
chóng bǎn
  • republication
重版 [chóng bǎn]
  • [republication] 书刊再次出版

重版[chóng bǎn]
  1. 好几家公司提出希望重版他的小说。

    Several firms offered to obtain republication of his novel .

  2. 《五车韵府》的重版与十九世纪中后期上海的英语出版业

    The Republication of Wu Che Yun Fu and the English Publishing of Shanghai in the Middle and Late 19th Century

  3. 系统辩证学的新发展&《系统辩证学》修订重版序

    New Development of the System Dialectics & The preface of new edition of System Dialectics

  4. 贵州人民出版社重版的李宗《黔记》,由于点校者的粗心、轻率和武断,出现了诸多的不应有的失误。

    Record of Guizhou written by Li Zongfang and reprinted by Guizhou People 's Press has quite a few mistakes due to carelessness and arbitrary textual criticism .

  5. 是自由的,免于扭曲,走出,档案馆,避免纳粹,操纵和重版,费,远离出版商这一版权形式。

    Free from elicit falsifications , free from the Nietzsche archives and Nazi manipulations , free from reproduction fees , free from publishers new form of copyright .

  6. 建立了高校教师专业技术资格评审条件基本结构和具体评价指标体系,提出了完成主讲课程课时系数、著作重版系数、核心期刊论文系数、论文被检索引用系数等若干新的评价指标;

    The author puts forward new appraisal indicators such as " lecuring hours coefficient ", " republication coefficient ", " thesis of core journals coefficient " and " citation coefficient " .

  7. 整理、研究、点校、重版历史民族志,需要具备点校的基本知识,遵循点校的基本规律,懂得民族学、语言学等相关学科,了解各类文化事项的历史背景及相关民族的文化传统。

    To sort out , study , make a textual criticism and reprint ethnic histories needs the basic knowledge of textual criticism and the related disciplines like linguistics and ethnology , and the relevant historical backgrounds and ethnic cultures .