
  • 网络The Gulag
  1. 该小说近来由朵金搬上舞台,最初的演出地点正是在昔日的古拉格小镇诺里尔斯克。

    The adaptation of " Life and Fate " for the stage was put on recently by Mr Dodin in the Gulag town of Norilsk .

  2. 《古拉格群岛》是一本“写在我背上的肌肤”以此带出军营的书,它所代表的是,为依旧留在里面的每一个犯人担当目击者。

    " The Gulag Archipelago " was a book carried out of the camps " on the skin of my back ", to bear witness on behalf of everyone still inside .

  3. 待会儿我要送你去俄国古拉格集中营。

    I 'll send you to a gulag later .

  4. 被流放到西伯利亚的古拉格泵站做苦力了。

    To some guiag pumping station in siberia .

  5. 古拉格群岛由161个小岛组成

    Okinawa is actually 161 small islands .

  6. 在冲绳县的古拉格岛

    on the archipelago of Okinawa .

  7. 1973年出版的《古拉格群岛》一书撼动了苏联体制的基础,但此书却无力阻止苏联遗毒沉渣泛起。

    " The Gulag Archipelago ", published in1973 , had shaken the very foundations of the Soviet system , but it did not make the country immune from the restoration of Soviet symbols and elements .

  8. 摘录还透露出这对鸳鸯的家人是如此的不幸——茂文的父亲因反对这一婚姻关系而疏远儿子,柳德米拉的父亲因客死古拉格(劳动改造营总管理局)而永别爱女——以致双方似乎可如此恰好地相偎相依。

    They also show how the couple 's unhappy families - Mervyn 's father is absent because he disliked his relations , Lyudmila 's because he died in the Gulag - made them seem to match each other so neatly .

  9. 上个月意大利长寿老人阿图罗·里卡沓在其112岁生日的前几天去世,现年111岁的亚历山大·伊米奇取而代之成为世界最长寿的在世男性。亚历山大·伊米奇现居美国纽约曼哈顿,生于波兰,后移民美国,他是苏联古拉格集中营的幸存者。

    Alexander Imich , an 111-year-old Polish immigrant and Soviet gulag survivor who lives in Manhattan , became the world 's oldest living man last month when the previous record-holder , Arturo Licata , died just days before his 112th birthday .