
  • 网络Holodomor
  1. 斯大林在1930年代引起的乌克兰大饥荒,造成上百万名乌克兰人死亡;

    Stalin 's enforced famines of the 1930s , the Holodomor , killed millions of Ukrainians ,

  2. 乌克兰大饥荒是苏联历史上一个无法回避的沉重话题。

    The great Ukrainian famine was an inevitable and distressing topic in the history of Soviet Union .

  3. 埃德温斯。斯诺尔:因为这些左派媒体故意扭曲的报道,当时在西方许多的人们对乌克兰大饥荒的惨剧无动于衷。

    SNORE : Because of this information , many people in the West reacted quite passively to what happened in the Ukraine .

  4. 他说由于苏联的农业掠夺造成的乌克兰大饥荒死人是被夸大了。他还恶毒地、恬不知耻地声称:“你要做个蛋饼,还能不先打碎几个鸡蛋?”

    He called the forced famine in the Ukraine mostly bunk and viciously justified the millions dead by saying ," You can 't make an omelet without breaking eggs . "

  5. 比较符合历史事实的说法是乌克兰在大饥荒中损失400万~500万人口。

    The statement that Ukraine had lost a population of 4 million to 5 million coincides with the historical facts .