
lǐ lùn wù lǐ xué
  • theoretical physics
  1. 位列第三的AkhilMathew的研究项目则是一项与理论物理学有关的代数课题。

    Third place honours went to Akhil Mathew for a maths project on studying algebraic structures with ties to theoretical physics .

  2. Milner,51岁,拥有一个从莫斯科州立大学获得的理论物理学高等学位,但为了宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的MBA放弃了在俄罗斯科学院的博士学位。

    Milner , 51 , holds an advanced degree in theoretical physics from Moscow State University , but abandoned a PhD at the Russian Academy of Sciences for an MBA at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania .

  3. 在过去的几个世纪中,基于Maxwell方程的电磁理论物理学取得了令人瞩目的成就。

    The conventional electromagnetic theory , based on Maxwell equations , has been successful in treating manifold problems in physics during the past century .

  4. MichioKaku是一名理论物理学教授,著有《PhysicsoftheImpossible》,那么,伦理在生命科学中真的重要吗,为什么这么重要呢?

    And Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist , physics professor and author of the book Physics of the Impossible . So , is this really a big deal ? Why is it such a big deal ?

  5. 理论物理学元态理论初探元态理论初步

    The preliminary study on the ultimate state theory of theoretical physics

  6. 物理学学报A辑:数理与理论物理学。

    Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and Theoretical .

  7. 理论物理学对数学的影响还将在21世纪延续下去。

    The impact of theoretical physics on mathematics will last into the 21 century .

  8. 理论物理学中的态函数教学

    Teaching of State Function on Theoretical Physics

  9. 理论物理学和国民经济建设

    Theoretical Physics and Construction of National Economy

  10. 人们说服他担任凯撒-威廉学院理论物理学的学科主任。

    He was persuaded to become director of Theoretical Physics in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute .

  11. 今天,我很高兴地欢迎理论物理学教授梅丽莎·菲利普斯博士。

    Today , I 'm very pleased to welcome Dr. Melissa Phillips , professor of theoretical physics .

  12. 事实上,理论物理学中最热门的主题就是:时间是否为幻象?

    In fact , one of the hottest themes in theoretical physics is whether time itself is illusory .

  13. 我近期的的主要兴趣在天体物理学、理论物理学、以及物理世界背后的哲学内涵。

    Recently , my interest is in astrophysics , theoretical physics , and the philosophical meaning behind physics .

  14. 我建议每个心碎的年轻女孩密切关注理论物理学的研究。

    My advice to any heartbroken young girl is to pay close attention to the study of theoretical physics .

  15. 理论物理学告诉我们对量子位进行的所有操作(除了测量以外)必须可撤消。

    Theoretical physics tells us that every operation on quantum bits ( except for measurement ) must be undoable .

  16. 费曼不仅参与开发核弹,还写了一些普及理论物理学的书籍。

    Feynman helped to develop the nuclear bomb , and he also wrote some books that popularized theoretical physics .

  17. 我自己就进入到剑桥的理论物理学与应用数学系。

    I personally was accepted into the Dept of Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics at Cambridge , i.e.Hawking 's dept !

  18. 评述了阿伯拉罕·派斯的生平及其在理论物理学和物理学史上的贡献,介绍了他的著作InwardBound的新出版的中译本《基本粒子物理学史》。

    A review is given of the life of Abraham Pais and his contributions to both theoretical physics and the history of physics .

  19. 理论物理学与北京大学的理论物理学科发展普通物理与中学物理及理论物理的衔接与分工问题

    Theoretical Physics and Its Development in Peking University The Division and Interrelation Between General Physics , Theoretical Physics and High School Physics Courses

  20. 中微子是基本粒子家族中重要且具有特色的成员之一,是唯一只参与弱相互作用的粒子,它在理论物理学及天体物理学中都占有着十分重要的地位。

    Neutrino is one of the important and characteristic particles in elementary particle family , and the one only participating in the weak interaction .

  21. 理论物理学的探索在于发现理论适用的极限,并用新理论突破旧理论的极限。

    The theoretical physics tries to explore the limitation of the old theories and sets up new theory when the old ones are not applicable .

  22. 既然如此,究竟为什么我们要关心八元数呢?这是因为,对理论物理学的一些问题,它是一个非常重要的工具。

    So why bother with octonions at all ? It 's because , for some problems in theoretical physics , they are an invaluable tool .

  23. 结合现代生命科学与理论物理学的研究成果,认识到人体的系统性、复杂性与自组织性和自我调控性。

    Based on modern life science and theoretical physics , it has been recognized that the human body has its system , intricacy , self organization and self regulation .

  24. 奥布莱恩是一名喜剧演员兼播音员,同时还有理论物理学学位。他称赞霍金的回答非常诚恳,哪怕面对最直接尖锐的问题也给出了回答。

    O'Briain , a comedian and broadcaster who has a degree in theoretical physics , praised Prof Hawking for his impressively honest answers , even to the most direct questions .

  25. 谢尔顿,如果我们能申请加入这些小组,就能成为某个重大发现奠基人…这既是理论物理学,也是天体物理学的大事。

    Sheldon , if we apply to be one of those teams , we could be on the ground floor of something big -- not just for theoretical physics but for astrophysics as well .

  26. 文章通过对矢量力学局限性描述,阐述了分析力学不仅用统一方法解决了各种力学问题,而且也是理论物理学和现代物理学的基础。

    The paper describes the limitations of vector mechanics and points out that analytical mechanics not only solves various mechanical problems with integrated method , but also is the basis for theoretical physics and modern physics .

  27. 理论等离子体物理学关于高中新教材《初等数论初步》的教学研究

    Teaching Research on the New Textbook " Preliminary Elementary Number Theory "

  28. 理论核物理学的发展历程与瞻望

    The Development of Theoretical Nuclear Physics

  29. 在自动控制理论、物理学、生物学、经济学等许多领域中,提出了大量具有时滞的微分方程模型。

    A lot of differential equation models with delays are developed in auto-control , physics , biology , economics and many other fields .

  30. 接着较全面地描述我们提出的新理论的物理学基础、模型的特征和所形成的两类缺陷和质子孤子的特性。

    However , we described completely the physical foundation and properties of new model proposed by us and features of two kind of different defects and corresponding proton ? solitons .