
  • 网络Nuclear Electronics
  1. CMOSASIC可以实现低成本和用户定制,成为核电子学专用集成电路的主要工艺。

    Due to its low cost and capability for custom design , CMOS ASIC technology is being the working horse for monolithic nuclear electronics .

  2. 核电子学与核探测技术领域中的计算机应用问题

    Computer Applications in Field of Nuclear Electronics and Nuclear Detection Technology

  3. 基于多丝正比计数管的表面污染监测仪核电子学部件

    Nuclear Electronic Components of Surface Contamination Monitor Based on Multi-electrode Proportional Counter

  4. 核电子学的新阶段&粒子电子学

    The New Stage of Nuclear Electronics & Particle Electronics

  5. 核电子学用随机脉冲信号发生器的方案设计

    Design of Random Pulse Generator for Nuclear Electronics

  6. 研究了虚拟仪器技术在核电子学中的应用。

    Study on the application of virtual instrument ( VI ) technique in nuclear electronics .

  7. 多丝正比计数器核电子学电路研制

    Nuclear electronics circuit research for proportional counter

  8. 欧洲核电子学标准委员会

    European Standards on Nuclear Electronics Committee

  9. 本机因有单步和断点执行电路,可适用于调试和测量核电子学功能插件。

    Having a single-step and a break-point control circuits the tester is available to tests and measurements of the nuclear electronics modules .

  10. 文中对近十年来核电子学与核探测技术领域内计算机应用的状况作了概括;

    In the paper , a survey of computer applications in the field of nuclear electronics arid nuclear detection technology are given .

  11. 高能物理实验的发展把核电子学推向一个新的阶段。

    The rapid advance of high energy physics experiment has pushed the nuclear electronics to a new stage , i.e. the particle electronics .

  12. 核电子学仪器陷入不停的开发,改版,升级的过程中,耗费大量的人力,物力和财力。

    The nuclear instrument fell into a non-stop development and revision , that wastes a lot of manpower , material and financial resources .

  13. 信号定时甄别是核电子学信号处理系统的基本组成环节之一,电平适配器是大规模核探测信号处理环节必备的辅助插件。

    Timing discrimination is the fundamental link in the system of nuclear-electronics signal processing . Level adapter devices are necessary in the experiment of large nuclear detection .

  14. 可重构技术的发展和核电子学应用范围的扩展使得核仪器站在了新一轮技术更新和升级的浪潮之上。

    Nuclear instruments are now facing a new wave of technological updates which is brought by expansion of the range of applications and the development of reconfigurable technology .

  15. 本文对核电子学与核探测技术分会计算技术学组主办的历次有关计算技术在核科学技术领域应用全国性学术会议进行了回顾。

    All the previous National Conferences on Computing in the field of nuclear science and technology sponsored by the Society of Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology are re - viewed in this paper .

  16. 随着计算机技术与大规模集成电路技术的发展,在现代核电子学测量中,正在大量使用超大规模集成电路与高速实时处理软件组成的系统取代传统的模拟测量系统。

    With the development of technology of the computer and large scale integrated circuit technology , in modern nuclear electronics measurement , use the system of very large scale integration circuit and high-speed real-time processing software to replace the traditional analog measuring system .