
lǐ xìnɡ zhǔ yì
  • rationalism;idealism
  1. 柯尔律治在之后的30年里一直抨击理性主义。

    Coleridge was to spend the next thirty years attacking rationalism .

  2. HPP与德国现代建筑的理性主义传统

    HPP and the tradition of the rationalism of modern German architecture

  3. 同时,人类放弃了以往对宗教神灵以及伦理道德的恐惧心理,坚信理性主义与人类自身的能力。T.S.艾略特认为这样只能导致死亡与荒原的出现。

    Meanwhile , the fear of religious deity and ethics used to be observed by human beings are replaced by the strong belief in Liberalism and the power of mankind , the only possible result of which , as is noted by Eliot , is death and desert .

  4. 汲取理性主义精华提高民族科技素质

    Deriving Cream of Rationalism and Improving National Science and Technological Quality

  5. 理性主义传统在西方可谓源远流长。

    Rationalistic tradition had been from Ancient Greek in western philosophy .

  6. 传统发展观是理性主义发展观、“以物为中心”的发展观和“人类中心主义”的发展观;

    The traditional development concept is rational , matter-centered and humanity-centered .

  7. 在表现方法上,后现代主义设计呈现出非理性主义特征。

    In terms of expression method , post-modernistic design rejects irrationalism .

  8. 公共管理运动中的理性主义批判

    The Critique on Rationalism in the Movement of Public Management

  9. 战争的讨价还价理论&探索战争的理性主义解释

    Bargaining Theory of War : Exploring Rationalist Explanations for War

  10. 然而,无论你是理性主义者,或是神秘主义�

    Yet whether you 're a rationalist or a mystic ,

  11. 政治科学发展历程中的经验主义与理性主义

    Empiricism and Rationalism in the Development Process of Political Science

  12. 简·奥斯丁的灰姑娘情结&理想主义和理性主义的结合

    Jane Austen 's Cinderella Complex & The Combination of Idealism and Rationalism

  13. 现代城市规划发展中的理想主义与理性主义

    Idealism and rationalism in developing of modern urban planning

  14. 18世纪虔敬主义和理性主义对美国思想形成的影响

    Formative Influences on American Thought : Pietism and Rationalism in the Eighteenth Century

  15. 所以此期的散文渗透着浓厚的革命理性主义精神。

    The issue of the prose work in the revolutionary spirit of rationalism .

  16. 第三,在理性主义的带动下,个人主义开始过分膨胀。

    Thirdly , individualism , strongly advocated by rationalism , is expanding excessively .

  17. 作为怀疑论者的奥克肖特对政治理性主义的三个命题提出了质疑。

    Oakeshott , as a skeptic questioned the three propositions of political rationalism .

  18. 它是对人类面临的时代矛盾的文化审视,也是对西方理性主义危机的文化反思。

    It is a cultural survey epoch contradiction and the human being facing .

  19. 理性主义设计是科学性、逻辑性和实验性设计的代名词。

    Rationalistic design is a representation of scientific , logical and experimental design .

  20. 把理性主义与迷信相区别的分水岭。

    The great divide which separates rationalism from superstition .

  21. 论西塞罗理性主义自然法思想

    On the Thought of Cicero on Rationalistic Natural Law

  22. 论理性主义公共政策分析的局限性

    On the Limitation of Rationalist Analysis of Public Policy

  23. 现代非理性主义的本质及其主要形态

    The Essence of Contemporary Irrationalism and Its Main Forms

  24. 理性主义总以为自己比经验主义更有宗教信仰。

    Rationalism usually considers itself more religious than empiricism .

  25. 关于制度的形成演进有两种思想,它们分别是建构理性主义与演进理性主义。这两种思想对应着制度的形成演进的两种路径,即社会整体工程与自生自发秩序。

    There are two kinds of thought about the formation mechanism of system ;

  26. 坚持理性主义一直是西方经济理论研究中的一个传统。

    Adhere to the rationalism has been a tradition in western economic theory .

  27. 道德情感主义的确避免了道德理性主义忽视道德心理的缺陷。

    Moral sentimentalism indeed avoids the defect that moral rationalism ignores moral psychology .

  28. 技术理性主义膨胀源于日趋激烈的社会竞争。

    The expansion of rational doctrine of technology comes from the fierce social competition .

  29. 其哲学基础完成了从传统的理性主义观点向认知观点的过渡。

    Its philosophical basis has completed transition from traditional physical opinion to cognitive opinion .

  30. 叔本华的非理性主义哲学和美学思想对后世影响很大。

    Schopenhauer 's irrationalistic philosophy and aesthetic thinking have great influence on later generations .