
  • 网络electromagnetic phenomenon;EMC
  1. 对一电磁现象的讨论

    A discussion on an Electromagnetic Phenomenon

  2. 舒曼共振是一种全球性的电磁现象,它能敏感地反映整个热带大气的温度变化。

    As a global electromagnetic phenomenon , Schumann resonance is shown to be a sensitive temperature measure of global tropical atmosphere .

  3. 生物电磁学(bioelectromagnetics)是研究生物体内和生物体间电磁现象的一门新兴学科。

    Bioelectromagnetics ( BEM ) is the study of electromagnetic phenomena within and between biological systems .

  4. 电力系统电磁现象及其典型的来源

    Electric Magnetic Phenomenon in Electric Power Network and Its Typical Origination

  5. 中国地震电磁现象的观测与研究

    Observations and studies on EM phenomena caused by earthquake in China

  6. 与地震预报有关的电磁现象国际讨论会概况

    Outline of the International Workshop on electromagnetic phenomena related to earthquake prediction

  7. (1791-1878)研究电磁现象的美国物理学家。

    ( 1791-1878 ) American physicist who studied electromagnetic phenomena .

  8. 物理学中有关电磁现象的分支。

    The branch of physics concerned with electromagnetic phenomena .

  9. 麦克斯韦电磁力公式与某些电磁现象的解释

    The Maxwell ′ s Electromagnetic Force Equations and Interprets of Some Electromagnet Phenomenon

  10. 甘肃天祝地区地震电磁现象研究-中法国际合作地震电磁观测

    Studies on Seismo-Electromagnetic Phenomena in the Tianzhu Area of Gansu Province-Sino-French Cooperation Seismo-Electromagnetic Observation

  11. 在无电磁现象时,此文与爱因斯坦之吸力理论多相符合至於详细情形,容诸续篇。

    In the absence of electromagnetic phenomena the theory reduces practically to Einstein 's theory .

  12. 相对性原理应用到电磁现象中,能使我们对电磁学规律有进一步深入的理解。

    We could get more understanding of electromagnetism if theory of relativity was used for comprehending electromagnetic phenomenon .

  13. 本论文建立了包含电磁现象以及对电感性能有重要影响的寄生电阻和寄生电容的物理模型。

    This dissertation presents physical models that address the electromagnetic phenomena and parasitics important to the behavior of on-chip inductors .

  14. 电能质量是指这样一些电磁现象,它们标识着在电力系统中给定时间和给定地点的电压、电流特征。

    Power quality describes the characteristics of voltage and current in power system in a specific place at a given time .

  15. 与地震有关的电磁现象(包括日本关于地震与电磁现象关系的研究工作规划);

    Electromagnetic phenomena related to earthquakes ( consisting of the research project on the relation between earthquakes and electromagnetic phenomena in Japan );

  16. 在实心转子异步电机中,存在着复杂的电磁现象,如涡流现象、饱和现象、集肤效应等。

    In induction motors with solid rotors there exist complex electromagnetic phenomena , such as eddy current , saturation , skin effect , etc.

  17. 通过对等离子体的基本电磁现象的讨论和分析,总结了电磁波在等离子体中的传播研究结果。

    For fundamental electromagnetic phenomenon of plasma through discussion and analysis , summarized a result of the study of magnetical wave propagation in plasma .

  18. 描述电磁现象的场量在不同的惯性系中有不同的量值,利用洛伦兹变换关系式导出它们之间的变换形式。

    We can describe quantities of electric magnetic field in different inertia system , and use Lorentz transformations to educe the transformations between them .

  19. 根据现有的数据和资料,对变电站的电磁现象及其骚扰源的强度和特性进行分析;

    Based on some of the data and information , this paper analyzes the intensity and charactristic of the EM phenomena and their sources in the HV substation .

  20. 试验报告应明确地说明对每一特定的电磁现象所采用的试验程序与GB/T17626标准中给出的试验程序的一致性。

    The testing report should clearly explain the consistency between the testing procedure adopted by each specific electromagnetic phenomenon and the testing procedure given by GB / T17626 .

  21. 经络场能平衡仪是根据人体经络穴位特异电磁现象及热灸疗法对人体生命产生影响的原理设计而成的一种治疗仪器。

    The Jing-Luo magnetic field and energy balancing apparatus is an equipment designed according to the theory of special electric and magnetic phenomena of human body and the effect of moxibustion .

  22. 近些年,科学家们对地震电磁现象不断的进行深入研究,发现地震的前兆现象不但存在于岩石圈,也可能通过某种耦合存在于大气层和电离层。

    In recent years , as seismo-electromagnetic phenomena have been studied intensively , scientists have found that earthquake precursors exist not only in lithosphere , but also in atmosphere and ionosphere after some coupling .

  23. 分析了电弧射流部分的电磁现象和传热过程,研究了过程参数和外部电参数对炉内电弧特性的影响和外部端口特性的影响。

    The electromagnetic phenomenon and heating-transfer processes in the arc plasma are analyzed . The effects of process parameters and electrical parameters to the characteristics of arc plasma and voltage-current characteristics of EAF are studied .

  24. GIS中的电磁暂态现象

    Transient Electromagnetic Phenomena in GIS

  25. 就如最近已经知晓并做过记录的那样,行星X带电荷的尾部引起了电磁扰乱现象。

    The charged tail of Planet X causes electromagnetic disturbances , as is known and well documented recently .

  26. 那些了解内情的人知道是行星X,而非太阳引起了地球的电磁扰乱现象。

    Those in the know understand that it is Planet X , and not the Sun , causing electromagnetic disruption on Earth .

  27. 摄影测量技术(Photogrammetry)是一种通过记录、测量和解读图像信息及其他电磁辐射现象的模式获取物体和环境的可靠信息的科学和技术。

    Photogrammetry is the art , science , and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through the processes of recording , measuring , and interpreting photographic images and patterns of electromagnetic radiant energy and other phenomena .

  28. 电磁感应现象中的安培力做功与磁能

    The work of Ampere force and the energy in electromagnetic induction

  29. 在进行实验时,法拉第发现了电磁感应现象。

    On carrying our his experiment , Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction .

  30. 磁力做功与电磁感应现象中的能量转换

    Work of magnetic force and change of energy in electromagnetic induction