
  • 网络STALINGRAD;The Battle of Stalingrad
  1. 斯大林格勒战役决定了希特勒的覆灭。

    The Battle of Stalingrad sealed Hitler 's doom .

  2. 这场战争也许会变成小规模的斯大林格勒战役。

    The war might turn into a miniature Stalingrad .

  3. 斯大林格勒战役及库尔斯克战役是第二次世界大战的转折点。

    The battles of Stalingrad and Kursk were turning points of the conflict .

  4. 斯大林格勒战役后,纳粹德国迅速走向灭亡。

    After the battle of stalingrad , Nazi Germany drew on rapidly towards destruction .

  5. 下面是的.斯大林格勒战役是第二次世界大战中富有决定性的战役。.

    The battle of Stalin grad is a decisive one in the Second World War

  6. 斯大林格勒战役后,纳粹德国迅速走向灭亡。苏格兰历史上一次令人心潮澎湃的战役

    After the battle of Stalingrad , Nazi Germany drew on rapidly towards destruction . AN EMOTIONAL BATTLE FROM SCOTTISH HISTORY

  7. 这样,三条战线夹击希特勒,就将是斯大林格勒战役以后的伟大历史过程。

    Thus , an attack from three fronts will converge on Hitler & such is the great historical process that will follow the Battle of Stalingrad .

  8. 但西班牙的无辜者与战士的鲜血已经洒在西班牙的土地上,为斯大林格勒战役和中途岛大战这样反法战争的关键性胜利提供了道德依据和灵感。

    Yet the blood of innocents and fighters spilled on Spanish soil provided the moral rationale and inspiration for the crucial victories at Stalingrad and Midway .

  9. 我们铭记格奥尔基-康斯坦丁诺维奇-朱可夫元帅。莫斯科战役、列宁格勒战役、斯大林格勒战役和柏林战役的指挥者。

    We remember Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov , commander for the Battle of Moscow , the Battle of Leningrad , the Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Berlin .

  10. 斯大林格勒和莫斯科的战役更加受人关注。

    More attention is paid nowadays to the battles for Moscow and Stalingrad .