
  • 网络Theoretical Teaching;THEORY
  1. 单纯CRM理论教学不能取得良好效果,但是CRM训练在结合实际飞行训练后能达到理想的效果。

    CRM theoretical teaching alone can not get good results , but CRM training combined with actual flight training can get desired results .

  2. 将医学CAI课件应用于医学基础课的理论教学尤其是留学生的教学中,提高教学效率和质量,是近年来我校教学改革的热点。

    How to use medical CAI in the theoretical teaching of basic courses , especially for foreign students , and to enhance teaching efficiency and quality has been a much-studied area in educational reform at Xi'an Jiaotong University in recent years .

  3. 合理地运用EDA仿真技术,可以使抽象、乏味的理论教学变得直观、生动,改善课堂教学效果。

    The rational use of EDA Simulative Technology can improve the effect of classroom instruction .

  4. 首先介绍了数据库系统原理课程理论教学内容和实践教学内容,明确哪些内容是实践的重点内容,如SQL语句的应用。

    The paper introduces the contents of database system theory and emphasize important part of database practice , such as SQL application . Subsequently , the paper illustrates steps and contents of practice teaching of database system .

  5. 师范性质的文学理论教学探索

    Probing the teaching of literary theory for the students of normal universities

  6. 舞蹈理论教学的改革探索应该是多元化和多途径发展的。

    Reform of teaching dance theory should be pluralistic and multi-channel development .

  7. 小议高师文学理论教学

    A Humble Discussion on the Teaching of Literature Theory in Teachers Colleges

  8. 自动平衡倒置摆系统&一个有趣的经典控制理论教学实验装置

    Automatic balancing inverted pendulum an interesting teaching experiment of conventional control theory

  9. 文学理论教学是马克思主义文艺学的重要内容

    Literary theory-the important content of Marxist literature and art

  10. 高校马克思主义文艺理论教学的困境与出路

    Dilemma and Wayout for Teaching Marxist Literary and Artistic Theory in Universities and Colleges

  11. 文章探讨了师范学校书法教学中的六个误区:目标定位,各行其事;忽视书法理论教学;

    This article has discussed six mistaken ideas in calligraphy teaching in normal schools .

  12. 在高等职业教育中,实践教学较理论教学更占有重要的地位。

    In higher professional education , Practical teaching is more important than theory teaching .

  13. 关系数据库理论教学探讨

    On Teaching the Theory of Relational Database

  14. 用简单的演示实验模拟交流电动机旋转磁场,配合理论教学,改善了课堂教学效果。

    Simple demonstration experiments simulating motor rotary field with theoretical teaching improve classroom instruction effect .

  15. 如何把握体育理论教学课堂提问

    How to Use the Method of Question-asking in Class in the Teaching of Physical Education Theory

  16. 多媒体在色彩理论教学中的运用

    Multi-media Application to Color Theory Teaching

  17. 构建以学生为主体的体育教育专业田径理论教学

    Creating the Student-centered Structure of Teaching a Track-and-field Sports Theory Class of P.E. Teacher Training Program

  18. 以标准化病例讨论为导向改革儿科学理论教学与实践

    Study and practice on reform of pediatrics theory teaching with standardized cases discussion as its direction

  19. 该文对摄影理论教学及摄影实践教学具有参考价值。

    The thesis is valuable to refer to for photograph theory of teaching and photograph assist instruction .

  20. 要提高军事理论教学质量,必须在内容和考核等方面实现创新。

    Military theory to improve the quality of teaching content and assessment must be to achieve such innovation .

  21. 足球技战术理论教学中实施异步教学法的实验研究

    An Experiment Study on Asynchronous Teaching and Learning Approach in the Theory Teaching of Football Playing Skills and Tactics

  22. 高校政治理论教学在21世纪时代潮流中,教育理念、教育机制、教育方法、教育环境必须找准定位,发挥其强大的教育创新功能。

    In the 21st century , the ideas of education , systems and methods should take their own seats .

  23. 本文从该专业人才培养的目标与规格及理论教学、实践教学和课外训练等三个模块进行了探讨,提供了该专业人才培养的新型模式。

    It focuses on the cultivating aim and pattern , the theoretical and practical teaching and outside class practice .

  24. 适应需求积极探索&建立理论教学与实践技能并举的课程体系

    Effective Exploration to Meet the Needs ── the Setting up of a Curriculum , Which Puts Equal Emphasis on Theory and Skill

  25. 理论教学中强调心脏大血管立体构像的建立、重要概念的掌握和寻找共性规律;

    In basic theory teaching , we stressed establishing three-dimensional images in the mind , mastering key concepts and seeking common rules .

  26. 美术高效课堂教学对培养学生美术素养具有独特价值,是传统理论教学所不可替代的。

    It has its unique value in cultivating the art skills of students and is irreplaceable by the traditional theory of education .

  27. 实践活动如果能有效开展,可以充分调动学生的学习积极性,增加教学容量,拓宽知识面,对理论教学有极大的促进作用。

    Effective practical activities can stimulate students ′ enthusiasm in learning , enlarge teaching contents and information so as to encourage theoretic teaching .

  28. 随着科学技术的发展,以计算机为媒介的多媒体辅助教学工具被引入教学,生物化学的基础理论教学中也使用了多媒体教学手段。

    With the development of science and technology , multimedia technology , with the computer as the instrument , has been introduced into teaching .

  29. 针对当前计算机专业编程语言类课程教学过程中理论教学与实际应用之间存在的不协调问题,提出了“换位”教学法。

    This paper raised an role exchanging teaching method to resolve the inconsonance between the theoretical part and the practice part of programming language courses .

  30. 但是,在运用案例教学中也要注意协调案例教学与理论教学、教师的作用等问题。

    However , the practice of case teaching should deal with the problem of case teaching , theoretical teaching and the role of teacher , etc.