzed requirements of ICF control system in detail and completely .

  5. CORBA接口技术能极大地改善大型实验物理装置的系统建模、仿真和机器运行等高层物理应用软件的开发环境,提高软件可重用性、可维护性以及可移植性。

    EPICS interfaced with CORBA will greatly facilitate the design and development of high-level application software , improve software reusability and maintainability and provide an easy way to transplant software for modeling , simulation and machine operation analysis .

  6. 开放式创新型实验物理教学中心的建设与发展

    Construction and Development on the Opening and Creative Physics Experimental Center

  7. 过程控制综合实验物理实现与算法设计

    Physics Realize and Algorithm Design of Process Control in Comprehensive Experiment

  8. 多媒体实验物理教材的研究

    Study on the multimedia textbook of physics experiment

  9. 实验物理中的网络教学与管理

    Web teaching and governing in college physics experiments

  10. 实验物理教学与大学生创新素质教育

    The Experiment Physics Teaching and The University Students ' Creative Education for All-around Developments

  11. 实验物理化学与分析化学具有相似性,二者均以测量学为焦点。

    Experimental and analytical chemistry show similarity in that both have a measurement science focus .

  12. 实验物理考核方法研究与实践

    Practice and assessment on physics experiments

  13. 可倒摆实验物理机理研究

    Physical mechanism of reversible pendulum

  14. 对该层位渗透率等值图进行了分析,抽象出一个实验物理模型。

    An experimental model was developed , on the analysis of the permeability chorogram of this layer .

  15. 可编程逻辑控制系统在北京自由电子激光装置的实验物理和工业控制系统中的应用

    Application of programmable logic controller in experimental physics and industrial control system for Beijing Free Electron Laser facility

  16. USB/RS485转换器的设计及其在高能实验物理慢控制数据采集系统中的应用

    Design of USB / RS485 converter and its applicationin slow control data collection system of high energy physics

  17. 进行了教学实践,为以后更好的开展实验物理教学提供了理论和实践依据。

    To provided the theories and practice basis in order to develop physics experimental teaching better in the future .

  18. 建立了基于实验物理和工业控制系统的合肥光源直线输运线真空数据采集系统。

    This paper describes the building of vacuum DAQ system for HLS linac and transport line based on EPICS .

  19. 本文阐述了创新素质教育的内涵以及在实验物理教学中的实施。

    This text elaborates the connotation of the creative education for all-round development and the actualization in experiment physics teaching .

  20. 反卷积定理在应用数学、实验物理、信号分析系统和许多工程应用领域具有非常重要的价值。

    The theorem is of great importance to applied mathematics , experimental physics , signal analytical systems and some engineering applications .

  21. 他培养出的第一代实验物理人才,为英国物理学振兴构筑起了平台。

    The first generation of talents in experimental physics trained by him paved the road for the rejuvenation of British physics .

  22. 计算工作以及理论工作都和实验物理家和实验化学家合作。

    His work has included computer implementations and interpretative models ; applications have been carried out in collaboration with experimental physicists and chemists .

  23. 并在此基础上,研制开发了集多媒体仿真实验室和文本教材于一体的实验物理多媒体教材。

    We have excogitated the multimedia textbooks of experimental physics , a combination of emulation labs and textbooks , according to the principles .

  24. 由于计算物理已经不仅仅只是作为理论物理和实验物理面临困难时的辅助工具,更重要的是,计机模拟为我们格物穷理提供了一种新的思维方式。

    Computational physics not only supplement theoretical and experimental physics , but provides new ways of thinking physics also through directly computer simulations .

  25. 对于实验物理来说,研究实验室才是理所当然的训练场所。

    Discussion on Advantages and Disadvantages of " One Institute , Two Systems " in the Coach Concourse ; The research laboratory is the natural training ground in experimental physics .

  26. 当然,这种实验物理教学方法还存在许多不成熟之处,相信随着教学理论的完善和教育手段的开发,实验物理教学将会有更广阔的发展空间!

    Of course , there has much shortage in the method of Experiment Physics Teaching . But with the development of the instructional theory and means , the research on Experiment Physics Teaching will be made progress !

  27. 高离化原子体系在实验物理、天体物理以及核物理中是经常遇到的,研究他们的性质对于促进相关的实验物理及理论物理的发展大有裨益。

    HIA systems are frequently met in the study of the experiment physics , astrophysics and nuclear physics , the study of them is of great benefit for the development of the related experiment physics and theoretic physics .

  28. 文中还指出计算物理在其性质、方法及需要等方面不同于和独立于解析的理论物理和实验物理,而成为物理学的第三分支。

    It is also pointed out in this paper that computational physics is by its nature , methods and needs , so different from analytic theoretical physics and experimental physics as to constitute the third branch of physics .

  29. 这一研究工作是进行教材现代化改革的一次有益尝试,它对于提高实验物理课程的教学质量具有积极意义。

    This research is a beneficial attempt to the reformation of modernization of textbooks , which is not only significant in increasing teaching quality of experimental physics course , but also of referential value to reformation of the other courses .

  30. 奥钢联同约翰尼斯开普勒大学实验物理研究所联合开发了一种可以连续分析各种冶金炉中钢水化学成分的新型系统并命名为VAI-CON○RChem,已在真空脱气设备上成功进行了工业试验。

    VAI , in cooperation with the Institute of Experimental Physics of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz , Austria , has developed a new system which enables the continuous analysis of the chemical composition of steel baths in all metallurgical vessels .