
  • 网络Core Knowledge;key knowledge
  1. 运用Delphi法构建姑息照护培训的核心知识体系

    Study for the establishment of the core knowledge system for palliative care training by application of Delphi method

  2. 论企业核心知识能力管理思想的形成

    On the Formation of Thought on Enterprises ' Core Knowledge Capability Management

  3. 然而,中国整体的标准落后局面尚未改变,缺乏研发能力、不掌握核心知识产权一直是我国ICT产业的隐忧。

    However its whole backward status has not been changed for the lack of core intellectual property right ( IPR ) and R & D strength .

  4. 在这两种技术之间,这四家公司拥有W-CDMA技术的大部分核心知识产权(宽带码分多址)。

    Between them , the four companies own the majority of the essential intellectual property rights relating to W-CDMA ( wideband code division multiple access ) technology .

  5. 知识联盟中核心知识侵权的利益分析

    Benefit Analysis of Invading Core Intellectual Property Right in Knowledge Alliance

  6. 第四,联盟中核心知识的保护。

    The fourth is protecting the core competence of enterprise .

  7. 当代美国核心知识课程述析

    A Commentary on the Contemporary Core Knowledge Curriculum of America

  8. 对我国护理学硕士研究生需掌握核心知识的调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis on the core knowledge of nursing master program in China

  9. 包装工程学科核心知识和知识体系探讨

    Study on the Key Knowledge and the Knowledge System of Packaging Engineering Subject

  10. 血液净化专业护士核心知识掌握情况及影响因素的研究

    Research on core knowledge and influencing factors of professional nurses in blood purification

  11. 核心知识是企业核心竞争能力、企业竞争优势的基础。

    Core knowledge is the basis of enterprise core competence and competitive advantage .

  12. 作为企业实施竞争战略的关键性要素,核心知识和能力是非竞争性的,难以模仿和替代。

    The core knowledge and competence is non-competitive and difficult to imitate and substitute .

  13. 核心知识竞争力与企业多元化战略

    Core Knowledge Competence and Business Diversification Strategies

  14. 知识可以进一步划分为核心知识、先进知识和革新知识。

    Knowledge can be divided into core knowledge , advanced knowledge , and innovative knowledge .

  15. 专业化发展不同阶段教师的核心知识差异分析

    Analyze the Differences in Teachers ' Core Knowledge Which Belonged to Different Expertise Development Stages

  16. 归根结底,右派多元不超过评估的局限性和可能性的核心知识。

    Ultimately , Rightist Multiculturalism does more than assess the limitations and possibilities of Core Knowledge .

  17. 术语作为人类智慧的结晶,集中承载着特定领域的核心知识。

    As the crystallization of human wisdom , terms concentrate the core knowledge of the specific field .

  18. 因此,数学课堂教学中应首先突出核心知识的教学,建立全面的数学知识结构,以形成良好的数学认知结构的初步框架。

    Equitable class teaching structures are means and media by which to form good mathematics cognition structures .

  19. 廓清了核心知识、核心能力、企业竞争优势与知识创新之间的关系。

    The author makes clear the relationships between core knowledge , core competitiveness , competitive advantage and knowledge innovation .

  20. 禽/人流感防控项目县目标人群相关核心知识知晓情况分析

    An Analysis of the Target Population Awareness of the Related Core Knowledge in Avian / Human Influenza Prevention Project Counties

  21. 通过这些研究工作的开展,促进了我国对纳米压印技术核心知识产权的掌握,推动了纳米压印技术的工业化应用步伐。

    These research works are necessary for mastering the core intellectual property rights , and promoting the industrialization of NIL technologies .

  22. 护生疼痛知识的提高与基础护理教育中疼痛课程核心知识体系密切相关。

    Improving nursing students ' pain knowledge has close relationships with the core knowledge of pain curriculum in basic nursing education .

  23. 企业的核心知识也依照知识的创造、转移和应用的路径呈现加速运动。

    The core knowledge movement of enterprise has also been accelerated according to the path of knowledge creation , transfer and application .

  24. 而教师对学科核心知识的理解则是教师学科知识掌握情况最重要的体现。

    The teachers ' understanding of subject core knowledge is the embodiment of the teachers ' subject knowledge is the most important .

  25. 目的初步调查护理学硕士研究生应具备的核心知识,以便根据核心知识组织该专业的基础课程体系。

    Objective To determine the core knowledge that all masters-prepared nurses should possess , in order to provide basis for curriculum development .

  26. 要依照课程标准,加强基础知识,重视核心知识与核心能力的掌握;

    Strenthening the basic knowledge , paying attention to the grasp of key knowledge and competence in accordance with the curriculum standards ;

  27. 核心知识和能力的积累强调了外部知识内生化的成本节约性以及在实践中不断创新已有惯例的重要性。

    The accumulation of core knowledge emphasizes the reduced cost of taking outside knowledge into one 's own and the importance of innovation .

  28. 文章论述了核心知识型人才的特点,归纳了其流失的原因,指出了解决方法。

    This paper discusses characteristics of core knowledgeable talents , summarizes reasons for the loss of core knowledgeable talents and points out solution .

  29. 在保证英语知识与技能的主体地位的前提下,英语教育和英语教师教育的核心知识与技能应兼顾相关学科。

    In practice , provided the dominant status of English proficiency is guaranteed , teaching work should be inclusive of all disciplines concerned .

  30. 形成一批拥有知名品牌和核心知识产权,熟练运用知识产权制度的优势企业。

    A number of preponderant enterprises with famous brands , core intellectual property and rich experience in utilizing the intellectual property system will emerge .