
  • 网络LMU;Ludwig Maximilian Muenchen Unitversitaet;LMU Muenchen;Muenchen;Uni Muenchen
  1. 该研究是由慕尼黑大学的研究人员进行的。

    The research was conducted by members of the Ludwig Maximilians University ( LMU ) of Munich .

  2. 慕尼黑大学化学院的两个研究组织(TUM)成功的解释了这种保护蛋白的分子结构。

    Two research groups at the Department of Chemistry of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen ( TUM ) have succeeded in explaining the molecular architecture of this kind of protective protein .

  3. 慕尼黑大学经济研究机构IFO商业景气调查机构的月度报告发现,6月份超过一半的德国公司认为信贷并不比平常更难获得。

    A monthly survey by the IFO institute for economic research at Munich University found that in June more than half of German firms thought credit no harder to come by than usual .

  4. 应用免疫组织化学LSAB法和图像处理系统,对德国慕尼黑大学法医学研究所1994年尸检冠心病猝死和对照组病例(各15例)的心肌肌动蛋白缺失情况进行定量研究。

    Actin depletion in myocardium from cases of sudden coronary death ( SCD ) and control group in Munich Institute of Forensic Medicine . Germany , was studied quantitatively by immunohistochemical technique ( LSAB method ) and computer-assisted image processing .

  5. 夏礼贤1953年出生于德国,在慕尼黑大学攻读政治及政治经济学。

    He studied political science and political economy at the University of Munich .

  6. 索菲.舍尔是慕尼黑大学学生,因参与反纳粹组织白玫瑰,一九四三年去世。

    Sophie Scholl was a Munich University student who died in1943 for her involvement in the White Rose , an anti-Nazi organisation .

  7. 清华大学从第35名上升至第30名,超过墨尔本大学、乔治亚理工学院和慕尼黑大学。

    Tsinghua University increased from 35th place to 30th , overtaking the University of Melbourne , Georgia Institute of Technology , and LMU Munich .

  8. 卡尔是慕尼黑大学得学生,他每个星期都为一位瞎眼的亿万富翁讲故事,以赚取他的生活费。

    Karl , a student of Munich University , visits a blind billionaire every week and reads books for him to earn his school expenses .

  9. 德国慕尼黑大学的乌特•威尔伯特-拉姆彭博士以及同事们发现,球赛开始后两个小时通常是心脏病的高发阶段。

    Cardiac emergencies usually occurred within two hours of the start of a match , Dr Ute Wilbert-Lampen of Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and colleagues found .

  10. 2015年,四名慕尼黑大学的毕业生创立了此公司。他们表示,该飞机的设计是在晴好的天气条件下,于白天在不拥挤的空域内飞行。

    The company , which was started by four Munich university graduates in 2015 , says the aircraft is designed to be flown in good weather conditions in uncongested airspace in the daylight .

  11. 德国慕尼黑大学医学心理学研究所时间生物学教授提尔·罗内伯格表示,从原始细菌到人类,每个生物体都有一个生物因素决定的内在生物钟。

    Every organism from primitive bacteria to human beings have a biologically determined , internal body clock , said Till Roenneberg , a professor of chronobiology at the Institute of Medical Psychology at Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich .

  12. 在对当地硕士课程进行研究后,她很快锁定了慕尼黑工业大学(TechnicalUniversityofMunich)。

    Her search for a university master 's program quickly brought her to the Technical University of Munich .

  13. 1987年,韦斯麦尔报考了慕尼黑工业大学(TechnicalUniversityofMunich)的计算机专业。在这家德国领先的教育机构里,他只上了20天的课就退学了。

    In 1987 Mr Vilsmeier enrolled in a computing course at the Technical University of Munich , one of Germany 's leading educational institutes , only to quit after 20 days .

  14. 阿尔塔米拉诺女士选择的慕尼黑工业大学排名由去年的第50位升至第11位。Emerging咨询公司称,这一变化可能意味着招聘企业的心态正在改变。

    Ms. Altamirano 's choice - the Munich technical school - ranked number 11 , up from 50th place a year earlier , a rise that Emerging says may point to a changing mind-set among recruiters .

  15. 利用德国慕尼黑技术大学提供的精密约化动力法轨道对CHAMP卫星快速轨道数据的精度进行了评估。

    For evaluating the precision of CHAMP rapid science orbit , the more precise CHAMP zero-difference reduced-dynamic orbits offered by Technical University of Munich are compared with rapid science orbits .

  16. 此方法系由慕尼黑技术大学研发并经RILEM予以推荐。

    This cracking frame test was developed at the Technical University of Munich and adopted by RILEM as a recommended test method .

  17. 阿尔塔米拉诺女士说,慕尼黑工业大学真的十分声名显赫。

    The school is really well known , said Ms. Altamirano .

  18. 慕尼黑工业大学,加尔兴技术学院,加兴,德国

    Technical University munich , technical faculty , garching , Germany

  19. 阿尔塔米拉诺女士说,慕尼黑工业大学“真的十分声名显赫”。

    The school " is really well known , " said Ms. Altamirano .

  20. 慕尼黑技术大学加尔兴机械工程分校慕尼黑宝马研究和开发中心办公大厦

    Faculty for Mechanical Engineering in Garching Project house of BMW research and innovation center

  21. 慕尼黑科技大学人类生物学的研究人员正按这个线索继续进行研究。

    The TUM researchers in human biology are blazing a trail as they follow this lead .

  22. 本文总结了慕尼黑工业大学关于煤矿中突出问题的研究。

    This paper gives a review on the theory of bumps in coal mines at the Technical University of Munich , F.

  23. 其中,慕尼黑工业大学的学生们利用人工智能技术给出了他们的预测。

    Using artificial intelligence , students at the Technical University of Munich ( TUM ) have now put in their own two cents .

  24. 为了更好地阐释教程材料,慕尼黑工业大学结合了各种专业讲座中的传授的方法,为学生解决一系列的学术问题和复习作业。

    To shed more practical light on the course material , TU Munich incorporates tutorials on top of lectures to solve problem sets and review homework .

  25. 以我个人经历来看,慕尼黑工业大学和康奈尔大学都高度重视理论和实践的整合,但康奈尔看起来走得更远。

    From my personal experience , TU Munich and Cornell both put a high premium on blending theory and practice , but Cornell seems to go one step further .

  26. 慕尼黑工业大学曾经是一所传统的德国理工大学,近年来已经发展成为一家全球性的高校,有许多课程用英语授课。

    A once-traditional German technical college , T.U.M. has in recent years developed into a global player that , as part of that development , now offers many courses in English .

  27. 这项研究结果来自慕尼黑工业大学,研究人员将20个陌生人进行配对,要求他们在不发生碰撞也不说话的情况下向对方走去。

    The findings come from study in which researchers from the Technical University of Munich paired up 20 strangers and asked them to walk towards each other without colliding and without speaking .