
  • 网络Munich City;Munchen
  1. 慕尼黑市原来希望成为第一个包揽夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。

    Munich was hoping to become the first city to be selected for both summer and winter Olympics .

  2. 德国巴伐利亚铺设了第一条连接慕尼黑市与机场的高速磁浮铁轨。

    The Bavarian state of Germany launches first high-speed magnetic levitation railway ( maglev ) linking Munich city to the airport .

  3. 近日,德国慕尼黑市一家法庭判决一名自杀未遂的男子赔偿由此造成的经济损失。

    German man who unsuccessfully tried to kill himself by jumping in front of a train must pay compensation for the damage he caused , a court in the southern city of Munich ruled on Tuesday .

  4. (德国)慕尼黑市旅游局的一位发言人于上周四称,慕尼黑的一家公厕被改造成艺术博物馆后,在刚开放几天内就吸引了数百人前来参观。

    A public toilet in Munich which has been transformed into an art museum has attracted hundreds of people in the first days after opening , a spokesman for the city 's tourism agency said on Thursday .

  5. 通过分析国外一些利用举办事件推动城市发展的成功案例,特别是德国慕尼黑市的先进经验,探讨如何有效地控制和引导这种短期、大型城市事件对城市发展产生持续而积极的影响。

    Upon analyzing some successful overseas cases , especially the advanced experience of Munich in Germany , this paper discusses how to effectively control and guide these short-term but large-scale city events to bring a lasting and positive impact on urban development .