
  • 网络Munich Scheme
  1. 从慕尼黑阴谋开始,角色都转变了。

    Since the Munich dictat , the roles have changed .

  2. 暂时的绥靖起源于与慕尼黑阴谋相同的借口:不道德,将失败冠以崇高的道德准则。

    Contemporary appeasement arises from the same source as the sell-out at Munich : amorality , the failure to adhere to higher principles .

  3. 这种思维惯性在处理外交事务时尤其突出,每一次新的冲突都被放在这种有色棱镜之下接受审视,无论是越南战争、慕尼黑阴谋、冷战或者伊拉克战争。

    This effect is especially powerful in foreign affairs , where each new conflict is viewed through the prism of Vietnam or Munich or the cold war or Iraq .

  4. 揭破远东慕尼黑的阴谋

    Expose the plot for a far Eastern Munich

  5. 这种阴谋同英、法、德、意在慕尼黑制造的阴谋类似,所以人们把它叫做东方慕尼黑。

    It was called an " Eastern Munich " because of its similarity to the Munich conspiracy of Britain , France , Germany and Italy .