
yòu chú
  • nestling;young/baby bird
  1. 幼雏是靠母鸟的反刍食物来喂养的。

    The young feed on regurgitated food from the parent birds .

  2. 猫头鹰反吐出部分消化的食物喂幼雏。

    Owls regurgitate partly digested food to feed their young .

  3. 他们正在设法为他们的一窝幼雏觅食。

    They were trying to find food for their brood .

  4. 雌鸟守护着她的幼雏。

    The mother bird is watching over her young .

  5. 然而,大量孵育秃鹫幼雏只是计划的第一步。

    But hatching a lot of condor chicks is only the first step .

  6. 他描述这些鸟是如何养育其幼雏的。

    He describes how these birds rear their chicks .

  7. 丹顶鹤幼雏死亡现象明显减少,繁殖成功率显著高于补水前;

    Breeding success rate of Red crowned-crane after complementing water exceeded that before complementing water ;

  8. 激光影响鸡孵化和幼雏存活的研究

    Study on the effects of he & ne laser to the incubation and survival of chickens

  9. 奶:雌性哺乳动物在产后一段时期从乳腺分泌的汁液,可用来喂养幼雏。

    Milk : Liquid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals to nourish their young .

  10. 山东一株鹦鹉幼雏病病毒全序列测定与分析

    Sequencing and Analysis of Complete Genome Sequence of Budgerigar Fledgling Disease Virus Isolated from Shandong Province

  11. 中国发现澳洲长尾小鹦鹉幼雏病朱鹮幼雏大肠杆菌病的病理组织学观察

    Budgerigar Fledgling Disease Occurred in China The Histopathological Observations of Young Crested Ibis Infected with Escherichia coli

  12. 窟鱼、昆虫或其它动物产卵或养幼雏的一种类似结构。

    A similar structure in which fish , insects , or other animals deposit eggs or keep their young .

  13. 金翅鸟的幼雏在蛋中便已羽毛丰满,但在孵化前还无法飞。

    The garuda chick has all its wing feathers fully developed inside the egg , but it cannot fly before it hatches .

  14. 针锋相对地,一个成年帝企鹅与一只贼鸥抗争着,阻止它叼走一只刚刚死去的幼雏。

    Going beak to beak , an adult king penguin challenges a skua attempting to make off with a freshly killed chick .

  15. 我们在帐篷里建起了实验室,里面有所有的设备,幼雏们在一个孵化器中被完好地孵化出来。

    We set up a lab in a tent with all the equipment and the chicks fully hatched out in an incubator .

  16. 鸡新城疫消化道免疫的研究Ⅱ、幼雏消化道免疫组织化学及功能研究

    Studies on the alimentary immunization in Newcastle disease I . Studies on the immunohistochemistry and immune function of alimentary tract in chickens

  17. 黑头噪鸦具有储食行为,其储藏的食物对雌鸟的孵卵以及幼雏的存活可能有重要意义。

    The jay shows food hoarding behavior and stored food maybe very important to nesting females as well as the survival of young .

  18. 当幼雏患严重球虫病的情况下,高水平的维生素A肝贮量是特别重要的。

    It is especially important to have a high level of vitamin A liver storage in the event that young chicks contract a severe case of coccidiosis .

  19. 育雏期每3小时左右采食一次。据1987、1988年人工饲养的幼雏各2只观察,幼雏生长发育迅速,日采食量350克(6日令)&2000克(50日令)。

    In the observations of two birds brooded artificially in 1987 and 1988 each , the young birds grew rapidly and daily feed intakes were 350g to 2 000g ( 60 to 50 days ) .