
hé fǎn yìng
  • nuclear reaction
核反应 [hé fǎn yìng]
  • [reaction] 引起原子核变化的过程(如铀-239蜕变成镎和一个电子以及两个重氢核结合成氦核)

核反应[hé fǎn yìng]
  1. 用核反应分析法测定岩石样品中~(39)K的含量

    Determination of POTASSIUM-39 in rock samples by using nuclear reaction analysis

  2. 中子俘获反应即(n,γ)反应,是一种重要的中子核反应。

    Neutron capture reaction i.e ( n ,γ) reaction , it is an important neutron nuclear reaction .

  3. 利用(d,pγ)核反应p-γ符合技术进行深度分布分析初探

    Depth profiling analysis by ( d , p γ ) coincidence technique : a preliminary result

  4. 46.7MeV/u~(12)C引起的核反应中碎裂与转移的竞争

    The Competition Between Fragmentation and Transfer in 46.7MeV/u ~ ( 12 ) C Induced Reactions

  5. 用~(11)B(p,α0)~8Be核反应分析B~+离子注入铜合金中的浓度分布

    Analysis of the concentration distribution of boron sample by  ̄( 11 ) b ( p ,α _0 ) ̄ 8be nuclear reaction

  6. ~2H(d,n)~3He核反应中子注量的伴随粒子法测量

    An associated particle method to measure the neutron flux from the ~ 2H ( d , n ) ~ 3He reaction

  7. 低能核反应产物~(26)Al的AMS测量方法研究

    Study on the Measurement Method of ~ ( 26 ) Al by AMS

  8. CsI(TI)+光二极管读出探测器在中能重离子核反应实验中的应用

    Application of CsI ( Tl ) Scintillator With Photodiode Readout Detector in Heavy Ion Reaction Experiments

  9. 本文介绍了多路望远镜系统中的电子学系统和在测量(n,X)核反应双微分截面实验中所使用的粒子分辨技术。

    This paper describes the electronic system of USTC multi telescope system and the technology of particle identification used in the experiment of measuring double differential ( n , X ) cross sections .

  10. 本文从核反应Q方程出发,仔细讨论了出射粒子在不同出射角下的能量单色性问题,给出了最佳角存在的条件、范围和计算公式。

    Based on the Q-equation in nuclear reaction , the energy monochromaticity at different emitted angles is carefully discussed , The existing conditions , ranges and formulas for the optimum angles are given .

  11. 蛋白激酶C(PKC)不仅是细胞外信号引起细胞浆内短期生物效应的重要通路,而且在核反应中亦具有重要作用。

    Protein kinase C ( PKC ) is an important passage that extracellular signal lead to short - term biological effect in cytoplasma . Moreover , PKC plays an important role in nuclear reaction .

  12. 恒星内部核反应系统中g-T效应产生的振荡

    Oscillations excited by g-T effect in the core nuclear reaction system of stars

  13. 方法应用小型回旋加速器,通过18O(p,n)18F核反应生产出18F离子,由亲核取代反应制备18F-FDG,并对所制备的18F-FDG注射液进行质量控制。

    METHODS 18F-FDG was synthesized via nuclear reaction 18O ( p , n ) 18F on 18O-enriched water and nucleophilic substitution reaction by Tracerlab Mx FDG synthesis system .

  14. 利用实验测得的激发函数曲线,用核反应分析法(NRA)分析了钛合金(Ti)、钼(Mo)、氘化钛(Ti2Hx)、钛钼合金等样品表面层内15N的含量。

    The nuclear reaction analysis ( NRA ) was used to measure the 15N content in metal surface layers , based on the cross section which were got by us before .

  15. 60AGev~(16)O诱发乳胶核反应α射弹碎片发射研究

    Production of Helium Projectile Fragments in ~ ( 16 ) O-Emulsion Collisions at 60 A GeV

  16. 60AGev~(16)O诱发乳胶核反应慢粒子产生研究

    Investigation of the Production of Slow Particles in 60 A GeV ~ ( 16 ) O Induced Nuclear Emulsion Reaction

  17. 利用16O(p,α)13N核反应,以小体积16O-H2O靶生产13N正电子核素。

    N positron emission nuclide is produced by 16 O ( p ,α) 13 N reaction in a small volume 16 O H 2O target .

