
  • 网络Bulgarian Empire;Kingdom of Bulgaria
  1. 保加利亚王国在9世纪是重要的欧洲势力,而在10世纪,为了争夺对巴尔干半岛的控制权和拜占庭帝国(ByzantineEmpire)对抗。

    The Bulgarian empire was a significant European power in the9th and the10th century , fighting with the Byzantine Empire for the control of the Balkans .

  2. 在司米斯基死后的第二年,塞缪尔沙皇建立起一个强大而疆域广阔的保加利亚王国,它的中心在奥赫里德。

    In the years following the death of Tzimiskes the tasr Samuel managed to build a large and powerful Bulgarian empire with its center at Ochrid .

  3. 最初是色雷斯人的一个定居点,在几个世纪之间,先后属于罗马、拜占庭、两个保加利亚王国、奥斯曼土耳其和俄国。

    Originally a Thracian settlement , it passed over the centuries to Rome , Byzantium , two Bulgarian kingdoms , Ottoman Turkey , and Russia.In1879 it became the capital of independent Bulgaria .