
bǎo hù huán jìng
  • protect the environment;Protection of Environment;Protecting the Environment;Protection of the Environment
  1. 我们有道义责任保护环境。

    We have a moral obligation to protect the environment .

  2. 为了减少垃圾数量、保护环境,越来越多的政府要求人们回收材料。

    To decrease the amount of rubbish and to protect the environment , more governments are requiring people to recycle materials .

  3. 尽量采取更有利于保护环境的生活方式。

    Try to adopt a greener lifestyle .

  4. 我们正在采取措施以保护环境。

    We are taking steps to protect our environment .

  5. 保护环境是中国政府的基本国策。

    The protection of the environment is one of the basic state policies of the Chinese government .

  6. 他对保护环境这个问题不关心。

    He isn 't interested in conservation .

  7. 帕劳成为一个独立的国家只有20年,但在保护环境方面己有长久的历史。

    Palau has only been an independent nation for twenty years and has a strong history of environmental protection .

  8. 修复我们拥有的东西和改变我们的消费习惯可能是减少垃圾数量和保护环境的最好方法。

    Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment .

  9. 你可以先在学校发表有关保护环境的演讲。

    You can first give speeches about protecting the environment at school .

  10. 它还通过防止废物进入河流和海洋来保护环境。

    And it also helps the environment by keeping waste out of rivers and oceans .

  11. 他们在沙漠地区种植树木,以此巩固沙土、保护环境。

    They plant trees in the desert area to keep the sand and protect the environment .

  12. 这样既便宜,又有益于保护环境。

    It is much cheaper and kinder to the environment .

  13. 例句:保护环境是当务之急。

    Environmental protection is of paramount1 importance .

  14. 我们应该保护环境。

    We should protect the environment .

  15. �一切单位和个人都有保护环境的义务,并有权对污染和破坏环境的单位和个人进行检举和控告。

    All units and individuals shall have the obligation to protect the environment and shall have the right to report on or file charges against units or individuals that cause pollution or damage to the environment .

  16. 必须树立和践行绿水青山就是金山银山的理念,坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,像对待生命一样对待生态环境,统筹山水林田湖草系统治理,实行最严格的生态环境保护制度,形成绿色发展方式和生活方式。

    We must realize that lucid approach to conserving our mountains , rivers , forests , farmlands , lakes , and grasslands , implement the strictest possible systems for environmental protection , and develop eco-friendly growth models and ways of life .

  17. 绿水青山就是金山银山,贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,加快形成节约资源和保护环境的空间格局、产业结构、生产方式、生活方式,给自然生态留下休养生息的时间和空间。

    Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets . China must pursue the vision of innovative , coordinated , green and open development that is for everyone , accelerate forming spatial patterns , industrial structures , production and living modes that are resource-saving and environmental-friendly , and provide time and space for the natural ecology to rehabilitate .

  18. VTS船舶交通服务是用于增进交通安全和提高交通效率以及保护环境服务的。

    VTS vessel traffic service is used to improve traffic safety , improve the transportation efficiency and protect environment service .

  19. WTO成员方是否能以保护环境为由,对通过污染型工艺和方式生产的产品在进口时采取限制或禁止措施,这是国际贸易与环境领域关注的焦点。

    It has been a major concern in the world trade and environment regime that whether WTO members can apply border restriction measures under environmental protection ground , to those products produced in a comparatively polluting way .

  20. 船舶交通管理系统(VTS)是由一个法定机关执行的,旨在改善船舶交通的安全和效率并且保护环境的一种服务。

    Vessel Traffic Services ( VTS ) is a service implemented by a Competent Authority , designed to improve safety and efficiency of vessel traffic and to protect the environment .

  21. 所有我们必须种更多的树来保护环境。

    So we must plant more trees to protect the environment .

  22. 保护环境做实践三个代表促进派

    Protect Environment and Promote the Practice of " Theree Representation "

  23. 治理污染、保护环境是南水北调东线工程成功的关键

    Control Pollution and Protect Environment in the South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  24. 我们主张严格控制污染以保护环境。

    We advocate strict control of pollution to protect environment .

  25. 政府必须颁布相关法令以保护环境。

    The government has to issue some regulations to protect the environment .

  26. 中国必须保护环境,保存不可再生资源。

    China must protect the environment and conserve nonrenewable resources .

  27. 我们要鼓励更多的人保护环境。

    We should encourage more people to protect the environment .

  28. 生物可降解塑料代替现有的不可降解塑料,对于保护环境,减少污染具有十分重要的意义。

    Biodegradable plastics have great significances in the field of environment protecting .

  29. 树立保护环境、防止污染的意识;

    Acquire a consciousness of protect the environment against pollution ;

  30. 它可以帮助我们保护环境。

    It can help us to protect the environment .