
  • 网络Yalta Regime;the yalta system
  1. 战后日本问题,本质上说就是雅尔塔体系问题。

    In essence , the Japan issue in the postwar era derives from the Yalta system .

  2. 从其战略目标来分析,苏联是维护雅尔塔体系,保证其既得利益。

    Form its strategic object , the Soviet Union tries to maintain the Yalta system to ensure its own profits .

  3. 二战结束后,雅尔塔体系形成了战后东亚安全秩序的雏形。

    After World War ⅱ, the prototype of post-war security order in East Asia was ruled by the Yalta system .

  4. 第二次世界大战后,根据战时大国安排和战后国际力量对比的变化,国际舞台上形成了以两极格局为主要特点的雅尔塔体系。

    After world war two , according to the arrangement and power comparison of great nations , the Yalta system characterized by bipolarity was formed .

  5. 民族国家的建立和发展经历威斯特伐利亚体系、维也纳体系、凡尔赛&华盛顿体系和雅尔塔体系四个体系,每个体系展现不同的特点。

    The establishment and development of nation-states experienced four systems : Westphalia system , Vienna system , Versailles-Washington system and Yalta system . Each has different characteristics .

  6. 二战后,美苏主导的雅尔塔体系代替了凡尔赛体系,欧洲安全局势发生巨大变化。

    After the Second World War , the European security situation changed greatly when the Yalta system which the United States and the Soviet Union dominated founded .

  7. 第二次世界大战后形成了雅尔塔体系,世界两极格局形成,欧洲一分为二分别被美国和苏联控制。

    After world II , the Yalta system and the bi-pole structure were developed and Europe was divided into two parts controlled separately by US and Soviet Union .

  8. 反法西斯大同盟的主要领导人在第二次世界大战中后期所建立的雅尔塔体系,不仅具有大国强权政治的深深烙印,而且成为冷战爆发的地缘政治基础。

    The Yalta System , set up by the Big Three-Roosevelt , Churchill and stalin , was characteristic of power politics , and it laid a geopolitical foundation for the cold war .

  9. 然而,核武器技术的扩散并没有随着雅尔塔体系的形成而宣告结束,随着大国博弈的深入和复杂化,一些地区性强国也逐步追求对核武器技术的掌握,伊朗核问题就是其中一例。

    However , the Yalta system has not stopped the proliferation of nuclear technology , some regional powers have gradually mastered the pursuit of nuclear weapons technology and the Iranian nuclear issue is one case .

  10. 第二次世界大战以雅尔塔体系为基础形成了以美苏两大国为首的世界政治格局,对战后世界政治、经济和国际关系产生了深刻影响。

    World War II resulted in a new political layout based on Yalta Regime with USA and Great Britain as the dominant forces , which exerted great influence on the world economy , politics , and international relations .

  11. 它不仅反映出政局剧变之后中东欧国家摆脱雅尔塔体系附加给它们的政治概念和回归欧洲的文明属性的设想和实践,同时,这一概念的提出也反映了中东欧国家心理变化的一个过程。

    This not only reflects the idea and practice of the central and eastern European countries to get rid of the influences of political concepts that imposed on them by Yalta system , but also psychological change they have experienced over the passed two decades .