
gǔ rén lèi xué
  • paleoanthropology
古人类学[gǔ rén lèi xué]
  1. 中国人类化石研究对古人类学的贡献

    Contributions of the study on Chinese human fossils to Paleoanthropology

  2. 从中国第一家专门为进行古人类学研究而建立的学术机构&中国地质调查所新生代研究室1929年成立之时起,他便任顾问;

    He acted as an advisor for the Cenozoic Laboratory , Geological Survey of China , the first institution established for studying paleoanthropology in China since its establishment .

  3. 大学毕业后分配到了中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所,从事古人类学研究。

    After graduation , he was allocated to Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology , Chinese Academy of Sciences , to study the palaeoanthropology in China .

  4. 面貌复原对人种特征研究、尸体鉴别认证及面部矫形手术具有重要意义,已经在法医人类学、体质人类学和古人类学中得到广泛地研究和应用。

    Facial reconstruction is very important to ethnics research , individual authentication and orthopedic operation . It is widely studied and applied in forensic medicine , physical anthropology and palaeoanthropology .

  5. 科学杂志编辑预测下列领域将可能是2007年有望有突破的领域:行星科学,古人类学,灵长目基因组学,气候改变,全基因组相关研究和光晶格。

    Science 's editors predict that planetary science , paleoanthropology , primate genomics , climate change , whole-genome association studies , and optical lattices will be the areas to watch in2007 .