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lǐ lùn
  • theory;deal with;argue;handle;pay attention to;acknowledge;reason with sb.
理论 [lǐ lùn]
  • (1) [theory]

  • (2) 在某一活动领域(如医学或音乐)中联系实际推演出来的概念或原理

  • 对博物馆的理论和实践作出了突出的贡献

  • (3) 理想的或假设的一系列事实、原理或环境

  • 当法律和秩序还处于理论而未成为事实的日子里

  • (4) 从对事实的推测、演绎、抽象或综合而得出的[对某一个或某几个现象的性质、作用、原因或起源的]评价、看法、提法或程式

  • 在学习速记时从理论到实践的过渡时期

  • (1) [reason with sb.;argue]∶讲理;计较

  • 合他家里理论

  • (2) [pay attention to;acknowledge]∶理睬

  • 别理论他

  • (3) [handle;deal with]∶处理

  • 书札多,每日理论不下

理论[lǐ lùn]
  1. 只有零零星星的证据证实这个理论。

    There is only fragmentary evidence to support this theory .

  2. 科学家对这个理论的态度是相当消极的。

    Scientists have a fairly negative attitude to the theory .

  3. 我接受他的理论,但并非毫无保留。

    I accept his theories , but not without certain qualifications .

  4. 一般而言,她懒得跟他理论。

    Ordinarily , she wouldn 't have bothered arguing with him .

  5. 他的书为大众阐明了这个理论。

    His book explains the theory for the lay public .

  6. 他的理论把各种政治和宗教信仰完美地结合起来了。

    His theories mesh together various political and religious beliefs .

  7. 这一理论似乎没有事实根据。

    The theory seems to have no basis in fact .

  8. 这一理论已为新近的研究所取代。

    The theory has been superseded by more recent research .

  9. 这一对比表明理论和实践之间有相当大的出入。

    The comparison shows considerable disagreement between theory and practice .

  10. 这一最新的证据更加印证了她的理论。

    This latest evidence lends support to her theory .

  11. 这些统计数字为我们的理论提供了进一步的依据。

    The statistics offer further support for our theory .

  12. 这篇文章提出了一个解释气候变化的新理论。

    The article advances a new theory to explain changes in the climate .

  13. 这项研究从理论上说明了梦在人们生活中的作用。

    The study theorizes about the role of dreams in peoples ' lives .

  14. 这些新测试的理论依据是什么?

    What is the rationale behind these new exams ?

  15. 你的理论与事实不符。

    Your theory does not square with the facts .

  16. 我们找到了进一步证实这种理论的科学根据。

    We found further scientific evidence for this theory .

  17. 最近的研究揭穿了他的理论的真相。

    His theories have been debunked by recent research .

  18. 从理论上讲,这些机器应能用十年以上。

    In theory , these machines should last for ten years or more .

  19. 是否有进一步说明问题的论据来支持这个理论?

    Is there any corroborative evidence for this theory ?

  20. 这就是该理论的不足之处。

    And that 's where the theory falls down .

  21. 这些理论现已大多受到语言学家的质疑。

    These theories are now largely discredited among linguists .

  22. 源自西格蒙德∙弗洛伊德及其潜意识理论。

    This expression is named after Sigmund Freud and his theories of subconscious thought .

  23. 最近出版的一本书推翻了这种理论。

    A recent book has demolished this theory .

  24. 你这种理论的根据是什么?

    What are you basing this theory on ?

  25. 该课程的目标基本上是理论性的。

    The course is essentially theoretical in orientation .

  26. 他的理论有点儿脱离现实。

    His theories are somewhat remote from reality .

  27. 他在最近的一部书里写道,那个理论后来已被证明不能成立。

    In his latest book he writes that the theory has since been disproved .

  28. 第一年为学生以后的学习奠定坚实的理论基础。

    The first year provides students with a sound theoretical basis for later study .

  29. 这些理论已被证明是错误的。

    The theories were demonstrated to be false .

  30. 她以大量的论据来支持自己的理论。

    She supports her theory with copious evidence .