  18. 提出了一种比较精确且又省时的质子穿透的解析算法,并给出了考虑核反应后50&250MeV质子在水中的能量沉积,与MonteCarlo方法的结果进行了比较。

    A precise and rapid analytical algorithm has been developed for calculating proton energy deposition in media . The results covering the radiotherapy energy range ( 50 & 250 ? MeV ) from this algorithm and data from Monte Carlo code are given .

  19. 计算结果表明:DMB分子容易得到电子,且醛基上的碳原子是亲核反应的作用点。

    The calculated results show that DMB is activity to get electron , and the carbon in the aldehyde group is the nucleophilic reaction site .

  20. 对核反应理论方法以及微观数据的研究不但对ADS系统的设计至关重要,而且对中高能核反应理论的发展、对核结构性质的进一步探索也是很有意义的。

    To study the nuclear reaction and the microscope nuclear reaction data in theory is not only very important to the design of the ADS system , but also significant to the further explore of the nuclear structure and its nature as well .

  21. 分析了理论计算核反应截面的重要意义,利用选择共振隧穿模型对15N(p,α)12C的反应截面进行计算。

    The importance of theoretical calculation of cross section is analyzed . The cross section of reaction ~ ( 15 ) N ( p ,α) ~ ( 12 ) C is calculated according to selective resonant tunneling model .

  22. 通过对计算核反应总截面的Glauber模型加入有限程修正,并对输入的核物质密度分布采用双参数的费米密度分布形式。

    In this work the finite range correction has been added to the Glauber model , and a Fermi density distribution with two parameters has been chosen as the input density distribution of the nucleus .

  23. 最后通过分子内SN2亲核反应法找到了一条高效构建N-糖链核心三糖的新路线,这也是迄今已报道的最简洁高效的路线。

    A new highly convenient route for the core trisaccharide of N-glycans construction was found by the SN2 inversion method . And it is the most convenient route which has been reported until now .

  24. 根据中能重离子核反应实验中测量较高能量γ光子的需要,利用国内条件试制了一台大圆柱体BGO探测器。

    In order to meet the needs of measuring high energy γ - rays produced in heavy ion reac - tions at intermediate energies , a large cylindrical BGO detector has been assembled by using China-made crystal and photomultiplier tube .

  25. 建立了统一的毫舍-费许巴赫(Hauser-Feshbach)和激子模型理论,这个理论模型可以对核反应过程中连续态和分立态的平衡和非平衡机制作统一描述。

    The unified Hauser-Feshbach and exciton model has been established , with which the continuum and discrete states in both equilibrium and pre-equilibrium reaction processes can be described in a unified approach .

  26. 在此理论模型基础上,研制了核反应数据理论模型计算的UNF程序系列,并被广泛应用在核反应数据理论计算和核反应实验数据理论分析中。

    Based on this model the UNF code system for calculating nuclear reaction data has been developed . Now it has been widely used for nuclear data calculations and for the analysis of the experimental data .

  27. 带电粒子引起的瞬发核反应分析(PNR)不仅能灵敏和准确地分析微量元素在样品中的含量和浓度,而且能测量在样品表面层和近表面层中元素随深度的分布。

    Charged particle induced prompt nuclear reaction analysis ( PNR ) can not only analyze the content and concentration of elements in sample sensitively and accurately , but also can measure the distributions of elements with depth in surface and near surface layer .

  28. 利用这组光学模型势参数,扭曲波玻恩近似理论,核反应HauserFeshbach理论和预平衡反应的激子模型,计算和分析了中子与116118120122124Sn反应分离能级的非弹性散射截面和角分布。

    The inelastic scattering cross sections and angular distributions of discrete levels are calculated and analyzed by the distorted wave Born approximation theory based on the unified Hauser Feshbach theory and the exciton model . With the fitting procedure the neutron optical model potential parameters are obtained .

  29. 进一步通过亲核反应速率的不同,又可以将半光氨酸、高半胱氨酸和谷胱甘肽区别开来。这样一个识别含巯醇基氨基酸反应型OFF-ON荧光探针,在医疗生物领域具有应用潜力。

    Identification of three amino acids , and further by the type of the nucleophilic reaction rate , and can be open cysteine , homocysteine and glutathione distinction , such a reaction type OFF-ON fluorescent probe in the medical biological field has a very good application potential .

  30. 辐照条件对光核反应产额的影响

    The effect of irradiation conditions of bremsstrahlung on photonuclear reaction yields