
  • 网络The Cuban Missile Crisis;Cuba missile crisis
  1. 在影片中,他的妻子(杰西·巴克利饰演)想让他放弃这个日益危险的使命,但是韦恩相信只有他的间谍行动才能化解古巴导弹危机。

    In the film , his wife ( Jessie Buckley ) wants him to abandon this increasingly dangerous mission , but Wynne believes that only his espionage14 can defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis .

  2. 现在,在一个经济版的古巴导弹危机大舞台上,她是主角,跟欧洲央行行长MarioDraghi一起。

    Now she is the chief figure , along with Mario Draghi , president of the European Central Bank , in an economic version of the Cuban missile crisis .

  3. 排名第三的演讲本周特别值得怀念:五十年前的6月,正值冷战时期,古巴导弹危机(CubanMissileCrisis)刚刚发生,约翰·F.·肯尼迪提出的单边核克制震动了苏联人。

    The speech ranked No. 3 below is particularly historic this week : It 's 50 years ago this month that John F. Kennedy , in the midst of the Cold War and on the heels of the Cuban Missile Crisis , startled the Soviets by offering unilateral nuclear restraint .

  4. 自古巴导弹危机以来再次剑拔弩�

    hasn 't been this high since the Cuban Missile Crisis .

  5. 这次事件似乎要比古巴导弹危机更加棘手。

    Snake it sounds like this could be even hotter than Cuba .

  6. 即使这样,古巴导弹危机还差点导致了核战争。

    Even so , they came close to nuclear war over Cuba .

  7. 可以说,猫鼬行动是古巴导弹危机爆发的催化剂。

    Actually , the Mongoose Operation was the catalyst of Cuban missile crisis .

  8. 你却给我讲古巴导弹危机。

    You told me about the Cuban missile crisis .

  9. 第三,U&2飞机事件还引发了美苏之间新一轮抗争:1962年古巴导弹危机。

    It led to another round of dispute - the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis .

  10. 可是经历过古巴导弹危机的

    I lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis .

  11. 古巴导弹危机与20世纪60年代的美苏关系

    The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Relationship Between America and Soviet Union in the 1960s

  12. 这里主要以对古巴导弹危机的分析为例展示对抗分析的基本方法和复对策理论。

    Here take the Cuban missile crisis as an example to exibit Conan and metagame theory .

  13. 一九六二年的古巴导弹危机使苏联人清醒地看到战略劣势造成的不利后果。

    The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 brought home to the Soviets the penalty for strategic inferiority .

  14. 即使在古巴导弹危机后,我们依然维持着与美国的微妙平衡。

    Even after the Cuban Missile Crisis , we 've managed to maintain a delicate balance with the U.S.

  15. 国际危机处理中的首脑外交&以古巴导弹危机为个案的分析

    The Role of Summit Diplomacy in the International Crisis Management & A Case Study of Cuban Missile Crisis

  16. 第二章详细论述柏林危机对古巴导弹危机的影响。

    The second chapter discusses in detail the influence of the Berlin Crisis on the Cuban Missile Crisis .

  17. 第五章、古巴导弹危机及美国对古巴遏制政策的形成。

    Chapter Five : the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Formation of the Containment Policy of America towards Cuba .

  18. 当我从小在英格兰长大,我对古巴导弹危机下的生活记忆犹新。

    I remember very vividly as a child growing up in England , living through the Cuban Missile Crisis .

  19. 古巴导弹危机使人们清楚地看到,美国在国家安全受到威胁时所采取的强硬政策。

    The Cuban missile crisis clearly exposed that America would take a tough policy when its security was under threatening .

  20. 他废除了种族隔离制度,组建了和平队,为消除古巴导弹危机出谋划策。

    He put an end to segregation , established the Peace Corps , and masterminded the resolution of the Cuban missile crisis .

  21. 1962年“古巴导弹危机”的成功解决堪称是通过首脑外交处理危机的典范。

    The successful resolution of Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 sets up a fine example for the management of crisis through summit diplomacy .

  22. 就在几个月前,美国虽然结束了与苏联的“古巴导弹危机”,然而核战争还是一个真实存在的威胁。

    Just months after the Cuban missile crisis with the Soviet Union , when nuclear war was still a real threat , President John .

  23. 不管怎么样,肯尼迪也从中吸取了处理国际事件的经验,有助于他后来处理古巴导弹危机。

    For what its worth , JFK gained experience in handling international incidents , a tool he would later need during the Cuban Missile Crisis .

  24. 伊朗,美国和以色列间关系紧张日益升级,这一时期是否堪比古巴导弹危机?

    As rhetoric and tension escalates between Iran , the US and Israel , does this period compare to that of the Cuban Missile Crisis ?

  25. 1962年10月24日,古巴导弹危机期间总统约翰·肯尼迪签署公告对其实施封锁。

    On Oct. 24 , 1962 , the U.S. blockade of Cuba during the missile crisis began under a proclamation signed by President John F. Kennedy .

  26. 古巴导弹危机是冷战时期的一个重要事件,人类第一次直接面临着核战争的威胁。

    The Cuban missile crisis was a key event in Cold War period and mankind for the first time was faced with the threat of nuclear war .

  27. 赫鲁晓夫十分注重和西方的和平共处,但同时却由于对核武器的崇拜于1962年在古巴导弹危机中与美国发生冲突。

    Khrushchev was an advocate of peaceful coexistence with the West , but his advocacy of nuclear weapons caused tensions with the US , culminating in1962 's Cuban Missile Crisis .

  28. 猫鼬行动夭折的直接原因是古巴导弹危机的爆发,但是即使没有这次危机,猫鼬行动的也不大可能走向成功的道路。

    The outbreak of the Cuban missile crisis directly caused the abortion of the Mongoose Operation . But even without this crisis , it would unlikely lead to the road of success .

  29. 许多消失的档案都涉及到韩战,美苏之间的冷战,核扩张,以及1962年的古巴导弹危机。

    Many of the missing documents contain references to the Korean war , the cold war between the Soviet Union and the United states , nuclear proliferation and the1962 Cuban missile crisis .

  30. 古巴导弹危机的出现急剧改变了猫鼬行动的命运,随着危机的加剧,肯尼迪决定不再刺激苏联,下令停止在古巴的行动,猫鼬行动夭折了。

    Cuban missile crisis dramatically changed the destiny of the Mongoose Operation . As the crisis intensified , Kennedy decided not to stimulate the Soviet Union and ordered to cease the operations in Cuba .