
ɡǔ shēnɡ wù xué jiā
  • paleontologist;paleobiologist
  1. 据芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)古生物学家保罗&12539;塞雷诺(PaulSereno)说,世界正处于恐龙发现的复兴期,中国等国处于前沿。

    According to University of Chicago paleontologist Paul Sereno , the world is in the middle of a ' renaissance ' in dinosaur discovery , with China helping lead that charge .

  2. 这像是古生物学家的女友会穿的衣服吗?

    Does this look like something a paleontologist 's girlfriend would wear ?

  3. 然而,来自美国阿肯色大学的一组古生物学家可能发现了有关这种可怕动物的一个新理论。霸王龙是群居动物的理论最早是在20年前提出的。

    The theory that tyrannosaurs were social animals was first suggested 20 years ago .

  4. 来自美国阿肯色大学的一组古生物学家在分析了骨骼和化石后说,这表明这些霸王龙曾聚集在一起捕食其它动物,至少在生存艰难、资源日益减少的日子里是这样的。

    Analysing the bones and rocks , a team of palaeontologists from the University of Arkansas say it suggests the tyrannosaurs came together to prey1 on other animals , at least when times got tougher and resources were dwindling2 .

  5. “这个是一非常工整的论文,”SB说到,他是纽约市美国自然史博物馆一位知识渊博的古生物学家。

    " This is a very neat paper ," says Stephen Brusatte , a vertebrate paleontologist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City .

  6. 自然历史博物馆古生物学家克里斯斯特林格(chrisstringer)称,这反映出接连不断的冰川期导致海平面很低。

    This reflected the low sea levels resulting from successive ice ages , according to Chris stringer , a natural history museum palaeontologist .

  7. 同为这项新研究作者的多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)古生物学家本斯·维奥拉(BenceViola)表示,刚听到这些基因数据的消息时,他本人满腹狐疑。

    Bence Viola , a paleontologist at the University of Toronto and a co-author of the new study , said he was skeptical when he first learned of the genetic data .

  8. 在这次发现中,大量令人筋疲力尽的发掘工作都是由阿根廷埃吉迪奥·费鲁利奥古生物学博物馆(PaleontologicalMuseumEgidioFeruglio)的古生物学家若泽·路易斯·卡瓦利多(JoséLuisCarballido)和迭戈·布勒(DiegoPol)带领的团队完成的。

    Much of the grueling excavation leading to the discovery was done by teams led by Jos é Luis Carballido and Diego Pol , paleontologists at Paleontological Museum Egidio Feruglio in Argentina .

  9. Portsmouth大学的古生物学家DavidMartill在德国Solnhofen博物馆带队考察时,无意间看到了大约生活在1.13亿以前的稀有四脚蛇化石。

    David Martill paleobiologist at the University of Portsmouth was leading a field trip at Germany 's Museum Solnhofen when he stumbled upon a rare fossil of a four-legged snake that inhabited the planet 113-million years ago .

  10. 英国雷丁大学古生物学家ManabuSakamoto博士主导这项研究,他说:“我们没料到是这样的结果。尽管恐龙是由于小行星撞地球而灭绝,但在这之前,即距今约5000万年前,恐龙已经开始走向衰落。”

    Dr Manabu Sakamoto , a palaeontologist from the University of Reading , who led the research , said : " We were not expecting this result . Even though they were wiped out ultimately by the impact of the asteroid , they were actually already on their way out around 50 million years before the asteroid hit . "

  11. 也许你正有一个十分想知道的问题要询问古生物学家,也许你正考虑换个工作、想直接跟某位摄影师或景观设计师谈谈。

    Perhaps you have a burning question for a paleontologist .

  12. 这本书处处充满着年轻古生物学家的快乐!

    It 's a delightful book for young paleontologists everywhere !

  13. (1903-1972)在坦桑尼亚工作的英国古生物学家。

    British paleontologist who worked in Tanzania ( 1903-1972 ) .

  14. 有一些古生物学家认为人种是单一的,即只有能人一种,其他人种都是能人的变异体。

    Some palaeontologists see a single , variable species called Homo habilis .

  15. 古生物学家对有关恐龙灭绝知道的很多。

    Paleontologists know plenty about the demise of the dinosaurs .

  16. 支持进化论的生物学家和古生物学家越来越频繁地提出了上述问题。

    Evolutionary biologists and paleontologists ask such questions more and more frequently .

  17. 我穿这套是不是看起来像古生物学家的女朋友?

    Something the girl friend of a paleontologist would wear ?

  18. 专此纪念著名的古生物学家盛金章院士。

    This paper is dedicated to academician Sheng Jinzhang , a famous paleontologist .

  19. 古生物学家要那玩意儿干嘛?

    Joey : What the hell does a paleontologist need a beeper for ?

  20. 数年来,古生物学家一直想知道蛇颈龙是否也通过怀胎方式繁殖后代。

    For years , palaeontologists have wondered if the same was true of plesiosaurs .

  21. 古生物学家还讨论了始祖鸟是否会飞的问题。

    Paleontologists also debated whether Archaeopteryx could fly .

  22. 此外,古生物学家还没有发现非洲大猿的祖先。

    Moreover , paleontologists have yet to recover any remains of ancient African great apes .

  23. 你不用看那些没穿上衣的古生物学家了。

    Now you won 't have to see all these paleontologists with their shirts off .

  24. 借助一个灌丛蟋蟀的遗骸,古生物学家还原了这个早已灭绝了的蟋蟀物种的歌声。

    Now paleontologists have reconstructed the song of a long-extinct bushcricket - based on its remains .

  25. 阿根廷古生物学家认为他们发现了世界上最大的恐龙化石。

    Argentinean palaeontologists believe they have discovered dinosaur bones from the largest creature ever on earth .

  26. 为了对它的身形进行估算,古生物学家测量了肱部和股骨的周长。

    To estimate the body mass , they measured the circumference of the humerus and the femur .

  27. 正因为这个缘故,不少拥护进化论的生物学家和古生物学家怀疑其中是否另有文章。

    For these reasons , many evolutionary biologists and paleontologists wonder if there is more to the story .

  28. 你是对的,你是个很勇猛的人,是我认识的最凶悍的古生物学家。

    You 're right , you are a tough guy . You 're the toughest paleontologist I know .

  29. 很多古生物学家都很好奇(包括我自己),恐龙和鸟类之间有没有别的相似之处。

    So , many paleontologists , myself included , have wondered about other similarities between dinosaurs and birds .

  30. 古生物学家先前曾认为一些恐龙的小小的前肢是用于抓昆虫或撕开猎物的肉。

    Paleontologists had previously thought that some dinos ' small forelimbs had served to catch insects or rip flesh .