
zhònɡ dà wèn tí
  • major issue;vital problem
  1. 如宏达Messaging软件我,因为我从来没有在同一时间内保持非常文本我没有得到任何重大问题。

    I like the HTC Messaging software since I never keep much texts at one time I don 't get any major issue .

  2. 知识观是现代性的重大问题。

    The view of knowledge is the major issue of modernity .

  3. 副总统受到谴责,说他在几个重大问题上出尔反尔。

    The vice-president was accused of flip-flopping on several major issues .

  4. 老师们最近面临着一些重大问题。

    Teachers are up against some major problems these days .

  5. 他的工作就是要记录政治家是如何对重大问题进行投票的。

    His job is to record how politicians vote on major issues .

  6. 不过,确实出现了一个重大问题。

    One major problem did present itself , though .

  7. 我认为重大问题必须找我商量。

    I expect to be consulted about major issues .

  8. 这是个重大问题,我们需要花较多的时间考虑。

    This is a big issue ; we need more time to think about it .

  9. 这份报告讨论了许多有待决定的重大问题。

    The report discusses a number of consequential matters that are yet to be decided .

  10. 不幸的是,几乎不可能看到这些重大问题得到回复。

    Unfortunately , there is little prospect of seeing these big questions answered

  11. 只有在谈判涉及重大问题时叙利亚才会参加。

    Syria will attend only if the negotiations deal with issues of substance .

  12. 报纸能否办下去是一个重大问题。

    There 's a very large question about the viability of the newspaper .

  13. 其中涉及到有关宪法的一些重大问题。

    Important questions of constitutional law were involved .

  14. 我以人道的名义请求政府重新评估这一重大问题。

    In the name of humanity I ask the government to reappraise this important issue .

  15. 重大问题不会问到。

    Significant questions will go unasked .

  16. 我厌恶政客间的所有那些争吵,他们本应把注意力集中在重大问题上。

    I am sick of all the quarrelling among politicians who should be concentrating on vital issues .

  17. 他把我们当作独立自主的个体来看待,认为我们必须学会在重大问题面前自己拿主意。

    He treated us as autonomous individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about important issues .

  18. 他说决不允许因为日常工作而耽搁了重大问题。

    He said it was just not permissible to postpone the main issue by allowing business to carry on as usual .

  19. 资金短缺已经引起了一个重大问题。

    The shortage of money has posed a major problem .

  20. 最近他面临着许多重大问题,还不算像今天晚上这样混乱。

    Lately there had been big problems facing him , quite apart from tonight 's imbroglio .

  21. 如果我们连这类简单问题都达不成协议,重大问题就更谈不上了。

    If we cannot agree on a simple matter of that kind , we can never agree upon anything of importance .

  22. 这也是生活在多文化社会所要面临的重大问题

    If not , then give up . This is a profound problem in and multicultural mangling .

  23. 例句山姆,我很抱歉给你打电话,但是生产线上出现了一个重大问题。

    Sam , I am sorry to call you , but a major problem with the production line has come to light .

  24. “物理学中有一些我们无法回答的重大问题。希望随着大型强子对撞机不断取得发现,或许我们可以进一步理解这些重大的物理学问题。”

    There are these big questions in physics that we don 't have the answers to . And the hope would be , as the LHC ( Large Hadron Collider ) continues to make discoveries , maybe we could shed some light on those big questions of physics .

  25. 随着我国企业融入全球经济一体化的激烈竞争格局,以及加入WTO对企业产生的深远影响.在这种情况下,研究如何搞好企业的国际市场营销工作,是关系到企业生存和发展的重大问题。

    With the development of our national enterprises enter into the competitive globe market , and the deep influence to the enterprises arised by China enter into the WTO .

  26. 与Imax公司合作也避开了一个重大问题:主要连锁影院拒绝打破这一制度。

    The partnership with Imax avoids one big problem : that the major theater chains refuse to break the system .

  27. 面对社会主义市场经济体系的加快建立,面对WTO框架对中国的要求,地方市场分割越来越成为影响我国经济改革与发展的重大问题。

    In the face of the quickening of the socialist market economic system , and in the face of WTO frame requisition on China , local market segmentation becomes great problem of development and influences the economic reform of our country more and more .

  28. 集体领导解决重大问题;

    There should be collective leadership in settling major issues .

  29. 但他又留下了一些重大问题没有解决。

    But he left many of the big issues unaddressed .

  30. 死亡和生存一样,都是人生的重大问题。

    Death & life alike is a vital problem of human life .