
lǐ lùn lián xì shí jì
  • 熟语integrate theory with practice
  1. 理论联系实际,这是我们应当牢记的一条原则。

    We must remember the principle , integrate theory with practice .

  2. 我们应该理论联系实际,而不应将其束之高阁。

    We should integrate theory with practice and shouldn 't put it on the shelf .

  3. 我们必须理论联系实际。

    We must link theory with practice .

  4. 必须十分注重理论联系实际。

    Great attention must be paid to linking theory with practice .

  5. 第六章,风险导向内部审计在EA公司的应用,第五、六张是理论联系实际的两章。

    Chapter Six The Risk-oriented Internal Audit be used in EA company .

  6. 文章是以案例对如何控制BT项目回购风险加以说明的,这样做的好处是理论联系实际,对其他项目具有不可低估的借鉴价值。

    This dissertation uses cases to illustrate how to control repurchase risk in BT project .

  7. 利用组态软件开发PLC实验项目能丰富实验内容、模拟工业现场,达到理论联系实际的目的。

    Developing PLC experiment with HMI can increase experiment content , imitate industry scene , achieve the goal of integration of theory with practice .

  8. 在此基础之上,本文第二章运用理论联系实际的方法分析了我国银行业适用WTO金融服务贸易法律的背景及所面临的机遇和挑战。

    And also , in this chapter , the paper analyzes the opportunity and challenge that Chinese banking industry faces the application of WTO financial services trade law .

  9. 本文根据理论联系实际的原则,采用网页调查方法,对中美高校图书馆的WEB站点用户信息能力教育开展情况进行比较研究,提出进一步完善我国高校图书馆用户信息能力教育的建议。

    This paper , applying theory into practice , makes a comparison between the literacy education status of libraries in China and the United States and suggests perfecting our national information literacy education of library users .

  10. 本文主要内容为通过理论联系实际,初步研究和探讨GPS(全球定位系统,以下简称GPS)在城市公共交通智能运营调度管理系统中的应用研究。

    The main content of this thesis is based on the theory with practice , study the GPS ( global positioning system , hereinafter referred to as " GPS ") application in city public transport intelligent dispatching management system .

  11. 按照理论联系实际的研究思路,文章分析了沃尔玛(中国)及TCL(越南)在海外投资时的企业社会责任战略选择。

    In order to practice the actual , this thesis analyzes the CSR strategy choice of Wal-Mart China and TCL Vietnam in forward direct investment .

  12. 第四章以长虹、TCL为案例,按点线面的顺序,从历史与逻辑的角度出发,以理论联系实际的精神,具体说明低成本领先战略的实施方式。

    Then , in the third chapter , from the historical and logical perspective , it illustrates the ways of implementing the strategy concretely by the cases of Changhong , TCL successively .

  13. 本文理论联系实际,以HSCT公司为研究对象进行战略发展研究,旨在将HSCT公司的战略转化为行动计划,力求研究的针对性、实用性和可操作性。

    The thesis combines theory with practice and uses strategy management to research the HSCT company in order to transform strategy into action and make the research more targeted , practicable and operational .

  14. 通过实际数据分析,理论联系实际,完善了国内外已有的MRP计算公式参数,并将其运用到云海公司实际工作中去,为公司带来了良好的经济效益和管理效率。

    Through the actual data analysis , linking theory with practice , improve the domestic and foreign existing MRP calculated parameters , and apply them to the sea of clouds , in practical work , in order to bring good economic benefits .

  15. 论文主要用BRP理论联系实际,通过将BPR业务流程再造理论应用到上海石化仓储航运有限公司的物流改革中,研究分析了流程再造的重要作用,提出它应是企业改革的战略出发点。

    The dissertation mainly through applying the idea of Business Process Reengineering & BPR into logistics reform of The Shanghai Petrochemical Co. , Ltd , makes research into the importance of BPR and puts forward the logistics reform should start at BPR .

  16. 理论联系实际,提出更有利于汽车行业物流管理的有效方法;(3)对VMI模型实施前后的汽车物流管理进行比较,得出成本优化结果。

    Integrating theory with practice , more conducive to the development of logistics management in the automotive industry an effective way ( 3 ) Analyze the implementation before and after VMI model using , the of logistics management for comparison , got the results of the optimization of the cost .

  17. 该文通过介绍中性点接地的基本概念、设计思想和理论联系实际的方法展开分析与研究。阐明了三峡35kV配电网络中性点采取消弧线圈接地方式的原因及解决其接线的具体措施。

    By introduction of the basic concept , design philosophy of the neutral earthing , and the method of integrating theory with practice , why the neutral earthing with blowout coil for the Three Gorge 35 kV electric distribution network and specific connection measures are taken are described .

  18. 理论联系实际是学习的好方法。

    Combining theory with practice is a good way to learn .

  19. 第五章是实证分析,力求理论联系实际,并有一定的社会实践意义。

    It has certain social practice significance by theory with practice .

  20. 护理本科生理论联系实际能力的培养方式

    Fostering mode on ability of theory combined with practice for nursing undergraduates

  21. 社会实践是理论联系实际的纽带和桥梁;

    Combining theory with practice is the fundamental method teaching the courses .

  22. 电子设计竞赛的目的是锻炼和提高大学生理论联系实际能力。

    The Electronic Design Mega-game and the Development of Students Practical Competence ;

  23. 必要的环节&理论联系实际。

    A necessary link & application of theory to practice .

  24. 一方面是理论联系实际。

    First aspect is that this paper has combined theory and practice .

  25. 理论联系实际;实际工程设计应用。

    Apply theory into practice ; application in practical engineering and design .

  26. 教学中理论联系实际问题的研究

    Research on the Integration of Theory with Practice in Teaching

  27. 医学生在《生物化学》学习中理论联系实际情况的调查

    A Survey on Medical Students ' Combining Theory with Practice in Biochemistry Course

  28. 法律课教学如何理论联系实际

    How to unite theory with practice in law class

  29. 这几个方面理论联系实际并前后呼应,具有一定的可操作性。

    These a few respects link theory with practice and has certain operability .

  30. 理论联系实际是图书馆学发展的基础

    On the Foundation of Library Science Development : Integration of Theory with Practice