
  • 网络theoretical framework;system info;theory
  1. 本文提出了一套全新的曲线曲面理论体系,称为广义有理参数曲线曲面(GeneralizedRationalParametricCurveandSurface)。

    In the dissertation , a novel theoretical framework is proposed to represent and construct parametric curves and surfaces on manifold , named as generalized rational parametric curve and surface ( abbreviated as GRPCS ) .

  2. 我国在城镇CI领域的研究起步还较晚,没有形成完整的理论体系和知识架构,现在还处于起步阶段。

    The study about urban CI in china began lately and is now at the start-up period . There is no complete theoretical framework or knowledge structure yet .

  3. SDH的理论体系中仅有交叉连接,并不支持交换。

    There is only cross connection principle in SDH , but not exchange .

  4. 基于DEM的理论体系,本文详细分析和论述了支持DEM思想理论体系的关键技术实现。

    Based on the DEM theories system , this thesis detailedly analyzes and discusses the key technique realizations which support DEM thought .

  5. 本论文首先介绍了城市照明管理和工作流技术的国内发展现状,阐述了照明管理理论体系和工作流技术的核心概念,提出基于Petri网对城市照明管理流程建模分析的思想。

    Then it introduces the theoretical system of lighting management and the core concepts of workflow technology , proposing the thought that the city lighting management is based on Petri Net .

  6. 但目前对于TOT融资的研究理论体系仍不够完善,仅仅出于初期的探索阶段,因而急需有新的理论为双方提供借鉴。

    At present , the research on the theory system of TOT financing is not perfect and is just the early stage of exploration .

  7. 目前对ERP企业绩效评价的研究还刚刚起步,很多学者都是从某一方面或某个角度谈ERP企业绩效评价体系的某一点,尚且没有形成系统的理论体系。

    At present the research on ERP enterprise performance evaluation has just started , there many scholars who discuss the ERP enterprise performance evaluation system from some factor or some angle or some point of it , but they have not formed the theory system .

  8. 前人对有机涂层失效中的导电机理做了大量研究,研究方法主要基于电化学交流阻抗谱(EIS),亦建立了较为完善的理论体系。

    Lots of researches about conduction mechanism of coatings during their degradation were carried out by predecessors . The leading research technology was electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ) and relatively perfect theory system had been established .

  9. IS&LM模型是凯恩斯理论体系的主要分析工具。

    IS-LM analysis is is a major tool of Keynesian theory .

  10. 这一方法使对偶单纯性方法这一理论体系得以完善。

    This method completes the theory system of dual simplex method .

  11. 管理与人事心理学研究与理论体系的新进展

    New Developments in Research and Systems of Organizational and personnel Psychology

  12. 向地下空间延伸的建筑学&对地下建筑学的理论体系和研究内容的探讨

    A Briefly Discussion on the Academic Research System of Underground Architecture

  13. 环境可持续发展理论体系框架的构建

    Design of the Framework of the System Info of Environmental Sustainable Development

  14. 内生技术经济增长的一个理论体系

    A Theoretic System of Economic Growth with Technology As an Endogenous Variable

  15. 关于完善我国国民经济核算理论体系的一些看法&与钱伯海教授商榷

    Some Ideas about Improving the Theoretical System of National Accounts

  16. 第三,企业纳税筹划理论体系落后。

    Third , the theory of taxes planning is backgound .

  17. 创建社会主义政治经济学理论体系的几点思考

    Reflections on Theoretical System of Establishment of Socialist Political Economy

  18. 会计假设在会计理论体系中的作用

    The Role of Accounting Hypothesis in the Accounting Theoretical System

  19. 国有企业资本运营理论体系结构

    System Framework of the Theory of Stated-Owned Enterprise Capital Operation

  20. 本文从十个方面提出了一套新的商品价值理论体系。

    This paper advances a new commodity value theory from 10 aspects .

  21. 这一假说完善了现有审计师选择的理论体系。

    This hypothesis enriches the theoretical framework for auditor selection .

  22. 探索风景园林专业教育中交叉学科间理论体系的建立

    A Discussion on the Establishment of Cross-discipline Theory System in Landscape Architecture Education

  23. 体育课程理论体系的拟范式结构初探

    Study on approximating paradigm structure of the system of physical education curriculum theory

  24. 社会基本权理论体系的建构

    Construction of the Theoretical System of Fundamental Social Rights

  25. 通过理论体系来强调研究性,通过实践环节来突出应用性。

    Through theoretical system to emphasize research and through practice session to highlight application .

  26. 因此,建立一个完整的理论体系框架应是本文的第一个贡献。

    Therefore , establishing a theory system frame is the paper 's first contribution .

  27. 投影理论体系探讨

    An approach to the theoretical system of projection

  28. 思想政治教育学科理论体系创新研究

    The Innovation Research of the Discipline Theory Construction of the Ideological and Political Education

  29. 论道教哲学对其养生修炼理论体系的建构

    On Taoism Philosophy and Its Theoretical System of Caring for Life and Practising Austerities

  30. 试论叶斯柏森的语言学理论体系

    On the Jespersen 's System of Linguistics Theory