
  • 网络Rational Choice Institutionalism;rational-choice institutionalism
  1. 作为当代西方政治科学的前沿,新制度主义政治学主要由历史制度主义、理性选择制度主义、社会学制度主义等流派组成。

    As a frontier science , new institutionalist politics consists of three main theoretical schools : historical institutionalism , rational choice institutionalism and sociological institutionalism .

  2. 政府经济职能转变形态探析&从理性选择制度主义理论的角度

    Probing into the Changing Economic Function Form of the Government

  3. 利用理性选择制度主义的视角,分析单位在人才招聘中选择行为的生成机制,可以得出招聘中男性偏好现象的形成是由于组织认知定型化和正式制度虚置化所致。

    From the perspective of institutionalism based on rational selection , this paper analyzes the generative mechanism of the talent employment by different employing units and concludes that the male-preference in employment has resulted from the stylization of organizational cognition and the ignorance of formal institution .